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Everything posted by Figster

  1. Lets not forget Newton has also scored a career 58 TD's on the ground. Combined run and pass 28 more TD's then RW at this point in their pro careers. RW 212, Cam Newton 240 (Cam has started 10 more games then RW)
  2. If I had to choose between RW and CN, I'm taking Cam. What intrigues me is we have a QB with the same size and skill set as Cam Newton, but smarter.
  3. Chandler is making a point. Wins or losses during the preseason is not a good indicator. How can it be when the actual starters have limited play time.
  4. If the league is pushing for 18 games, why not eliminate 2 preseason games and start the season earlier. I'm game...
  5. True that, Players fighting to become the starters, the backups. Players fighting just to make the team. Competing at a time when wins mean nothing by way of standings. Everything to a players future in the NFL. Who sinks, who swims...
  6. I'll bite OP, Upgraded Oline and a more settled QB position should produce better results this year both pre season and regular season IMO. A little continuity. Myself personally, winning is nice , but as much can be learned from a loss during pre season in my humble opinion.
  7. Good D's have come and gone over the years in Buffalo, some probably good enough to win a championship. If you had/have a franchise QB...
  8. Lonely is the night when you find yourself aloneYour demons come to light and your mind is not your ownLonely is the night when there's no one left to callYou feel the time is right, say the writing's on the wall...
  9. I'm just a hunk, a hunk of burning loveJust a hunk, a hunk of burning loveJust a hunk, a hunk of burning loveJust a hunk, a hunk of burning loveJust a hunk, a hunk of burning loveJust a hunk, a hunk of burning love
  10. People are strangeWhen you're a strangerFaces look uglyWhen you're alone.Women seem wicked When you're unwanted Streets are unevenWhen you're down.
  11. Underneath the bridge The tarp has sprung a leak And the animals I've trapped Have all become my pets And I'm living off of grass And the drippings from the ceiling But it's okay to eat fish 'Cause they don't have any feelings
  12. Hand made CBD Tucks, I like it...
  13. Of course they do, because thats the Bible belt for you.
  14. In a world where most man made pharmaceuticals are geared to combat the symptoms and not the disease with many harmful side effects to go with it natures CBD oil is somewhat of a miracle cure all for whatever ails you. Did I mention fever reducer...
  15. Thanks buddy, 15 year cancer survivor (lost one kidney) over 80 and still going strong. Her daily activities have increased over the last few months which is nice to see.
  16. Cleared it with my doctor and my moms before using and monitoring everything very closely. The thing is many medications used/ perscribed for pain or anxiety are already known to be harmful to the kidneys. Some of the same medications can have an adverse effect on blood pressure medications. Living with one kidney makes it much harder to maintain a good product of life without slowly destroying her remaining kidney. CBD actually lowers her blood pressure along with anxiety and pain while reducing inflamation. I agree, always be careful and when in doubt, ask a professional. I think its only a matter of time before CBD is covered by insurance and used/perscribed by most family doctors in my humble opinion.
  17. It comes in various strengths and applications. Curious. Mind If I ask what didn't work? If you bought 350 MG strength for extreme pain chances are it probably wouldn't. ( comes 8 times stronger) It would not surprise me If heavy pot smokers need a stronger dosage to achieve the same results as someone that has never puffed
  18. My mom started using it a few months ago with amazing results. Being a cancer survivor with the loss of one kidney I was a bit cautious and skeptical. She also has high blood pressure, very arthritic and suffers from fibromyalgia. It helped with everything including an increase in her remaining kidney function. CBDMD is the brand. (1500 MG ) At approx $100 for 1 to 2 month supply depending on the dosage.
  19. If you are expecting a small country to abandon its means of protection however primitive as it may be at this point. Diplomacy on a more personal level is the best course of action in my humble opinion. Myself personally, it took big balls to walk into NK, alone and completely at the mercy of Kim. MERCY! History in the makings...
  20. I understand, Its football news worthy regardless, and who am I to judge. Mods / admin do a good job deciding what stays and what goes on TSW in my humble opinion. Thanks for sharing.
  21. My 1st impression of the thread If I'm being honest OP was why are you posting this here on TSW. Its not really football related and a cousin from another NFL teams player is a stretch. As I watched the replies come in and the discussion that developed the reason why dawned on me. The NFL is one of the biggest platforms in the world. Through thoughts and prayers perhaps a TBD member will say to himself, you know what, I can be a little safer with my firearms. Making sure my gun cabinet is locked. My ammunition is kept seperate from the guns. I'll make my home a safer place to live. Through thoughts and prayers a child will be saved. Thanks OP for posting.
  22. As harsh as this may sound WEO, it would save lives.
  23. I wasn't familar with the name so had to google it. Sad News
  24. Good point Gu, Thanks I'll never like the guy after the Tre hit, but I can like the millions getting donated.
  25. 10 grand is peanuts to Gronk. The way I see it the Tre White hit was worth more to him because it cost more.
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