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Everything posted by Figster

  1. I'm so very sorry for your loss. This day is getting sadder by the minute. Thank you for sharing
  2. I have to wonder now how much of this was known to Josh Allen and how it may have contributed to the teams possible inability to stay focused. In light of the Damar Hamlin cardiac arrest this could have been a double whammy for the team in my humble opinion. Very unsettling news : (
  3. The bigger bobble heads of Josh suck Josh can't be knocked over with big feet. You do realize kids will be battling with Josh vs Lord knows what, and he needs big feet to stand in there and conquer the adversary . He's the man ; ) I'm just saying...
  4. Thanks, I found the mini bobble heads just not Josh and I would like to get one. T J Watt here : ( I'll try looking at your store. Tried, they must have sold out or only have a limited supply on the shelves. I'll get my cousins in Orchard Park to keep an eye out at the Walmarts. Thanks for sharing.
  5. I can't find one like it online at any walmart, Mind If I ask what you paid? What particular store?
  6. So you don't think the way Dorsey is using Davis has anything to do with it? Use Gabe Davis in the short game more and Davis's numbers get better IMO. You can look at how on average a QB's completion percentage drops when you go from short to long range targeting. This carries over to the WR.
  7. Its a very important number considering this thread popularity and discussion is based on completion percentage when targeted. So lets repeat this very important part of the equation. 41% was flat out misses by Josh. Thanks for this @DrDawkinstein 41%
  8. Feet are getting cut off when I repost it so you will have to click on the pic
  9. I paged back and didn't see anything recent and didn't mean to steal anyones thunder. The OP on twitter comes up with very good topics for discussion. So I asked GREG If he would mind If I share a few of them here on TBD. Nice guy, he said thats fine. Off season is usually where the discussions for needed changes picks up. If any of you guys want to post the link to previous discussions. By all means.
  10. My enthusiasm will not change much because its has more to do with Josh Allen and the Bills O for me. McD's D will be good with or without Frazier IMO. My preference is we do make a change at DC. I'm not losing much sleep over it If we don't.
  11. Its a good question. The answer may give us a better representation of what Davis's completion percentages might be If he was more involved in short yardage plays IMO.
  12. I get where your coming from and why Allens completion percentage was alwsys questioned at the collegiate level. Josh Allen has never padded stats with little Dinks and Dunks. Nor has Gabe Davis IMO. Its not the way he's used IMO. Good point
  13. Thanks for this and a correction has been made on my topic title. 8ths not good, but its not tied for the worse in the NFL.
  14. I agree with you here. 8th is different then tied for 1st so let me check with my sources numbers. He's a Police Officer so If I get locked up over this you may need to bail me out @Maine-iac
  15. The numbers from his rookie season on are going in the wrong direction my friend. https://www.rotowire.com/football/player/gabe-davis-14359
  16. The NFL playoff rules were changed because Josh Allen and the Buffalo Bills should not have lost last post season on a coin toss. Regardless of the 13 seconds of shame. We all know what happened this season towards the end of the season. The game of football stopped being fun for the players. I realize life has to go on and this is the life a professional athlete chose. The Bills never stopped doing their jobs. Practicing and game planning. Preparing fot the next opponent. To win in the NFL especially in the playoffs it requires more then just going through the motions. It requires heart, determination and focus. The Buffalo Bills simply didn't have it. Myself personally, I don't blame them. I also don't think how Buffalo played was a good representation of what they are truly capable of on a football field IMO. The Bills all needed a break from football. They needed it before the playoffs even began IMO. Voted the McBeane regime is on the right track...
  17. I'm hearing we may be installing heated natural grass in the new stadium. Eagles, Chiefs and Packers are already doing it. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=zhWo7%2b4s&id=200E3A8FA6AD7980A4C82BD95056A9A00A1585FA&thid=OIP.zhWo7-4seQUiJ41lQlUL9QHaEK&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fstatic.clubs.nfl.com%2fimage%2fprivate%2ft_editorial_landscape_12_desktop%2fchiefs%2ffsk3pu7p0wqz8rvpnvxj&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.ce15a8efee2c790522278d6542550bf5%3frik%3d%2boUVCqCpVlDZKw%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=720&expw=1280&q=stadiums+with+heated+football+field&simid=608033061791809570&FORM=IRPRST&ck=9AAD0EBC5A3EAD548CE0E9FF48E1C944&selectedIndex=0&idpp=overlayview&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0
  18. Fair enough, I've done all I can my friend @Jauronimo It will take a little Fitzmagic to get Fitzy back in Buffalo now.
  19. I was actually not a big fan of Fitzy QB ing the Buffalo Bills. Used to have a thread here about Fitz being a turnover machine. Ryan Fitzpatrick continued to improve throughout his career because he's smart. Not because of arm talent. Fitzy always knew where to go with the ball. Arm strength was always the problem IMO. I do admire what the bearded one accomplished. Chan Gailey would probably tell you the same thing. So no sir, this is not a fanboy suggestion. This is a man I truly Billieve can make the Buffalo Bills Offense better in my humble opinion. You guys have given so many good reasons why Ryan Fitzpatrick would not want to take up coaching. Fitzy would have to love football and the Buffalo Bills a whole lot to even consider it in my humble opinion. This is true. Thanks Herb Nightly, it was a fair question to ask.
  20. The Buffalo Bills play many of their home games towards the end of the season and into the playoffs on a half frozen snow covered playing surface. Against the Bengals in the playoffs it did appear poor footing was very one sided. It may help explain why the Bills failed executing plays properly more often then not IMO. We have all experienced slippery surfaces and know how hard even the simplest task can become when dealing with ice and snow. When I started exploring different types of cleats and how they match up with different playing surfaces and in different weather conditions. I can see how complex it is to prevent injury while achieving good traction in different conditions. I bring this subject up because even when the new stadium is completed the Bills will still be playing on an ice and snow covered playing field. I think its important the Buffalo Bills do everything they can to make sure poor traction doesn't become a deciding factor in the outcome of a football game. I'm posting a link on one of the studies I looked at that was very insightful. It showed a machine that could be used to test a cleats traction real time on the surface it would be used on. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0216364 Heres another recent article that shows the problem some NFL teams are having in finding a middle ground beween safety and good traction. Same culprit in Tennessee. Ice and snow https://sports.yahoo.com/titans-ditch-natural-grass-for-artificial-turf-at-nissan-stadium-cite-injuries-player-safety-230654543.html
  21. I wouldn't be hating it C.Biscuit97 and would call it an upgrade IMO. Both ways he helps Josh Allen...
  22. This is it for me in a nutshell. Chan Gailey is a very good Offensive minded football guru IMO. Gaileys getting up there in age at 71 and may not coach again IMO. Fitzpatrick in all likelihood has the Gailey playbook memorized by now. Fitzpatrick also knows how to use it. To me this gives Fitzpatrick a leg up over anyone else available and reason to consider coaching. Along with good leadership abilities I wouldn't expect Fitzy to stop at QB coach. Not in my opinion he wouldn't. Ryan Fitzpatrick would just be getting started in my opinion. I'm not looking to make drastic changes to Dorsey's O. I do however think a mind like Fitzy's can add some innovation and help with real time game adjustments when in communication with Dorsey. I also think Fitz has what it takes to become an OC in the league one day IMO. If he so chooses. So what does Fitzpatrick think. Fitzy would have to really love the game of football.
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