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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. That’s one gripe I had about Botterill. He preaches development and not rushing players, then he rushes 2 of our most important prospects for (IMO) reasons other than them truly being ready (the ROR trade).
  2. It makes me wonder how many are taking this thing serious around here. Personally, Ive seen multiple neighbors on my street gathering in large groups quite frequently. I’ve even seen multiple neighbors have big parties - for Easter, mother’s day. A couple had birthday parties. One house on mother’s day must have had about 10 cars parked out in the street. Even the ones that say they’re “taking it serious”, like my neighbor a few doors down with CODP, aren’t really taking it serious. Like, for her birthday a couple weeks ago her family did one of those car parades. Has to be about 7 cars. They drive by, honk. Circle around, then about 1/2 of the cars park in front of her house. They get out of the car, go right up to my neighbor and they all start HUGGING HER. No masks on anyone. Same thing on mother’s day. I was left wondering what the point of the car parade even was...lol. There’s 2 houses in particular, one right next door and the other a few doors down, that constantly have people over. Like, almost every day. My neighbor on the other side just had about 5 people over when the weather was nice last week. They all hung out shoulder to shoulder in his yard drinking beers. Then when it cooled off they all crowded into his small shed and hung out there all night. Went to watch the fly over at the park near my house 2 days ago. It was absolutely packed. I couldn’t even find a spot to park. I’d say maybe 1/2 (or less) were wearing masks or tying to social distance. It’s not the 1st time I went to walk in that park and there were lots of people crowding together. I’ve drove by restaurants and seen crowds standing outside waiting for food (with very little mask wearing and social distancing). I see many people in public without masks. Many who don’t social distance. I’ve had people standing Most of my friends I talk to are out and about almost every day. I think I told you about my friend who told me how serious he was taking this, then tells me how he’s running to the stores every day (no mask). He’s having groups of friends over for card parties (but he wore gloves! ?‍♂️ and had just come back from picking his sister up at the airport...). Maybe this is just my experience though? I know that many around here are following the guidelines. Maybe it’s just my neighborhood... lol
  3. https://cbssportsradio.radio.com/media/audio-channel/5122020-dion-dawkins I think this is the full interview with Dawkins.
  4. Im feeling pretty good about CB2. I think between Wallace, Norman and EJ Gaines someone will lock down that job.
  5. https://www.backtoworksafely.org All guidance plans are 100% free to download, if you wanted to print+distribute any of them. These recommendations would be in addition to all federal, state and local guidelines (that must be followed).
  6. I haven’t had a chance to read through all the guidelines contained in this link but it seems like a pretty decent resource so I figured I’d share. https://www.backtoworksafely.org It’s from the American Industrial Hygiene Association.
  7. Some of the stuff Watkins said reminds me of someone I know who has some issues with schizophrenia.
  8. Just came across this site. From the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/new-york You can pick any state. I just used NY since that’s where I live.
  9. I can’t speak to the report being discussed. But Personally, I’ve found that a lot of state health websites lag a week or two behind in their data because they are only reporting the cases once they confirm them and that takes time (as it mentions on their websites). And county department’s of health are overwhelmed, which is slowing things down as well. augie - go to that website, scroll down just past the deaths over time, to where it shows demographics. Then click on the lab testing tab. notice how from May 1st till current there’s all those perforated dots? This is what it says about what those dots mean: Also, see this: Ive found this website to be pretty accurate. They use preliminary data and it seems to more accurately reflect the real time case numbers. I mean, I can’t say for 100% sure it’s accurate, but since I’ve been following it I haven’t noticed any big discrepancies. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
  10. I agree with both of you. I just don’t see how they can resume the season. All it takes is one player or coach or team employee getting sick to derail everything again. At this point just focus on next season (and even that is not a guarantee, at least starting on time anyway). It would be a logistical nightmare to try and complete this season.
  11. I am seeing some misunderstanding already on this reopening in NY (not here, in real life). Not all of NYS is in phase one. Counties that meet the gating criteria can move into phase one starting May 15th. Check your local county to see if it meets the criteria. If you are unsure call your county executive or health department. And once we start opening, it’s going to be on us citizens to help monitor if businesses/employers are following guidelines. They can’t just reopen like normal. They have to follow phase 1 criteria. If you’re concerned they’re not, talk to your boss or the business owner/manager. If all else fails you can report them to the county or N.Y. labor. We have not beat this virus by any means. We’re going to have to be more vigilant than ever as we reopen, otherwise case numbers will spike and we’ll be back on lockdown. Nobody wants that.
  12. https://www.msn.com/en-us/Health/health-news/doctors-keep-discovering-new-ways-the-coronavirus-attacks-the-body/ar-BB13SoPn Doctors keep discovering new ways the coronavirus attacks the body Man, this f’n virus is a monster.
  13. https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/news/ahl-cancels-the-remainder-of-the-2019-20-season American Hockey League cancels the remainder of the 2019-20 season ‘The remainder of the AHL regular season and the Calder Cup Playoffs have been canceled due to the coronavirus’
  14. https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/radiocom/fauci-nfl-team-would-need-to-shut-down-given-positive-tests Fauci: NFL Team Would Need to 'Shut Down' for Two Weeks Given Positive Player Tests
  15. Anyone know what Bills players he’s referring to?
  16. Just FYI though: According to Mark Poloncarz, Erie County doesn’t meet the 7 criteria yet. Here is Cuomo’s full press conference: And the full plan:
  17. Don’t gather in crowds to view this! (and if you insist, at least wear a mask and social distance please).
  18. Yeah, I mean, if we have to wear pants and a shirt to go into a store, what’s next? Asking us to wear masks while a pandemic ravages the country? Where will it end?! ?
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