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Everything posted by Figster

  1. A very plausible explanation. Oh, we can work on it alright. Just ask any young American and most will agree...
  2. Excellent point, Wich could explain why a 2nd big wave isn't happening yet in the hard hit state of NY. If you multiply our current US case load by 10 which is a reoccurring number I keep hearing we have reached the 10% mark nationally already. If true, this could be good news in a world of bad...
  3. Interesting, Perhaps Hapless can chime in, Even so, we're a little over 1% right now nationally.
  4. To achieve herd immunity without a vaccine unfortunately almost half the population would need to test positive with Covid 19 for a chance of this to happen. By way of example the state of NY would need approx 3.5 million people. https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200626/herd-immunity-threshold-could-be-as-low-as-43-percent
  5. I agree, I also think increased size and catching radius at the WR position is going to help matters.
  6. I think Allen understands the concept. Allens arm strength gets in the way IMO. Most QB's can unleash a long ball with everything on it without overthrowing. Both QB and WR are in sync with how far its going to go IMO. (55 to 60 yards) Josh on the other hand can easily overthrow his WR's on a long ball throw at any place and time on the playing field. (75 to 80 yards) The way I see it the more throws you can make and the more area you can cover increases the time/ practice it takes to gel wth the WR's IMO. In other words increased reps/ practice time needed kind of goes with the territory. Myself personally, Allen will learn to adjust and continue to improve his long ball throws over time.
  7. Not for me, I'm decent in chess until you start putting time limitations on the moves. Although I can see how it would help a QB, especially one as intelligent as Josh Allen.
  8. I think you may have hit the nail on the head with your possible explanation on how this could happen.
  9. Somewhere in the night
  10. Yes, I'm wearing the oil-protective short lifespan R95 with replacement filters. Expensive, and well worth it in my humble opinion. It does the job and doesn't take away from health professionals that need the N95. This is not the facts only thread and just because we have a difference of opinion does not mean I'm trolling you. I speak from experience working in an enviroment where airborne particulates are prevalent. Contact tracing here in the US is not doing enough and I touched on some of the reasons why. Looking for solutions not confrontations...
  11. We got a little side tracked on why I think going public is a good idea. Its not out of personal preference. Having the names and addresses posted publicly allows the public an ability to trace themselves IMO. Some people could be feeding contact tracers bogus information just to scare someone they don't like and put them under quarantine. Contact tracing on its own is leaving to many gaps in the tracking and just not working well enough IMO. Posting the names eliminates all the time consuming investigations, all the false reporting, and puts the information out there quick so it can warn people immediately IMO. A persons address is no secret. So you know that persons sick or may have sick family members. I'm not sure what the big deal is to be honest. Covid 19 is normally gone within a couple of weeks. I'm not sure why warning people you have it is an invasion of privacy. Drastic times call for drastic measures. I knew months ago the best way we have to combat Covid 19 is to wear a mask. Not just any mask. I wear an R95 mask. Very comfortable and easier to wear in comparison to the N95 IMO. Now that they are readily available to the public, I encourage my fellow Bills fans to do the same. Working Nuclear in the past has given me 1st hand knowledge and experience in dealing with airborne particulates. Myself personally, most of the country is still out of sync with the data available. I keep hearing it, over and over again. "I did everything by the book yet I just tested positive anyway." Wear a better mask people. How do you suppose 6 feet is a safe social distance when its been scientically proven droplets from a sneeze can travel twice as far? Yes, having an 82 year old mom with underlying conditions probably has me going a bit overboard with precautions. Thanks for the insightful response ( per usual) much appreciated.
  12. Myself personally, If my next door neighbor has Covid 19 its going to change the precautions I take. Windows wouldn't be opened on the side facing their house. I'll avoid letting their kids run up to me. Like most people I don't wear a mask doing yard work ,but I would probably start. I could go on and on about how knowing where Covid 19 has taken up residence might help me. No, I highly doubt theives are looking to exploit people with the virus because for one its an indication theres probably allot of occupants at home under quarantine. Two you might end up with the virus. Today, I can think of over 77,000 reasons why contact tracing isn't working well. In some states you can't even narrow down the case load by zip code. Like its some deep, dark, well kept secret. The way I see it knowing where the virus is and who has it would save lives. We have a difference of opinion...
