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Everything posted by Figster

  1. I'm not for public schools opening back up to protect the teachers and all the senior citizens that could be put in harms way because of it. I will say this though, with a good testing program in place it could help weed out and quarantine a big part of the population that is walking the streets with Covid 19 IMO. You can take NFL football games and with a fast method of testing accomplish the same thing. Dog sniffers, temp check, the whole works. Take saliva samples from each ticket holder. You could also perform a real time in depth study of how Covid is transmitted in large gatherings IMO. Some of you guys may have seen my idea in another thread. Sounds to time consuming and complicated right? Or is it? I know more than one person right now that has symptoms of Covid 19 and is not reporting it. If it can happen in my small town its happening everywhere. So what do you do? Covid 19 hotline needed perhaps?
  2. To answer your question, I think everything is working in conjunction in NY and there is no right or wrong answer here. My home state of PA is starting to cool off without a 2nd spike in hard hit areas. PA reported 384 total new cases on monday, zero deaths. You will have clusters of people who are less active, individually and within the groups they entertain that don't offer up the same kind of resistance as more active groups of people IMO. Until a vaccine is available It doesn't surprise me. Herd immunity won't be reached as easily within these types of clusters. https://news.yahoo.com/models-suggest-covid-19-herd-130126904.html
  3. Not seeing a 2nd spike in most of the earlier hotspots that have since cooled off I think points in that direction in my humble opinion Hapless. Myself personally, the hard hit city and state of NY is a good example. As far as evidence goes the viewpoints on what kind of percentages it takes to achieve herd immunity vary. Our positive case load walking the streets could be up to 10 times higher then reported. My personal opinion is based on observation. It appears through observation herd immunity is already occuring in parts of our country and around the world IMO.
  4. On the subject of herd immunity it does appear we might be seeing signs of this developing in hard hit regions of the country IMO. Our saving grace perhaps...
  5. How about whats fair to the teachers? Or all the senior citizens who are going to die because someone had the bright idea to throw fuel on the fire by packing our younger generation into buildings and classrooms? 6 weeks in comparison to months of this?
  6. Ship has sailed? Do we give up on a forest fire thats out of control when mother nature throws a monkey wrench in our plans with a change of wind speed and direction? I think not The country doesn't need a lockdown forever. The country needs a unified lockdown for 6 weeks so everyone who has Covid can get over it or seek medical attention without spread. We're talking 6 weeks, 8 weeks in current hot spots. If all goes well the US might be in a position to open back up the way you suggest. Restraunts and bars open at full capacity. Businesses weren't meant to thrive or even survive at 50% capacity. You get that right? Getting back to normal can only be accomplished when Covid 19 has been beat down to practically nothing? The US needs to prove it can carry out a united response to a pandemic so the next time around this doesn't happen in my humble opinion. Its never to late when millions of lives are at risk.
  7. Proved we can handle this? Over 170,000 deaths? and not done yet? How can a nurse or staff member of a senior living facility safely protect its residents living in a community or country for that matter where Covid 19 is out of control? A virus that can travel as far and fast as one person can carry it in a day? Caregiver, same problem. The US has millions of vulnerable citizens over the age of 65.
  8. Myself personally, 4 to 6 weeks of zero gatherings nationally (shelter in place) and the whole country would be on the road to recovery in my humble opinion. Ironically, the consequences of staying apart can be remedied by staying apart in a unified manner long enough to stop Covid 19 in its tracks IMO. Everyone assumes they have it ( which you might ) and the here and now is the time to get over it.
  9. A more cost - effective, rapid response, readily available and user friendly way of testing increases the overall success you would have in my opinion.
  10. While we're on the subject of quarantine. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/infectious-disease-expert-on-why-he-thinks-us-needs-another-lockdown/vi-BB17OeSE?ocid=xboxntp
  11. On the subject of masks. It bugs the hell out of me that I keep hearing the same thing over and over again. My mask protects you, your mask protects me, which is all fine and good. If everyone would only wear one, or wear one properly. In a perfect world perhaps. On the other hand If you are elderly or have underlying health conditions. (Or in close contact with someone fitting this description) I suggest wearing an N95 mask so you can protect yourself as much as possible. We have to many people in this world who aren't worried about protecting anyone. Not themselves or others. It only takes one person walking around a supermarket without a mask to spread Covid 19. I see it everyday. On a personal note I'm wearing an R95 with earloops plus velcro back of head strap. Fits very snug and feels safe enough my 82 year old mom with underlying health conditions has been getting out of the house wearing one ( shopping). While our town is dealing with an outbreak. My advice, wear a good mask people and don't depend on a stranger to protect you. (eye protection)
  12. Imagine no possessionsI wonder if you canNo need for greed or hungerA brotherhood of manImagine all the peopleSharing all the world...
