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Everything posted by Figster

  1. We can learn, but clearly everyone does not reach the same conclusions. China is telling the US right now we are fighting the virus all wrong. We the people are the front lines of this invisible war and without proper protection for everyone our doctors, nurses, supplies and hospitals will never be able to keep up with the spread. Everyone needs the masks...
  2. I agree, and its a good point. Reaching into your pocket alone can cross contaminate. I still think however the gloves give you more problems then solutions. It boils down to what we as individuals feel is the safest. I hope everyone makes the right decisions. Myself personally, having tried the latex glove approach while shopping. I came away from the experience with the opinion sanitizing my hands with the sanitary napkins / hand sanitizers most stores supply works equally as well with less problem worrying about proper removal or disposal. With all due respect
  3. Don't you think pulling out a small container of hand sanitzer after possible exposure is easier and makes more sense? I appreciate the discussion
  4. You are also more intelligent then your average bear Haplesss. Even so, I've watched highly intelligent men and woman fail performing proper dress out procedures during training because of mistakes made during glove removal. I'm speaking from experience. How did you open the door to your car or grab keys without contaminating them? Much easier and safer to just wash your hands IMO. Latex gloves are not necessary IMO. I respectfully disagree with much of what you are saying.
  5. I can tell you from experience in the field and in a training facility the average individual will not know how to remove gloves without cross contaminating themselves. Even after extensive training the removal of gloves is the most likely place worksers make a mistake. It sounds easy right? Lets say you remove one glove successfully. How do you remove the 2nd glove with a bare hand without touching it? Can you perform this task in a car after shopping? Or do you crap up everything you touch? Wash your hands...
  6. Its possible the negatives out weigh the positives IMO. The chance of cross contamination during removal vs just washing your hands thoroughly after exposure makes your sons argument a good one. Of course small cuts. or abrasions on the other hand are also something to take into consideration. The N 95 mask to me is a no brainer in my humble opinion. Every household in the US should have a supply. Common sense would tell you stopping the problem at its source results in less masks and ventilators needed in the hospitals. Essential workers need them. We all need them. Protect the air you breath my Bills brothas and sisters. Its the only way we can stop this virus in its tracks.
  7. Here's the thing, having worked nuclear in the past I know with proper training and protective gear / precautions taken its possible to perform tasks safely in most work settings. China I think has done a real good job in the fight against covid 19. All you have to do is look at pictures of men and woman going about their business walking in close proximity to one another to understand why. They are all wearing masks. Ever think If the general puplic and essential business workers received the same consideration as health workers when it comes to masks we might do a better job containing the virus? Stop the ones carrying it from spreading and protecting the ones that dont' have it from catching it? Residing in a spread out neighborhood vs an apartment complex or even town house setting I think is playing a big role in the spread of covid 19. NYC by way of example has people stacked on people, stacked on more people. Not good. Myself personally, more focus should be put on ways to protect the air that we breath to better prepare ourselves going into the future.
  8. People moving from hot spots to what the feel are safer surroundings while contagious is inevitable. My aunt and uncle just brought their daughter back back home from NYC. On one hand you want to say its not safe. On the other, can you fault a parent from wanting to protect their children? Even If it kills them? How about every essential business has its employeess wearing the proper protection they need to do their job safely. My nephew is in the field today inspecting sprinkler systems in facilities without proper protection.
  9. If you want to use the yearly death totals from the flu virus by way of example then you probably saved thousands more lives through isolation.
  10. Only real way to slow this virus down is through protection and isolation. This country needs to continue the stay at home approach for a minimium of 12 weeks in my humble opinion.
  11. Risky is trying to use a high draft choice to find a #1 caliber WR in the draft IMO. My hopes of drafting Tee Higgins took a hit, but I really like this move.
  12. In my not so popular opinion, the Bills will be targeting the Lofty looking, but to tired to compete, Tee Higgins... (...Aaron Schobel was awesome...)
  13. Sammy Watkins has the unique ability to stop on a dime creating holes in the oppositions D. To me this ability along with his size is a good match for Josh Allens high velocity throws IMO. On the other hand, having the elderly albeit Jason Peters back in Buffalo wouldn't hurt my feelings
  14. Myself personally, If I'm the Bills GM I would explore the possibility of bringing Sammy back to Buffalo. Andy Reid made it a point to reference Sammy Watkins in his post game interview after the Superbowl. I think Reid realizes what he has in Watkins and finds a way to keep him in the fold.
  15. Brown is a #1 in Buffalo's WR Corp Sammy is a 3 for KC Would you like to compare playofff stats?
  16. I just think comments like Sammy doesn't love the game of football is pure speculation. Working through the off season suggests otherwise IMO. With all due respect Needle...
  17. Jim Kelly didn't want to be in Buffalo once upon a time, but you know what? I think If you asked him now he would tell you differently.
  18. Watkins would do well in Buffalo for the same reason Williams had immediate success. Size matters... Yet Sammy just spent the offseason working with Tyrod Taylor in an effort to build chemistry. Go figure...
  19. Sammy would be a #1 in Buffalo IMO. LA and Kansas City had solid #1s before Sammy joined the teams.
  20. Sammy didn't want to be in Buffalo probably about the same time he was given a heads up on a possible trade. Right... Myself personally, as the Bills GM I'm not trading a player the franchise sunk a fortune into for peanuts because a player is sad about not getting the football. This just in, great players want the football. Thurman Thomas wanted the football and became very disturbed about not getting it. Did we trade him? It was a mistake...
  21. Sammy Watkins played his best football when it mattered most throughout the Chiefs Championship run. With a player like Sammy in Buffalo its easy to imagine the Buffalo Bills advancing in the playoffs IMO. Baked Beane brain fart on the Sammy trade...
  22. A skinny stick of dynamite. Myself personally, Trevor Lawrence and Josh Allen have a similar body structure and play style that would make the lanky Higgins a natural fit for the Buffalo Bills O IMO. I've got my fingers crossed on this one...
  23. I'm a fan of Sammy Watkins and will continue to be, thats my business. Getting shuffled around is a big part of the problem IMO. Sammy Watkins loved Buffalo, wanted to come and play for the Buffalo Bills. Amazingly glad a talented player doesn't play for Buffalo? A player who could and in all likelihood would have helped the Bills go deeper into the playoffs? I'm not the one that sounds jilted...
  24. You mean like wanting the ball in a run 1st O and Tyrod Taylor at the helm? Myself personally John, WR's need to develop chemistry with the QB. It doesn't happen overnight. Patrick Mahomes and Sammy Watkins are developing good chemistry now as Watkins becomes more instrumental in the Chiefs quest for a championship. Sammmy Watkins would be a 1 WR on the Bills roster IMO. Sammy Watkins should be the 1 WR on the Bills roster...
  25. This draft has got to be about helping Allen at the WR, TE position, or big down hill runner at RB, (with good hands) If I'm Beane I'm addressing all 3 in that order... even If its a bit of a reach IMO. Higgins...
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