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Everything posted by Figster

  1. dog14787 Until I was a bad dog...
  2. I evolved from a dog into a Fig Newton and on to a Figster. Some call me Figgy, and I like it...
  3. Its a good point and part of the reason why Allen struggles with long ball accuracy IMO. Give him more overall size in his WR corp and I believe we will see a better completion % with long ball throws from Josh Allen. Less of an arc on long balls allows more chances for smaller DB's to make a play and less time for a WR to adjust IMO. Its all fine and good to have the ability to throw with velocity. On the other hand you better have an ability to throw with touch or even the easiest pass plays become a problem. Peyton Manning helped win his last Championship with what most would call a noodle arm because he understood what more arc and touch would give him, made the proper adjustments and played within his limitations in my humble opinion. Smart fella, that Manning...
  4. Absolutely, All part of the process...
  5. Reminds me of Thurman in that respect. Moss is a shifty down hill runner and in good contrast to the Barry Sanders like moves of Singletary. Another nasty wrinkle added for the opposition when facing Josh Allen and the Buffalo Bills. Awwww man, pls let there be Football this season. MERCY!!!
  6. My thoughts, I thought he would go in the 1st Tee Higgins...
  7. A big part of his game plan featuring an elite caliber RB playing the QB position.
  8. Greg Roman with the Ravens begs to differ, I think it depends on what you as an OC in todays NFL is trying to accomplish. Good ball control ground game helps keep high powered O's like KC off the football field. With that being said, Tee Higgins, Tee Higgins, Tee Higgins, Stephon Diggs and Tee Higgins...
  9. Sounds like a far fetched rumour to me. I seriously doubt Aaron Rodgers, the leader of the team is even going to alienate a new player in this mannner.
  10. HappyDays would be happening for me If Buffalo drafted Tee Higgins tonight.
  11. Good argument Limeaid, Myself personally, our country, Worldwide for that matter. People, young or old, we can all learn, get better at handling a crisis in my humble opinion. So perhaps the next time around, and that day will come. Mankind can meet the challenges with a better outcome.
  12. Unfortunately, it is the premise. By way of example what If someone with Covid 19 sneezes or coughs and small droplets land on your lips. Or in your eyes? The mask, almost any mask, protects you. It also helps keep your hands out of your nose and mouth which is a habit often hard to overcome for many.
  13. Better? So the most vulnerable in our society are wearing a mask that still leaves them vulnerable? when we have something safer? These same senior citizens are the one's going on ventilators in big numbers, many not surviving. I respectfully disagree. Been worried about you my OldTime friend, Great to see you posting...
  14. Good points Limeaid, Myself personally though, If I had to take a senior citizen to a doctors appointment for instance and by way of example I would prefer them wearing an N95 mask regardless. Car might break down on the way. Police might pull you over. The home or facility a senior citizen lives in requires routine maintenance. Heat and air, plumbing. Plumbers with bad teeth and farting butt cracks showing ( that one's for Gu) Cooking, cleaning. As your typical senior citizen I'm not sure it would be wise to rely on everyone else you may encounter for your own personal protection IMO.
  15. I think in almost any residency where an active case of Covid 19 is occurring samples from tissue paper from blowing ones nose for instance would give not only an indication, in many instances give you an exact address and location through mail correspondence IMO. Again, just a thought and you have become a very trusted and knowledgeable fellow patron for me to bounce ideas off of, for lack of a better way of putting it.
  16. I'll try to hunt down the article. I realize not having enough N95 masks to go around is the problem. To me though, this is a problem that should and could be fixed IMO. Mass production of the N95 mask prepares this country for the future IMO. At the very least we should give N95 access right now to all senior citizens and most vulnerable and any form of care giver that may come into contact with them IMO. The way I see it we the general public would be protecting in turn our fellow health care workers by wearing the N95 mask. (If we had access to them )
  17. Right now, as we are discussing. The only real safe way we have of protecting ourselves in an enclosed area or indoor enviroment with other people is with an N95 mask. It doesn't have to be an either or when it comes to health care workers vs essential business workers or general public getting the N95 mask IMO. With all due and utmost respect. I don't mean to say a mask or scarf of any kind doesn't help because it does and its a good point. On the other hand an N95 mask makes you over 10 times safer If memory serves me corretly. My point all along is Covid 19 needs to be stopped at the source in my humble opinion.
  18. Trash monitoring might also be something worth looking into in my opinion Hapless. Trash monitoring may help narrow down and posssibly even pin point a source that may not be showing visible symptoms of Covid 19. (Just a thought...) If it hasn't already been mentioned.
  19. Mistakes happen, absolutely. Having worked in a training center for Bartlett Nuclear teaching men and women how to suit up and protect themselves in often times a very dangerous environment. I've witnessed 1st hand the kind of mistakes that can happen. You know what though? They learned, and after awhile it became 2nd nature. Our country needs to prepare itself for the future. Nobody wants a future wearing masks. On the other hand everyone wants a future including the elderly and most vulnerable. Myself personally, If I'm president I'm mass producing the N95 mask and the reopening of the country in phases corresponds with the amount of N95 masks I can supply to the general public. Opening restraunts? Are you kidding me...
  20. Got gas yesterday and realized the attendant at the gas station appeared to be wearing an N95 mask. So I asked him about it and he said yes, my Dad got me this mask and wanted me to wear it. I thought to myself If only all of us had someone to hand us a mask that really works. The world would be a safer place. I know I personally felt much safer getting my gas. (despite wearing a regular dust mask) If everyone in the US could wear an N95 mask for one month we could stop Covid 19 in its tracks IMO.
  21. As would I, Camera's could avoid angles that show empty stands and have live shots of families at home enjoying the game on their computer/lap top.
  22. True that, We're talking die hard Bills fans here on TBD for the most part. I will say this though, the thought of Josh Allens health getting compromised by something that could have long term implications does not set well with me. We love our team, almost like family to some of us right? So I want our team to play If and WHEN its safe...
  23. I may be of a minority when I say the moral of our country is lifted by sporting events. Its how I truly feel...
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