  13. Well, woke up this morning with a wine glass in my hand Whose wine? What wine? Where the hell did I dine? Must have been a dream I don't believe where I've been Come on, lets do it again Do you... You, feel like I do? Howd ya feel? Do you...you, feel like I do?
  14. Covid 19 is sneaky and has a good chance of catching a player anywhere IMO, (just like you or I). At home or on the playing field. I think the less travel the Buffalo Bills have to do, the safer they will be in my humble opinion. On the bright side most players are in excellent physical shape and of an age group that will in all likelihood fully recover from the virus in a relatively short period of time. Players with underlying health conditions should consider opting out. Shortening the season to 12 weeks and allow all teams to have 3 weekends off for family time might make the bubble idea go over better IMO. Be flexible with the timing of the breaks if possible by allowing an opponent change when needed. I think the added breaks would put enough gaps in the season for teams to regroup and get their star players healthy. This would help keep the quality of the entertainment at a high level and keep the best of the best on the playing field making big plays. 12, 14, or 16 games. If you add the breaks I think it increases the odds of finishing the season succesfully in my opinion. Greater odds of seeing Mahomes going head to head with Allen in a knock down drag out slug fest for the AFC Championship. : ) Players miss time every season for health related issues. The games have never stopped because of it. Done safely, this season will be no different.
  15. Wow, that doesn't look good.
  16. I like the idea of keeping our starters and backups seperated on and off the field. I realize this is not always possible to do, but If you could minimize the chance of spreading the virus by seperating player or player groups whenever possible would be most beneficial to the teams overall health IMO. I'm of the mind Matt Barkley can win football games. Perhaps Jake Fromm can to, and this might be the season we see rookies become starters overnight. The teams with the most depth in the NFL are the best equipped to go the distance. Buffalo is loaded for bear...
  17. Absolutely, and why our country needs to a devise and learn to carry out a well executed/ united response to this or any future pandemic like it we may face IMO. Covid could mutate and start going after our younger generation with more severity next. A national shelter in place order for 30 days. 60 in hot spots is what I would recommend. Everyone assumes they have it. ( and you might ) I wouldn't bet on anything when it comes to Covid 19. I will say however herd immunity may already be taking place in area's of our country and around the globe IMO.
  18. The hard hit state of NY might provlde some of the safest venues now in my humble opinion. I think only playing once a week gives the NFL a better chance of completing a season vs other sports.. 2 or 3 scheduled breaks instead of one would help teams regroup in the event of a serious outbreak. Shortening the season to 14 games might help make this possible. Its possible herd immunity is already beginning to take hold in certain regions of the US IMO. I also think its posible herd immunity can begin to build within the NFL and our own herd of Buffalo. Players playing through the pandemic now might be building a safer tomorrow for the whole league in my humble opinion. On a side note: Going no huddle might help reduce the spread.
  19. I like the idea of playing all sports in the safest venues possible. (bubble) Players that test positive, quarantine until healthy, then return to the playing field will help build herd immunity within the bubble IMO.
  20. I'm assuming it to mean someone that works at the hospital also tested positive along with the two staff members from Corry Manor. Don't quote me on it though, I'm hearing this 2nd hand without details. (It could be a patient) Our local hospital is not supposed to be handling anything Covid 19 related. Two staff members from Corry manor and 4 residents is how the story originally broke in our local newspaper. Our small city of Corry has been lucky so far up until now holding at 6 positive cases for over a month. We went from 6 to 24 in just a few days. Corry has a population of about 6,000. Update: 29 testing positive to date in Corry. 18 so far from the manor. I'm also sad to say we have 2 deaths so far from the Corry manor. Their cause of death has not been released to the public. One of them was an old friend of my moms. My cousin from the manor (staff) is still waiting for her test results.
  21. Update : A reliable source is telling me 15 cases testng positive so far and our local hospital has been compromised.
  22. Myself personally, sports helps lift the spirits of the American people. Gives us normality in a world of chaos. So while I don't want any of our players health compromised in any way. I do feel like the contributions they give to our countrty is needed. Watching Josh Allen give a simple thumbs up on the 1st day of training camp I know lifted my spirits.
  23. A hug can go a long ways for someone both physically and mentally IMO. Millions of people missing precious time with loved ones they can never get back. All the freedoms our country gives us is making it next to impossible to enforce even the simplest things that could protect us. We will never get everyone to wear a mask. Or stop large gatherings from occuring. People are allowed to protest even in a pandemic. In many instances the protesting will turn into rioting. More uncontrolled spread of Covid 19. I still watch neighbors around me in smaller gatherings. Nobody wears a mask. I'm not sure how a bunch of small gatherings is much different then a large one. Our whole country is crying for help and we don't have the solidarity or strong leadership to do anything about it. this is so depressing...
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