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Everything posted by Figster

  1. I needed this ROCKPILE REVIEW. It just didn't feel like the season was about to start until now. Thank you
  2. Well said, Greg Roman has found the perfect fit with Lamar Jackson IMO. Elte RB that can throw the football. The Roman > Daboll analogy is probably true in Baltimore.
  3. Whats getting to me is the amount of division that continues to build in our country at the worst possible time.
  4. T Mobile says hello...
  5. Do you honestly think someone is going to wave a magic wand here in the USA and gain compliance? You will never get everyone to wear a mask, or to stop the partying, or the low participation in contact tracing. To many freedoms. To many people worried more about their own privacy, about their own personal wants and needs, and its not going to change. Our younger generation will continue to rebel as some of our oldest and wisest citizens continue to fall prey to the pandemic. Sigh So while I agree, a united response with everyone on board could work and already has in other countries. It won't work here in my humble opinion. The candid discussion is much appreciated, Thanks
  6. Asymptomatic people are brought into the discusssion to side step what the CDC recommendation change was really about and to make a political party look incompetent IMO. I explained to you how people who don't show symptoms could be quarantined without creating a back log. Allowing the people who are showing symptoms a quicker response on test results so a contact tracer can get control of the outbreak before it spreads to 100's even thousands of people. The guideline change prevents hundreds of thousands of people who don't have Covid 19 from being tested so sick people and the ones they've already come into contact with can be notified quicker.
  7. Cellophane flowers of yellow and green towering over your head look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and she's gone. Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds.
  8. What do you think the CDC was expecting you to do when they inform you that you have been in close contact with a Covid 19 carrier? Hello, we think you might have Covid 19, but carry on with your normal daily routine as you get tested and wait for test results? Seriously? Meanwhile you create a back log slowing down the whole testing process when we have actual sick people waiting to get results back. How does your employer or fellow workers feel about the situation? Do you think they want to work with someone waiting on test results? Talk about disrupting a work place. I'm not sure why testing or not testing asymptomatic carriers keeps entering into the discussion. Well, we did all get together ( party up ) to play in the Warzone...( C O D )
  9. If you look back on my posts I made the same point earlier. We have been testing the wrong people is the point that I'm trying to make. It wouldn't surprise me If other states are worse. Or better, depending on ones perspective I suppose. I think testing data/ totals is a reflection of the virus spread and the states ability or inability to control it IMO. Myself personally, I think I may have a better understanding now on why our president thinks we are testing to many people. The Trump administration is trying to correct the problem IMO. Thanks
  10. Absolutely, everyone assuming they have the virus and a National shelter in place order is the only way we stop Covid 19 IMO. No argument there Dean. You guys make good points. Break the transmission chain when possible. Of course. Its something that can be accomplished through quarantine. Test when symptoms show. Its not that I think we should focus on the symptoms. Slowing down the testing process with people not showing symptoms is causing a delay for results in positive cases that do need to get tracked down IMO. I'm sure everyone must realize how important getting test results back in a timely manner would be when you are trying to get on top of the situation from a contact tracing standpoint. My nephew has been waiting for longer then a week now for Covid 19 test results. Fever, coughing, and yes, even sneezing, all gone before he gets confirmation. Myself personally, I can understand the kind of back log the CDC recommendations would be creating. The friction and non compliance you will face trying to get people who don't feel sick to get tested. I'm glad we made the change. Thanks for the discussion fellas...
  11. We're not talking about people that have Covid 19 and don't show symptoms. We're talking about people who came into contact with a confirmed Covid 19 carrier for 15 minutes or longer. A big percentage of which never catch the virus. I also tend to disagree with someone who has Covid 19 without symptoms being the most dangerous. They don't sneeeze, they don't cough and If all the guidelines are followed. Social distancing, mask wearing, I'm not sure how from a general public standpoint it makes them any more dangerous then your typical carrier displaying all the symptoms. With all due respect Dean
  12. The scientific explanation is obvious IMO. No symptoms, then why test? You are asking thousands of people that don't feel sick to get tested. People are reluctant enough to get tested when they are sick. You can't force people to get tested. If you want to test people without symptoms wouldn't it make better sense to monitor people on the front lines serving our community? My home state of Pa by way of example has tested almost a million and a half citizens to find a little under 127,000 confirmed cases. Seems like an excessive amount of testing right? It works out to about 1 in every 12 people have tested positive. Its not the cold or flu season. Covid 19 symptoms are fairly obvious. So why did we have so many people testing negative for Covid 19? Testing people without symptoms was not helping the situation IMO.
