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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. You know, I’ve decided.... I will no longer stand by the tyranny of wearing clothes in public. Damn oppressive government, making me wear pants. Who wants to join me? ?
  2. Thats actually a really interesting idea.
  3. That’s a pretty cool idea! It seems like a way to actually safely watch with other Bills fans.
  4. Next likely covid19 hotspot... full story - https://coloradocommunitymedia.com/stories/castle-rock-business-draws-crowd-against-public-health-orders,298725“
  5. If they don’t allow fans in the stadium, they aren’t going to allow them to gather in crowds outside of the stadium either.
  6. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2012410 Observational Study of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19
  7. Edit: The second is another retrospective study, this time from Italy of using an immune modulator, anakinra, which blocks IL-1, to treat covid-19 patients receiving non-invaisive ventilation outside the ICU. These were very sick patients who shoulda been in the ICU except, No Room link to article: https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf?pii=S2665-9913(20)30127-2 72% of the patients improved, which is actually pretty big. Hopefully this is being assessed in a controlled study somewhere. The first is a controlled (but open label) study of not critically ill covid-19 patients from Hong Kong of a combination of 3 drugs: interferon B-1b, kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir - which is an HIV protease inhibitor) and ribavirin (which is an antiviral used to treat RSV, Hep C, and some hemorrhagic fever viruses). The control group got lopinavir/ritonavir because it had become the standard of care. There is a small controlled study saying it is not effective). https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31042-4/fulltext The primary endpoint was negative viral swab, but they also looked at SOFA score (sequential organ failure assessment) and time to symptom mitigation, and saw a difference. The authors diplomatically note that lopinavir/ritonavir has been shown to be "modestly active" and suggest a controlled study of interferon B-1b. The thing that struck me was that the 144 patients screened were 80% of the Hong Kong covid-19 patients during this time period Feb 10 to Mar 20! For being on China's doorstep, Hong Kong really "Kicked Butt and Took Names" when it came to managing covid-19.
  8. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2012410 New England journal of medicine Observational Study of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19.
  9. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/93597a/plandemic-viral-nonsense-judi-mikovits-plague-of-corruption 'Plandemic' Is Dangerous, Viral Nonsense ‘A pseudo-documentary full of outrageous, verifiably false claims is still going viral, despite being repeatedly removed from YouTube and Facebook.’ Edit: more stuff from the "facts only" thread:
  10. https://wbfo.drupal.publicbroadcasting.net/post/wanted-new-york-thousands-covid-19-contact-tracers NY is looking for up to 17,000 contact tracers. details if you’re interested: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/get-involved-how-you-can-help you would be working from home from what I understand. I heard the pay is alright too (but haven’t confirmed that).
  11. Same. I’ve never seen anything like this before in my lifetime. My 87yr old aunt says the same thing.
  12. Follow up on the AP story from the previous page of this thread: https://apnews.com/9c4d5284ba4769d3b98aa05232201f88 ? [Edit: Hapless sez, bear in mind that per AP writer and long-time board member @john wawrow, AP publication requires two sources that have to have personal knowledge ie it can't be "heard it from someone who heard it...."]
  13. https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us/articles/marcus-williams-new-orleans-saints-5-toughest The 5 Toughest Players I’ve Ever Faced BY MARCUS WILLIAMS
  14. I know strength of schedule rankings aren’t that meaningful, but for anyone interested: https://www.sharpfootballstats.com/2020-strength-of-schedule.html they use forecasted 2020 Vegas win totals and have us right in the middle as far as SOS.
  15. Wow! 4 prime time games! The Bills got some respect this year. I hope this is the start of a new trend and we earn a place more often in prime time moving forward. Hopefully this year is the Bills national coming out party.
  16. https://docs.house.gov/meetings/AP/AP07/20200506/110747/HHRG-116-AP07-Wstate-RiversC-20200506.pdf This is Dr. Cainlin Rivers opening statement to congress from the house appropriations subcommittee hearing Wednesday. It’s worth reading. She also said that to her knowledge no state reopening meets all the gating criteria.
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