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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Press release from RB (the makers of Lysol) today: https://www.rb.com/media/news/2020/april/improper-use-of-disinfectants/ ?‍♂️
  2. I’m not feeling as good about Miami picking Tua as some of you are. I’d have rather seen them going with Justin Herbert. If Tua stays healthy he could be a great QB. He has tons of talent and his accuracy + anticipation look top notch (from what I’ve watched/read anyway). Tua May have some health question marks, but IMO Herbert has more ?? when it comes to playing the QB position at a high level. I felt like Herbert was another tannehill level (mid-tier/mediocre) QB where as if all goes well with Tua he has the chance to be a top 5-10 QB in the NFL. But they always say “be careful what you wish for”, so maybe I’m wrong (like many times in the past) and in a few years I’ll be glad they didn’t take Herbert (and/or did take Tua... I hope!).
  3. Thanks everyone. I’ve been doing a bunch of reading on adjustable bases and mattresses and I think I’m going to pull the trigger. I think I’m going to order this adjustable base from iDealBed. Anyone have one by any chance? https://www.dealbeds.com/idealbed-4i-custom-adjustable-bed-base-wireless-massage-zero-gravity/ They seem well made, especially for the price. I’m still undecided on exactly which brand mattress I want, but I’m definitely going to order one. There are lots of good choices. Thanks again for all the recommendations everyone.
  4. Even though the bills don’t have a pick I’m still looking forward to the 1st round of the draft tonight. I’ve been looking forward to it all day long. It’s just nice to have a sports related event to watch + talk about. I’m excited to see how this virtual draft works out.
  5. https://www.amazon.com/Disposable-Particulate-Respirator-Self-Priming-Anti-particulate/dp/B086LJVD2P/ref=sr_1_1 So I ordered these today and just wanted to share in case anyone else was interested. Last night you got 10 for the same price. Today you get 4. But whatever, it is what it is. They are KN95 masks. It’s the Chinese version of the n95 mask. This is the only 95% filtration mask I could find online that was actually available for purchase. If you do order, make sure you pick someone that’s shipping soon. There are a number of different sellers. Mine are coming between apr. 30th - May 5th. Some sellers aren’t shipping until mid May- mid June. [Edit: just a note some have commented that some masks from sellers in China have been found to be decontaminated used masks. Buy at your own risk]
  6. Restaurants in Georgia, take notes: The guy with the hand sanitizer had me laughing.
  7. https://www.businessinsider.com/santa-clara-county-california-confirms-february-coronavirus-death-first-us-2020-4 ‘California says a person who died February 6 had COVID-19, suggesting the first US coronavirus death happened at least 3 weeks earlier than previously thought’ 1st coronavirus death in the US was originally thought to be on Feb. 28th in Washington state.
  8. Man, I wish they’d allow fans to access the coaching presentations. I’d even pay to subscribe.
  9. Well, Rex Ryan isn’t coaching anymore, so...
  10. He said of gov. Kemp- “we’ll see what happens. He's a very capable man. He knows what he’s doing. He’s done a very good job as governor in Georgia,” and said he’d be talking to kemp very soon. So it sounds like he’s on board with Georgia opening to me. ?‍♂️
  11. A few quick links on compost tea: Basics: https://www.kisorganics.com/blogs/news/the-ultimate-compost-tea-guide Compost tea recipes: http://www.getcleanhands.com/pages/compost-tea-recipe.html The most basic compost tea recipes use either compost, earthworm castings or Alaska humas soil (this: https://hydropros.com/products/general-organics-ancient-forest-5-cu-ft) and air + water. -fill a 5 gallon bucket with water (let sit 24hrs to let chlorine evaporate if using tap water. You can bubble it w/the air stones to speed up this process) - put 2 air stones at the bottom - take your compost, put a few cups into an old sock, pantyhose, paint strainer bag (my favorite) etc (they even sell compost tea bags) and hang it from the side or middle of the bucket (I like to hang mine from the middle by tying it around a stick that sits across the top of the bucket). You can larvae the compost loose too but it’s messier that way. -let it bubble for 24-48 hours. You can add in a few tablespoons of molasses if you want as food for the micro life, but it’s not necessary. If you’re really feeling ambitious there are tons of different DIY compost tea brewer builds on YouTube. Some more complex than others. Some make their own pvc manifolds instead of using air stones. But I’d try the simple 5 gallon bucket setup and see if you like it first. Here’s a simple design: Ive done it with a 2 outlet air pump and only 2 air stones too. I used 2 of the heavy 4” cylindrical air stones (the lighter ones tend to want to float). The goal is to have the whole surface of the bucket bubbling. Ideally, you don’t want any dead spots that aren’t getting aerated. Some notes on using molasses: https://www.gardenteacompany.com/compost-tea-recipes/ I generally agree with what they're saying on not using molasses, but I do still use it. Molasses does make the team more bacterial dominant and you don’t always want that. It can also cause the tea to go anaerobic if you use poor starting materials (compost not properly composted, etc). It’s easy to tell if that happens though because it smells terrible. But molasses is a good food source for the microbes in the tea and in the soil and for the plants as well. IMO It also adds some flavor to the plants/veggies. I’ll sometimes just water my plants with plain water + a tablespoon or two of molasses instead of using it on the tea. For most broad