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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Damn, josh! 👏👏👏👏
  2. It makes me nervous! 😂 nah, I’m thoroughly enjoying this. 👍
  3. Milano! Go get that money kid!! $$$$
  4. 16-6 Baltimore over the Browns. Maybe Baker needs to do another commercial. That’ll fix it! 😂
  5. Because you’re been a buffalo sports fan for a long time, like most of us. We’ve been conditioned to be like this. 😂
  6. Outside of that fumble you really couldn’t have asked for a better start by the Bills. Big props to the Bills coaching staff. Speaks very highly of them how well prepared the Bills look without any preseason games. It’s a pretty Stark contrast to how prepared the Jets look so far (don’t want to get too cocky here...lol).
  7. It’s cool getting to hear all the play calls and Allen changing protections. touchdown brown!!!!
  8. Diggs looks like such a huge addition so far. He’s caught everything that has come his way and he’s making it so tough for the Jets defense to cover everyone. Did anyone see him pointing to Allen that Dawson Knox was going to be open in the end zone on that last drive?
  9. I am really impressed with how confident Allen is playing. He looks so much more comfortable out there. He looks very in command of this offense. It’s getting me excited! 😁
  10. I watch tv on the spectrum app on roku. I’m about 45 seconds behind the cable broadcast. Definitely annoying but I’ve gotten used to it.
  11. I LOVE that they went for it! Step on their throats!!
  12. Allen and the offense are looking pretty good guys & gals!!
  13. Bummer. Allen took points off the board with that fumble. The offense was looking pretty good though!
  14. Cam Lewis active! I’m really rooting for the kid.
  15. I can’t tell you how nice it is to see game day threads on TBD again! Im so excited! and nervous... lol
  16. I don’t know. I just couldn’t get into that season. Not even sure what it was. Definitely didn’t fit as you mentioned.
  17. Second season sucked. I almost quit watching (glad I didn’t!). I struggle to get through the 2nd season every time I’ve rewatched that series.
  18. https://www.channelguidemag.com/tv-news/2020/09/11/friday-sept-11-9-11-the-final-minutes-of-flight-93-history/ ‘Friday, Sept. 11: ‘9/11: The Final Minutes of Flight 93’ on History‘
  19. Stay safe! Best wishes to you, your family and friends. I have friends in California (used to live in Santa Clara). Thankfully they aren’t really in the path of any fires.
  20. That’s a good point that puts my mind at ease a bit. Thanks.
  21. 👍 And all the families of the first responders who have lost their life since that day due to the health consequences of being at ground zero. I think it’s important that we don’t forget them (not saying you did or anything).
  22. I don’t know how they will operate at a cap of $70M with the contracts they already have on the books. Eichel and skinner alone will take up what, 30+%? We are far from the only team making pay cuts (more in the article) I just hope they keep Krueger and his assistants. I’d hate to see him fired because he refused a 2nd pay cut. No way can we afford a cheap, rookie coach on top of a cheap, rookie GM.
  23. This feels like a preseason game so far. Sloppy. I’m expecting hints to be somewhat similar on Sunday.
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