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Everything posted by Figster

  1. Not being able to see and spend time with your mom right now has got to be really hard on you. I'm so sorry to hear. From what I understand our outbreak was also brought in by a staff member. I heard 5 positive cases earlier Wed afternoon through the grapeveine then 8 on the news a little later. So I'm assuming 8 positive cases ( at last count ) Corry's small, everyone knows everyone. Almost everyone that lives here probably knows someone at the manor. I have a cousin that works there. A friends mom also works there. Not good...
  2. I'm saying the aides and Y workers are more interested in practicing social distancing properly, good hygiene, and everything else they can do to keep the enviroment and its occupants safe. (including themselves) Educators, educate. What I mean by that Augie is an aid or Y worker will be focusing on safety. A teacher will be focusing on education. (By no means am I implying any one life is worth more than the other.) On a side note I just learned our biggest senior living facility in our small town of Corry has a Covid 19 outbreak occuring.
  3. Keeping the teachers safe IMO. Again, Y employess will be focusing on safety.
  4. Schools will always devote most of their time and attention to education. Understandable so IMO. The YMCA on the other hand is focusing primarily on safety. I get your point. Myself personally, my biggest concern is the position/ risk we put our teachers in. Many of whom are up in age and feel a moral obligation to educate and protect our younger generation.
  5. Well thanks for bursting our bubble Doc, The remedy still remains, play ball in the safest venues possible. National remedy Doc - United 30 day lockdown in all States United we stand... ...divided we fall...
  6. Tnis is a great point IMO. Since the stadiums will probably be empty anyways having all NFL matchups/players at neutral sites placed in the safest Citys of our country makes sense IMO. Or even out of the country like Canada. Well hello again Toronto/ Rogers Center...
  7. This is very depressing news. It only takes 1 team with a serious outbreak to throw a monkey wrench in the whole league when it comes to scheduling. Piss poor state management of Covid 19 in certain states is going to throw a monkey wrench in anything trying to be accomplished Nationally. Sigh...
  8. We might be seeing both herd immunity and a higher degree of social distancing, hygiene and mask wearing all working together in former hot spots here in the US and in other countries IMO. Stay vigilant everyone, and protect the elderly...
  9. Good points The problem I've seen all along is without a coordinated effort on the ground nationally is in just a 24 hour period Covid 19 can travel as far as one man can take it anywhere in the US. A 30 day unified national shelter in place order would prevent this from happening IMO. Everyone assumes they have Covid 19 until tested and told otherwise. You have 30 days to have or not have Covid 19 and get over it. I realize nobody wants to hear lockdown, especially in parts of our Country it seems under control. I get it. What needs to be done though is to make certain Covid 19 doesn't come visiting your home town because it effects and infects us all.
  10. I get the impression we might be seeing some herd immunity developing already in former hot spots IMO. I think other Countries are showing evidence of it. How long it would last or resist a 2nd wave that may have mutated remains to be seen. (speculation)
  11. The way I see it every player in the NFL was brought here for 1 reason. Future superstars of this league just waiting for the chance to play. This may be their chance to shine a little quicker than you would normally see. I really like Buffalo's depth and the coaching we bring to the table. We need football!!!
  12. We can stop this with a Nationally unified 30 day lockdown IMO. Prioritize the US work force. Shelter in place individually until each individual test negative from Covid 19. The positive case load gets quarantined until testing negative and then logged into a data base for future reference. We need this information to properly identify where more specifally by location herd immunity is being reached to be reviewed in the event of future outbreaks. This can be as simple or as hard as we want to make it. I think we can still do this Billsfan4...