use, you want a diverse mix of micro life (bacteria and fungi). So maybe skip it in the beginning or don’t add it in until later in the brewing process (12 hours or less before it’s done brewing). You can get more specific on fungi or bacteria dominant teas for different plants if you really get into it (it’s easy to do). One of my favorite bloom recipes uses molasses. It’s simple. - compost -bat guano (you buy it powdered. It’s cheap) -molasses I water my flowering plants this after they start showing fruits. It helps them bulk up and gives an amazing taste IMO. Bat guano is my favorite flowering additive. It’s high in phosphorus and calcium, 2 things flowering plants need lots of, and nothing beats guano for adding taste to organic crops (IMO). It’s also loaded with diverse micro life that multiplies when aerated in the tea. For vegetation: -compost or earthworm castings (EWC are a good source of nitrogen) -fish hydrolysate (some type of natural fish fertilizer like Neptune’s brand they sell at Home Depot). - I love using kelp (either liquid or kelp meal (powdered. It’s cheaper). I add kelp meal to my veg teas and periodically during bloom too. Kelp is loaded with good stuff and it has natural plant growth hormones (like cytokinins, that promote cell division). They also help plants recover quicker from transplant shock, and if you spray your plants with kelp + fulvic acid (2/5 ratio) it’ll help them develop more flowering sites. There are a lot more detailed recipes on the Internet. The link I provided is a great start for the most well known + trusted recipes out there. But as I said you can start with just compost, water and air.
  12. Yes I was. Edit - give me a few. I’ll put together a compost tea post for this thread.
  13. Yes, I do a garden every year but plan on expanding a bit this year. I plan on doing corn, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, peas, green beans, potatoes, watermelon and probably some type of cucumbers and peppers. Maybe radishes. I also have raspberry, blackberry, blueberry and “pink lemonade” blueberry plants. I am pretty big into organic gardening. I do a fully organic garden with an emphasis on developing the soil micro-life (it’s made a huge, noticeable difference for me). But I also have some hydroponic setups that I use for fun. I’ve experimented with a bunch of different types of hydroponic (passive and active) and aeroponic setups. by the way @buffalokie, I know exactly what thread you’re talking about. I remember posting in it but I went back though all my posts and couldn’t find it.
  14. I don’t get what this reopening plan is even based on. I don’t see how Georgia meets the federal govt’s gating criteria to move to phase one (though I’m guessing the federal govt. must agree because they haven’t protested georgia’s plan and they said they would if they thought a state was trying to open before it was ready). https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6840714/Guidelines.pdf (gating criteria) Their covid cases aren’t trending down (I believe they’re actually still trending up), they aren’t able to do the widespread testing the plan talked about. They don’t have widespread antibody testing. They don’t have any tracing or screening in place that I’m aware of. Do they have those sentinel sites screening asymptomatic people and contact tracing the plan talks about? Do they have the PPE stockpiles it calls for? (I’d be somewhat surprised if they do with the shortages being faced by most of the country, but who knows). How are they going to protect the workers being asked to go back? Do they have some way for these businesses to purchase/acquire n95 masks for their workers (assuming healthcare workers in the state already have an ample supply)? So many questions... Also, some of the stuff that’s opening was surprising. How do you social distance while giving a tattoo or cutting hair, or even serving food? A waitress has to bring the food to the table. They have to go into the kitchen w/the cook(s). Plus, customers can’t eat their food with masks on. While you can maybe social distance in a movie theatre, it’s still shared indoor air space. One sick person coughs during that movie and those airborne virus particles could spread throughout the whole theatre. You could see this coming though. I knew states would start opening back up as soon as that federal plan was released and they said 29 states were about ready to open within the next few days. You know some governors were just itching to reopen. It sounds like a number of mayors are fighting the plans to reopen. I’ve read comments from quite a few that are not at all happy. Your mayor in Atlanta blasted this plan. The mayor in savannah is asking businesses to ignore this plan and remain closed. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/21/atlanta-mayor-blindsided-georgia-governor-reopening-state-197937 https://www.wsav.com/news/local-news/in-my-mind-this-is-reckless-mayor-van-johnson-reacts-to-governors-decision-to-allow-some-businesses-to-reopen/ https://www.wjcl.com/article/watch-live-savannah-mayor-addresses-response-to-coronavirus/32222105 whatever ends up happening with this reopening, try to stay safe friend!
  15. I don’t agree with some of the stuff the Pegulas have done, but if either of our teams are ever moved they won’t be replaced. We are one of the smallest, least profitable markets in both the NFL & NHL. That’s just reality. It was always too good to be true that some billionaire was just going to keep operating the team (Sabres) at a loss every year.
  16. (I believe the Athletic is offering a free 90 day trial if you don’t have a subscription)
  17. Another story on PSE and a Q&A with Kim Pegula. If you don't have an athletic subscription I believe they are offering a free 90 day trial.
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