  13. I'm not suggesting we stop contact tracing altogether.( It helps ) Simply pointing out why contact tracing by itself leaves to many holes. Names and places have to be given for the tracing to take place. Are we looking to manage the spread or stop it? (40%) Question, If you don't mind my asking? Does it look like we are managing the spread of Covid 19 properly here in the US? Anyone?
  14. No, no, possibly depending on the circumstances, and no. ( IMO ) Good questions, thanks
  15. Contact tracing is a flawed method in the fight against Covid 19 in my humble opinion. For the simple fact that you have to many people reluctant to share their activities for various reason. Will a married man give out the name/s of his mistress/s? Same goes for the mistress. Will a drug dealer give out the names of his customers? Will a working man divulge in his whereabouts while he's spending time at the lake with his buddies fishing when he's supposed to be at work? Probably not.( just a few examples) Regardless of how much coaxing a contact tracer uses to many gaps will occur to do a good job overall IMO. I realize it may create a security risk in some instances. In my opinion the names and addresses of people infected should be readily available to the public so everyone who may have come into contact with Covid 19 can find out for themselves. If my neighbor has Covid 19 it would be good to know so I can take extra precautionary measures. The same goes in apartments whrere shared stairways or elevators might be used. Thoughts anyone?
  16. From a bar perpective I just don't see a way to social distance properly and stay safe. So while I understand the need to preserve ones livelihood the value of life itself out weighs the business IMO LB3. The owners life, the bartenders life, the loyal patrons life. If everyone could just meet somewhere in the middle the world would be a safer place my friend.
  17. You said it yourself, "the virus doesn't recognize state lines" or care If it goes back to pay another visit to some of the places its already been. (@ LB3) South Dakota could be fine today and the home of another hot spot 3 weeks from now. Common sense is telling me to take the necessary steps/ precautions now and not wait until people are dropping around me like flies before I decide to do something about it. Its to late...
  18. Good question, I think without a unified approach across the nation Covid 19 will continue to spread unchecked IMO. It doesn't necessarily mean different precautions couldn't be used depending on the severity of the outbreak. By way of example everyone should be wearing masks and practicing social distancing right now regardless of where you reside. ( IMO) Myself personally, I think all bars and restraunts should be closed in the US with the exception of take out IMO. All large gatherings prohibited. Close all beaches. All places of worship should be closed in the US in my humble opinion..
  19. The problem with this train of thought is the country, its people, can't survive this way indefinitely. By way of example while car accidents might be down people need to drive. While flu deaths might be down people need to work, make a living, put food on the table. So no, I'm not buying into because the overall death rate in our country is where it should be the American people are where we should be because we are not.
  20. My point is without a unified approach the whole country could continue the spread going from one hot spot to another for God only knows how long. As soon as one hot spot gets under control a new hot spot emerges. The virus can travel long distances as fast as a person in a car, bus or plane can carry it. It knows no boundries. Nobody in our country is safe until everyone in our country is safe from Covid 19. With all due respect...
  21. Its called setting a good example, not sending mixed signals to a country in dire need of clarity. When I can climb in a car and drive from NY to Nebraska in under 24 hours. Contaminating everyone I come in contact with, Absolutely...
  22. Norwide I consider one the worst, Clever, albeit, and fitting I suppose, Hate it...
  23. I want to know what the true worth of a unified lockdown across the US would have been with leadership at the top intelligent enough to do something as simple as wearing a mask.
  24. It might be wise to seperate the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd string players during practice sessions, locker room activity and on gamedays. When I say seperate I mean in a social distancing manner. (With the hopes of keeping each level of player groups intact)
  25. Good take Gu, I will say however football players like anyone else deserve the right to make their own decisions when it comes to working/ playing and judging from the difference of approach and opinions from the younger generation to old on Covid 19. For the most part we have a difference of opinion. Myself personally, its probably just as dangerous to go shopping or eat out at a restraunt then to play contact sports on a field with men tested on a regular basis. I'm just saying...
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