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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. It’s funny that Gregg Williams seems to think his defense is in the same league as the Seahawks (he probably thinks it’s better knowing greggo). lol
  2. Do your friends also drink every day? Could it have something to do with you having a higher tolerance from drinking every day? (and maybe from size/weight if you’re a bigger dude). similar to a daily pot smoker. He/she can smoke a whole joint without getting wrecked, where as a more casual smoker would take a few hits and be stuck on the couch for an hour...lol. I have no tolerance for alcohol anymore (and I’m Irish. Shameful, I know. lol). I get a buzz from 1 beer. I used to be able to drink a 6 pack without catching a buzz. You may also be getting more buzzed than you realize. I think Gary gave some great advise. Ask your family (or whoever is around you most) for their opinions on how you control your drinking. Like for ex, I have a buddy who doesn’t think his drinking is an issue. Says he doesn’t even get buzzed, but I can easily tell when he’s been drinking. He’s totally different but just doesn’t realize it. Then I have other friends who frequently drink and it’s not an issue.
  3. I read about that too. I also read that covid survived something like 2-3 months frozen (or something like that). I read that it can’t grow and multiply on food though, like salmonella (etc), making it quite unlikely that you will get infected from frozen goods. Just wash your hands before eating or touching your face. They’re speculating that the new outbreak in New Zealand (17 cases total. 4 new cases caused them to lock down all of Auckland - quite the difference from our outbreaks, eh? Some states have 20,000 new cases A DAY and just shrug their shoulders at it ?‍♂️ But anyway...) may have possibly been caused by imported frozen goods because the guy who caused the outbreak works at a frozen food plant (but it hasn’t been proven yet afaik and could have been caused by something/someone else) https://www.sciencealert.com/can-imported-frozen-foods-really-spread-covid-19-here-s-what-experts-say They still say the risk is low. And they also mention this: sounds like they still think the risk is very minimal: (Wash your hands before you touch your face or eat) as far as why bacteria and viruses can survive so long being frozen, that’s not something I’ve ever really looked into. I think it’s just the nature of viruses. It’s why flu season is in the winter, not the summer (covid obviously isn’t a typical flu). I believe that Colder temps and low humidity allow the virus to survive longer outside of its host. Heat and humidity kill it much faster (see link below). Someone else may be able to give a more detailed answer. https://aem.asm.org/content/76/9/2712.full “Effects of Air Temperature and Relative Humidity on Coronavirus Survival on Surfaces” (from a 2010 study). I know that there are even claims of viruses living 700+ years frozen in ice (some experts speculate that as the ice caps melt we could see new (old) diseases). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4250107/
  4. Great news! Hopefully it’s accurate. sounds interesting. Hopefully this holds true. A faster, cheaper test with the accuracy of PCR tests would be awesome news. But if it’s closer to the accuracy of the current antigen tests, well....
  5. https://www.wsj.com/video/series/wsj-films/covid-chasers-the-nurses-fighting-coronavirus-from-hot-spot-to-hot-spot/E05FF3C1-0873-4AF9-ADA1-9F1CECE24065 Please take 10 minutes and watch this whole video. They’re heroes in my book.
  6. https://nhl.nbcsports.com/2020/08/15/boston-bruins-goalie-tuukka-rask-opt-out-2020-stanley-cup-playoffs/ Tuukka Rask opts out.
  7. https://covid19risk.biosci.gatech.edu COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Tool This is a pretty cool tool.
  8. Matt Ellis also hired by the Sabres as director of player development but I guess it won’t be officially announced until next month. https://buffalonews.com/sports/sabres/sources-matt-ellis-joining-sabres-as-director-of-player-development/article_2326ddfc-de48-11ea-acdd-5711c15065a1.html
  9. He had a bad season for sure, but I have to believe he has some value even if it’s not a ton. I don’t think he’s just a throw away player you don’t qualify and lose for nothing.
  10. https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/38-new-covid-10-cases-in-eden-traced-to-a-single-source/71-8a921631-c162-4f28-af90-0e18f532170c 38 new COVID-19 cases in Eden traced to a single source The Erie County Health Department at this time the risk of community transmission from these cases is considered to be very low.
  11. This would be such incredibly poor asset management. At least quality him and then trade him. He has to have some value. I sure hope Kevyn Adams doesn’t start his tenure with a decision like that.
  12. Who’s the last Bills head coach to get a contract extension?
  13. Great news!! Now get Beane’s contract extension done!
  14. Yes, I realize that. My comment wasn’t really about comparing the exact number of cases. It was directed at our response to our outbreaks vs. theirs.
  15. Seth Jones is a f’ing beast! Did you see him flying down the ice at the end of the 3rd OT (while the rest of his teammates looked totally gassed). He’s a machine. But yeah, Columbus must be just about dead at this point. lol
  16. Especially with them being off for so long. No practices, no games. You can work out but it’s a bit different from being in game shape (IMO anyway).
  17. CBus looked exhausted during that 3rd OT. They came out with more jump in the 4th than I thought they would. They’re coming for that 5 game play-in series too. I’m pulling for them. At least in this particular match-up.
  18. Columbus vs. Tampa Bay game is in it’s 4th overtime. edit, make that a 5th OT. This is crazy! Top 5 longest game in NHL history.
  19. Thats ******* crazy!! Wtf?!
  20. https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/11/world/new-zealand-restrictions-intl-scli/index.html 4 new cases and New Zealand is reinstating covid restrictions. Will last at least 3 days and then they’ll reassess. By contrast, the US had almost 50,000 new cases yesterday alone and our federal govt. says “eh ?‍♂️ whatever”.
  21. Another one to add to the ignore list... ?
  22. Not sure. I was just posting what they said on ESPN.
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