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Everything posted by Figster

  1. Hats off to the fearless play of the fish QB. Reminded me of some of the games between Dan Marino and Jim Kelly. Make no mistake though, the Bills are the Beast of the AFC East now. So go put a Guardian cap on it Tua... ...so you can ponder the situation safely... Go Bills!!!!
  2. Add officiating brainfarts to the red flag challenge. It's that simple to fix...
  3. Didn't see the thread until today and it breaks my heart. RIP John
  4. Elam is a ball hawk and playing Safety might be a good fit for him IMO. Hamlin is fearless when it comes to tackling. He's been to the other side and back for his football team. Damar Hamlin is the heart and soul of the Buffalo Bills now. I love this guy.
  5. I really like the Coleman, Elam idea defending the hail Mary, wait, make that I love the idea!
  6. I'm sure McD would agree, the only opinion that really matters...
  7. Or allot closer then it looked real time. As another poster mentioned Officials are in perfect position right below the goal post looking up. If I remember correctly any part of the ball going over top of the goal post, and its called good. Ironically 2 more FG tries hitting the post shows why calling it this way is odd IMO.
  8. Can we please get a Guardian cap on Josh Allen. Nobody plays the game harder than Allen. Not named Mahomes. Nobody, and Mahomes should wear one so when his head bounces off the turf, and it does, he has protection. League MVP's Lead the way!!! What are we waiting for? What is the league waiting for? The same condition Tua is in? Awwwww come on man...
  9. The Beane head deserves some credit for our piss poor WR room. Sends the Bills 1 and 2 WR packing and replaces them with average at best WR's and a rookie. Hollins sucks...
  10. Who was being held accountable, Josh? Diggs was traded because the grass is always greener somewhere else. I wonder If there was any guilt at all watching what used to be his best friend get the hell beat out of him because he doesn't have a decent WR to throw to now.
  11. After a painful loss I always feel a little better after reading the ROCKPILE REVIEW. In the exchange in hugs, words between Allen and Henry after the game. You could tell Derrick Henry's performance was while painful for the opposition to endure, was also admired from one elite player to another. I agree, valuable lessons learned that can make Buffalo a solid contender come playoff time. Thank you OP
  12. Mouth guard study suggests something ? Limited evidence vs actual trial usage in sports programs showing a significant decrease in concussions? Of course the helmet design itself matters. This is your argument? Side note : The safer barrier was added in racing because regardless of what was done inside the car hitting a solid wall with no give at high speeds without them could cause serious injury to the driver or worse.
  13. Takes time. We have the makers of the Guardian cap coming into the picture doing something top of the line helmet makers haven't been able to accomplish. Eventually some form of Guardian protection will be mandated IMO. The technology needs to be built into the helmet to reduce its bulky appearance. The damage from an entire life experience you speak of is why the Guardian cap is being implemented at an early age across the country. TSW was discussing exterior helmet padding 15 years ago. Takes time...
  14. Everywhere including the NFL in practices. I agree, no piece of equipment can guarantee you won't get a concussion. The Guardian cap however does guard against them and there have been documented cases of football programs reducing the number of concussions down to zero when used. The damage from concussions is cumulative with many going undetected IMO. The problem with concussions in the NFL is worst then it appears on the surface IMO. It's a no brainer to ignore...
  15. Wrong Schools and sports programs across the country have successfully reduced and in some cases completely eliminated concussions all together. Parents are allowing more kids to participate and the kids themselves are playing with more confidence wearing the Guardian cap.
  16. Brady, Babbage statement games as coordinators. One of the best coached, best played games of the season in the NFL. MERCY!!!!!
  17. When a starting QB goes down with an injury. Especially one that may be career ending. I call it protecting the most valuable player on the team, protecting your investment as an owner IMO. Owners would jump at the chance IMO. Its good business...(protecting brains)
  18. It would be interesting If owners could offer a player bonus for wearing them. Win, win, win for all concerned.
  19. Lineman need to be wearing the Guardian cap more then any other player/position IMO. The constant clash of the heads is the most cumulative IMO. Big players, Guardian cap will be less noticeable, and what do they care. Wear the Guardian Cap.
  20. I'll save you!!! https://safetyairproducts.com/ Features controlled-rate impact deceleration, providing a comfortable and secure shock absorption system. ; )
  21. The Guardian cap is doing something top of the line helmets alone can't do as well. Prevent concussions. Appearance is a huge obstacle to overcome. Helmet makers need to build the Guardian cap technology into the helmet IMO. A fellow patron and I in the Guardian Cap thread brought up the idea of all soft interior exterior resembling old style leather helmets. Einstein suggested we would be cracking skulls this way. I hate it when that happens...
  22. You can force a grown man to wear the Guardian cap If your McDaniel.
  23. Fair enough, I appreciate the input The simple answer for now, put a Guardian cap on the mess helmet designers have created. Get it on the heads of the players... https://safetyairproducts.com/ controlled-rate impact deceleration comfortable and secure shock absorption system Different application albeit... Note: A body in free fall hits the speed of approximately 120 mph in 3 to 5 seconds.
  24. Take a rubber glove and fill it with air. Then squeeze, push, or hit with a hammer. The air gets pushed into other fingers or parts of the glove.
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