  13. I am, I am, I amI said I wanna get next to youI said I'm gonna get close to youYou wouldn't want me have to hurt you tooHurt you too!
  14. 2018 and 2019 for the same reason eball Josh Allen...
  15. Naturally getting the test results back ASAP is of the most importance. Much more so for people who are sneezing and coughing/ spreading the virus. Slowing everything down with people not showing symptoms doesn't make much sense IMO
  16. We're talking about two different things here. The CDC doesn't want to test someone who has not shown symptoms. Asymptomatic case or patient refers to someone who has Covid 19 without displaying symptoms. If you follow what I'm saying.
  17. If you think you may have Covid 19, quarantine. Its not the cold or flu season. If everyone would just isolate themselves when they have it the world would be a safer place.
  18. Asymptomatic case describes someone having Covid 19 without displaying symptoms. Trying to test someone who is not showing any indication they have Covid 19 is a test and time better spent on someone showing symptoms wouldn't you agree? Coming into close contact for over 15 minutes with someone who now has Covid 19 from a testing stand point is not enough reason IMO.
  19. Kelly has 10 career fumbles https://www.nfl.com/players/jim-kelly/stats/career Where are you even getting this stuff from? Jim Kelly did turn the ball over excessively. Do you think because JK turned the ball over allot Fitz gets a free pass for all the games he lost? As I already explained. Jim Kelly was a finisher and won many football games. Yes, he had a better supporting cast then Fitz. Kelly also had a cannon throwing arm compared to the noodle arm of Ryan Fitzpatrick. Apparently you like Fitzy and I could think of a ton of good things to say about him. Deep down as with many departures I will always be a fan of the bearded one. I think Fitzpatrick would make for a brilliant OC in the NFL one day. Myself personally, knowing where the football needed to go and the balls to put it there has never been a problem for the gunslinger. Fitzy normally ends up knowing the playbook as well if not better then the OC. I hope Fromm does well and eventually takes over the backup duties for the Buffalo Bills. I also hope Barkley does well and eventually moves on to bigger and better opportunities as a starter in the NFL. (like Fitzy) Never understood a fan wishing bad results upon their own players in an effort to prove themselves right. Oh well...
  20. From a fairness standpoint it probably should be universal. I'm not sure how the owners or players feel about it. At 25% stadium capacity or less to allow for social distancing along with mask wearing its not like the twelth man is going to help much anyway IMO.
  21. Troll? I think I've been very polite explaining my position. What stats refute my claims of Fitzpatrick being a career turnover machine? 29 career fumbles. More INT's (161) then games played.(156) Fitzpatrick started his career throwing 17 INT's in his first 15 Game starts. ( won 4 ) Been doing it ever since. What stat refutes Barkley having very little game experience? Or playing for multiple teams and OC's? Myself personally, it takes some continuity and actual game experience to get better at the QB position in the NFL. 14 game starts is less then one season. Its not enough IMO. Especially when the 14 games is scattered over 5 seasons. Fitzpatrick on the other hand has been turning the ball over at the most inopportune time his whole career. Never accomplishing anything other then what hes doing right now. ( filling in until the right guy comes along) I concede JK and RF do have somewhat similar career numbers. ( good point) Different Era For perspective 2nd year player Lamar Jackson 2019 season TD to INT 36 : 6 The difference between Fitz and JK is when Kelly threw INT's early in a game, he finished the game with TD's. /Wins. Fitzy, not so much. Jim Kelly also accomplished something in his career IMO. When I look at Barkley I see potential. You evidently see someone that has already failed. I don't feel that way. Its doubtful our coaches feel that way in my humble opinion. We have a difference of opinion.
  22. I prefer giving someone a chance to do better then Fitzpatrick. I've seen what Fitzy can do for Buffalo. I've seen what Fitzy can do over the years. The fact is a whole career of turning the football over does not impress me. If Fitzys TD to INT ratio was better I might feel differently.
  23. I'll still take the unknown ceiling of Barkley over Fitzy here in Buffalo Mr. WEO With all due respect sir, I think Barkley will protect the ball better and with a solid supporting cast win football games.
  24. I like Josh McCown allot. I also think Fitzpatricks high IQ, leadership and understanding of the play book all come into play to help make Fitzy good at what he does IMO. Even though Fitzpatricks arm /accuracy sucks.
  25. My point is Barkley doesn't even have one full season of game starts ( 16 games ) playing for multiple teams and OC's. I don't know of many QB's who succeed without continuity or having enough previous game experience they also sucked at before they got better. 14 game starts suck and If McD and Co. didn't think Barkley could win football games he wouldn't be backing up Josh Allen IMO. Anything Fromm does is frosting on the cake...
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