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Everything posted by Figster

  1. From a policing perspective one way to help seperate racism from the equation is to have both white and black police officers working in pairs with an interchangeable officer in charge status corresponding by color with the person or persons the police are engaging with IMO. Do the same with all ethnic groups and have a police force designed to keep everyone in the community comfortable in their surroundings. Myself personally, It wouldn't hurt my feelings If every cop on the planet was of a minority.
  2. Save it for game winning drives, playoffs, and If all goes well,, The Superbowl...
  3. Who let the dogs out? WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF! Who let the dogs out? WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF!
  4. We have a large number of protesters who are very angry and have every right to be in my humble opinion. Within this group we have a smaller number of people taking advantage of the situatiion with hidden agenda's and corrupt intentions. The protesters real message of " help me, I can't breath" becomes clouded. White or black, or any color in between we can't lose sight of the real message and its something we can all understand. The contrast between light and darkness is not always clear...
  5. I'm Digging it Dr. Who, Allen tossing to Diggs with a soft touch on the football evokes happiness...
  6. Some materials such as polypropylene collect electrons and become negatively charged which may repel the surface of the negatively charged coronavirus IMO. Polypropelene fabric is also water repellent. Its possible a more breathable protection/ solution can be found for athletes IMO.
  7. Its probably more like 87% have driven home while intoxicated at one time or another vs 87% per game IMO. Good grief... I think Biscuit might have done a study on his college drinking buddies... I'm just saying...
  8. One of our town bakery's where I live began defying orders permitting indoor dinning with or without a mask. A popular city councilman, man of faith that goes to 3rd world countries digging wells so people have safe water to drink standing up for the owner in an open display of defiance.The bakery started gaining steam. Someone volunteered anonymously to pay the $10,000 a day fine. People started coming in from other counties to show support. Coming from places hit hard by covid 19. All was going well for them until bakery employees started receiving death threats forcing a change of plans by the owner. Can we blame anyone for being protective of their parents or grandparents the way they protected us growing up? I think not.
  9. Allen vs Mahomes in the AFC Championship would be awesome Mahomes magic is the real deal and I agree, They gonna be good for a little while...
  10. Myself personally, Covid 19 has seperated our younger generation from its more elderly senior guidance in my humble opinion. Whisper words of wisdom... ...Let it McD...
  11. Something often overlooked in assessment is Josh Allen hasn't dumped the ball of much to date. Allen also hasn't gone to a TE security blanket perhaps as much as other young signal callers IMO. The types of things that pad the stats, increase completion %, and add up in the passing totals. I think with the talent Buffalo now has at RB its part of Allens game that can and will show a marked improvent this season and may give Josh Allen the 300 yard passing games everyone is looking for IMO.
  12. Its a good question. Given the talent Allen now has around him. Its about to be be answered...
  13. The power forward /QB is powering its way to the forefront IMO. Lamar Jackson is a great example. Is Jackson going to beat you throwing for 300 + yards? Probably not. Make no mistake as an opposing DC, Lamar Jackson can and will beat you with his arm and legs. So while this may not put Lamar Jackson in the higher echelon of QB's from a passing perspective. Lamar Jackson is one of the hardest QB's in the NFL to defend against in my humble opinion.
  14. Josh Allen has got it all, heart, God given talent and most importantly brains. The Bills ability to run and pass backed by a top 3 D is going to win a Championship.
  15. After going into the yellow phase here in Erie County, Pa 5 days ago I'm happy to report only one new confirmed case since yesterday. Over a quarter of a million people in our County with 123 confirmed cases. 100 of them have quarantined and gone on to test negative. The kind of numbers we would like to see everywhere. Before entering the yellow phase there was talk of our county becoming a role model for other counties in the hard hit state of Pa. We shall see...
  16. Good question, Security and privacy issues are already a problem when it comes to Covid 19.
  17. I like the sound of transparency the name brings. Turning problems into solutions... ...I like it...
  18. Myself personally, preparations for a possible 2nd wave needs to begin now. Regardless of all the mixed signals on mask protection people are going to protest. You can count on it. Regardless of how hard we try to enforce social distancing people are going to gather in close quarters. You can count on it. Its happening right now, as we speak. We can't all walk around wearing masks forever. I have no problem walking among people without a mask If the people without a mask have had Covid 19, quarantined, and are testing negative. I have my mask and regardless of all the mixed signals it does protect me. The point I was trying to make Hapless is If protesters are going to march through the streets without wearing a mask I would prefer they were asked to join a program that was geared to test new idea's /applications. Pay them for their services. Enter these same protesters into a Herd immunity testing project after they have had Covid 19 and allow them to go about their daily businees without a mask. (clearly indicated and tested daily) Part of the problem becomes part of the solution...
  19. If you choose to you can live your life aloneSome people choose the city, Some others choose the good old Family home, I like living easy without family ties, Till the whippoorwill of freedom zapped meRight between the eyes, 'Cause I live and breathe this Philadelphia Freedom,From the day that I was born, I've waved the Flag Philadelphia Freedom took me knee high to a man,
  20. Whats the old saying, "If you can't beat them, join them." Not wearing a mask or practicing social distancing seems crazy to most of us because we really don't have an alternative to protect ourselves or those around us at this point. On the other hand we have a good sized number of folks that for whatever the reason may be feel the need to use the freedoms our country has given them and make a stand. Well what If both sides could meet in the middle. We have vaccines in trial phase and the need for new ideas and applications to be tested. We need to build the Herd. If people are asking to be exposed give them what they want in a more controlled setting and pay them for their services. They can quarantine, test negative and go on about their business wearing a clearly visible indicator to those around them that they are now a herd test subject. Human Guinea pigs for hire...
  21. Myself personally, from my own observations I've watched a decrease in the use of masks and other protective measures taken in my community since the announcement of our county going into the yellow phase. Mostly house/yard gatherings albeit and probably with close friends or other family members. Just watched a group across the street pulling up, younger couple with their son carrying a hanging basket of flowers. In all likelihood a mothers day gift. Nobody wearing a mask visting senior citizens. If you visit mom on mothers Day, for those of us who are fortunate enough to do so, pls wear a mask for moms sake.
  22. Such a good point to make, thanks Doc Brown, Here in Erie County Pa we entered into the yellow phase after seeing the biggest spike our county has seen yesterday. Our numbers are still very low, but it goes to show the need for unity. Its imparative everyone works together on this Doc...
  23. If you are willing to wear a mask (properly) and practice social distancing you are not being selfish for wanting our way of life to get back to normal IMO. We have hard working Americans in food lines to feed their children. People need to work, collect a paycheck. The ones who will not wear a mask and practice social distancing are the real problem.
  24. I agree 100% Myself personally, If we could get our better half of the population (woman) on board with wearing facial protection over half the battle is won IMO. No macho man attitude to overcome. Allow them to lead by example. I mentioned a veil type face protection in an earlier post. Something more attractive and less restrictive. With much of the population resorting to a scarf or bandana type facial covering. I think its possible a veil made of the right material could offer a more suitable and desirable protective wear for both indoor and outdoor activities IMO. Children also need something less restrictive and easier to wear... https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/bengaluru/2020/may/04/bengaluru-researchers-eye-static-electric-masks-to-repel-covid-19-2138848.html Going hand in hand with the veil possibly...
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