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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. When I just went on that site I saw something on the top saying “streaming live at 2pm EST” But it won’t be on TV until 8pm (EST) tonight. It looks like there will be a whole bunch of channels carrying it. channel 2, 4, 7, 34 (MSNBC) 35 (NBCS), 59 (BET), 60 (MTV), 62 (Paramount)
  2. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/connect/togetherathome/?utm_source=social_platform&utm_medium=platformglobal_partner&utm_campaign=oneworld_launch&utm_content=signup One World: Together At Home. April 18 A global broadcast & digital special to support frontline healthcare workers and the WHO.
  3. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/coronavirus/fl-ne-animal-shelter-palm-beach-20200415-tygsxxpfdvbqpgdxrazb2qnvuq-story.html ‘Coronavirus adoptions empty animal shelter for first time’ Pretty cool.
  4. This tweet was from earlier today so the donation contest is over now. I’ll be interested to see what the final total is. $70,000 so far. Bravo Bills fans!
  5. With the new CBA and it’s more lenient policy on drugs, I wonder if these types of things will impact draft position less than in the past? Especially if it’s marijuana, since suspensions for it have been eliminated. https://www.si.com/nfl/lions/news/new-nfl-cba-makes-changes-to-drug-policy
  6. If you have an athletic subscription, there’s an interesting article with Sabres head coach Ralph Krueger from the beginning of March (before the NHL stopped playing games) where he mentioned some ways he thought covid could change things. It’s an interesting interview. https://theathletic.com/1665553/2020/03/09/as-global-markets-sound-alarms-ralph-krueger-forecasts-paradigm-shift-in-society/ (just FYI, they’re offering a free 90 day trial for new customers right now) They they were still playing games at this point:
  7. They seem to have a lot of good reviews. By any chance do you know if you have the full memory foam mattress or the hybrid with the memory foam + coils?
  8. I’m not against opening the beaches to exercise. It just looked a bit crowded to me and there appear to be groups of people standing together. But with it being the first day back open I can understand why people were excited to go walk on the beach. Hopefully the crowds/social distancing will improve in the coming days.
  9. This picture appears to be real from what I can tell. I went to the action news Jacksonville site and they have a live web camera from Jacksonville beach pier and you could see a bunch of people walking. https://www.actionnewsjax.com/weather/skycams/ Apparently starting today the beaches are open from 6-11am and 5-8pm every day, but only for exercise.
  10. I really need a new mattress that will work on an adjustable base bed frame. I was in the middle of shopping for a new bed when all this coronavirus stuff hit. Most local mattress stores are closed, and I don’t see being able to have delivery drivers in my house for a while yet (I have a really tricky staircase I was planning on letting them deal with...lol) so I’ve been looking at the different memory foam or memory foam/pocket coil hybrid mattresses that are delivered to your house rolled up in a box - like Purple, Nectar, Helix, Crave, Tuft & Needle (etc). Anyone have any experience with any of these “bed in a box” mattresses you order online? Or with a memory foam mattress in general? If so, any recommendations? How is the support? Does it make you hot at night? I hear that “purple” mattress is supposed to be good for lower back pain and it seems popular, but it just looks weird with that honeycomb top. Im leaning toward one of the hybrid pocket coil/memory foam mattresses like the ones from helix, but I’m a bit apprehensive about ordering one of these online mattresses. I've never bought a mattress without laying on it first.
  11. Yeah that’s why I posted it. I should have checked into it first, but it was the WSJ. They’re usually pretty trustworthy.
  12. I think some of these tracking sites that use estimates may be over reporting COVID19 deaths. But I think the confirmed death totals are most likely being under reported. Many states are only counting COVID19 deaths if you tested positive before death. Morticians are asking for tests to confirm cause of death and being told no. Its why you saw NYS add a “probable death” category (that added 3700+ deaths). Before that they were only counting deaths in those w/confirmed positive tests before death. So that didn’t take into account things like the many DOA (dead on arrival) paramedic calls every day, where the suspected chase of death was COVID19. I think confirmed covid19 deaths are likely being under reported world wide. Wuhan, China just doubled their reported death totals yesterday. Italy is still under reporting covid deaths. I’m sure it’s the same in other countries too. That makes more sense. Yeah, I saw that headline on WSJ and said “holy ****!”. Edit - I just checked that world o meter site and it shows about 2100 for yesterday. While obviously still a devastating total, it seems more in line with previous days totals. I thought that a spike of over 2000 over the previous day seemed extreme.
  13. https://www.scribd.com/document/456756506/Trump-releases-Opening-Up-America-Again-guidelines Its nice to see some federal guidelines, but they’ve left me with a lot of questions. What I don’t understand about these guidelines is that they made it sound like a lot of this stuff is already in place when they said some states are ready to open up “literally tomorrow”. I am not aware of a single state that has been able to test everyone that has symptoms (maybe I just missed it?). I’m not aware of a single state that has a contact tracing program, or temperature screening at workplaces (etc). I don’t know of any state with ample stockpiles of PPE (but I’m not sure on that). And if no state is even able to test everyone with covid symptoms, let alone doing widespread testing of potentially asymptomatic people, how can they even be sure that their case numbers are truly trending down? especially if up to 20% of people with COVID19 are asymptomatic. I just don't see how states can accomplish some of the stuff they’re being asked to do, and I don’t see how it’s reasonable to assume they can ramp these programs up even further when they’re already failing at it. Some State governors are already saying that they are capped out on their testing ability without help from the federal government. How can you just assume that states can scale up without federal help? Same with the PPE and other equipment. States have been trying for weeks now to fill their PPE needs without success. How can states put in a legit contact tracing program? Seems like something that would have to be at the national level, with all the interstate travel. What do they do if/when a COVID19 patient they’re tracing crosses state lines? Especially if the bordering state doesn’t have a contact tracing program? How do you handle a state that’s in phase one bordered by a state still in early stages? Also, I was surprised to see some of the businesses allowed to reopen in phase one: What do those strict protocols look like? How will they be enforced? How is it even possible to achieve strict social distancing in some of these places?
  14. This is the Olson mask. Here is step by step instructions, materials, etc: (this is for people who know how to sew (not me...)). https://www.avera.org/app/files/public/76443/Olson-Mask-with-Pattern.pdf
  15. https://www.sciencealert.com/clinical-trial-for-high-dose-of-chloroquine-stopped-early-due-to-safety-concerns
  16. I still have the original NES (with duck hunt gun) and original Atari in my basement + games & joysticks/controllers for both. I’ve thought about trying to hook them up recently, just out of total boredom. I have a couple really old computers + monitors too (one with a 3.5” floppy drive. I may even have one with a 5 1/4 floppy drive) and a bunch of old electronic supplies and test equipment from my grandpa’a TV repair shop (like old oscilloscopes and some other cool stuff).
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