  13. The virus running its course through a country I don't consider controling. The virus running its course around the world I don't consider control. Instead of the allowing the virus to run its course here in the US we tried to intervene. Without a unified plan in place it created a situation that extended and worsened the hardships of the pandemic on the American people IMO. Allow me to explain myself, If you test at the middle of the two week stay at home order and at the end you would have covered the incubation period IMO. ( two negatives a week apart) If you tested negative on the 1st day of a 14 day stay at home I don't think it tells you anything. Thus, why I thought two test at the middle and end of the 14 day stay at home would work as a double check and a wiser use of resources IMO. Updated Article on 90% of Covid 19 case load (on average) going undetected. https://ktla.com/news/coronavirus/antibody-tests-show-coronavirus-rates-10-times-higher-than-reported-cases-in-most-u-s-regions-cdc/ The 14 day incubation period does present a problem IMO. Especilly considering you can spread the virus before or without symptoms.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/cdc-study-covid-19-cases-may-be-10-times-higher-than-reported-214522682.html Its averaged out and again 10 is the reoccurring number I keep hearing. Myself personally, its obvious we don't have all the tools and resources needed to get a handle on the virus in my humble opinion Hapless. For many of the reasons mentioned. I beg to differ on the long incubation period. Priortize the work force and begin testing at testing centers. 2 week time span on testing negative, thanks In other countries hit hard the virus has thoroughly run its course through them and built up some herd immunity IMO.
  15. At this point it appears testing is only catching 10% of the actually true number of people walking around with Covid 19. The long incubation period is making it impossible to control. Home test kits and a per individual lockdown until testing negative twice through a one week time span might be the best way to corral Covid 19 in my humble opinion. One month and we could have the US back on track for a full recovery IMO. Having 90% of our Covid 19 case load walking the streets does not cut it.
  16. Yes, I remember Gu because you just reminded me, lol ( Exray)
  17. I was just talking to my army Brat niece last night about this very subject. Her husband just arrived in Afghanistan this week on a training mission and tested positive for Covid 19. My little army Brat is a very brave girl, but I could hear the concern in her voice as she tried to keep her emotions in check. Covid 19 scent patrol dogs could have prevented this from happening IMO.
  18. Interesting, one of the main ingredients in hair spray "polyvinylpyrrolidone" has a negative charge like polypropylene which repels the virus. Lol, hey man, I'm just saying... I realize its allergy season, but to feel sick enough to get tested yet continue working until test results come back would remind me of why its better to stay clear of hair salons. (hair stylist or customer) Myself personally, its very possible hair stylist A got the virus while working in my humble opinion.
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/cdc-study-covid-19-cases-may-be-10-times-higher-than-reported-214522682.html Back up to 10 it appears Whats interesting is using the multiplier would also drop the US mortality rate 10 times lower then it is now.
  20. The reason I mentioned outdoors is because from what I've seen Limeaid most people seem to be under the impression you are safe from Covid 19 on the outside when in reality you are not. Common sense tells you wind can increase how far something can travel. Early studies are also telling us Covid 19 is attaching itself to air pollution. We are seeing a correlation between higher case loads and deaths being recorded in places that air pollution is higher. The assumption is being made that this is because of the effect air pollution can have on the lungs. Myself personally, I'm not fully convinced. Covid 19 attaching itself to small particles of air pollution and being inhaled is also possible/ plausible in my humble opinion. Perhaps its a combination of the two. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/the-deadly-link-between-covid-19-and-air-pollution/ https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2020/07/17/why-air-pollution-is-linked-to-severe-cases-of-covid-19/ https://theconversation.com/air-pollution-exposure-linked-to-higher-covid-19-cases-and-deaths-new-study-141620 There are to many questions about Covid 19 and not enough answers. I think we are fortunate here on TBD to have someone like Hapless sifting through all the data and making heads or tails of it. While I may not agree 100% on all of his summary. (99%) I know his conclusions are well thought out and data driven. So when he posts something I pay very close attention. We all should. Space, the final frontier...
  21. A fairly recent article that concerns me https://abcnews.go.com/US/scientists-covid-19-spread-particles-air/story?id=71665634 Older article ( not reviewed ) that I also find concerning https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/494677-coronavirus-detected-on-air-pollution-particles-report Not enough is known yet about Covid 19 and why I urge everyone to err on the side of caution indoors or outdoors.
  22. Speaking of breaks, giving every team 2 bye's might not be such a bad idea. The normally scheduled bye and an everyone takes a week off simultaneously bye half way through the season. Just a thought...
  23. I voted a wishful thinking yes, the season starts on time...
  24. I think your kiddo also has the benifit of having an intelligent and well informed Dad who gets it.
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