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Everything posted by Figster

  1. How can it not be Jax?
  2. This moment she's been waiting for The angel opens her eyes Pale blue colored iris presents the circle And puts the glory out to hide, hide
  3. Hey hey, my my Rock and roll can never die There's more to the picture Than meets the eye.
  4. Not a movie, but I enjoyed Troppo, series, 2 seasons, Amazon
  5. I'm the is of the outer frame A wishy washy dishy dame Flushed my brains right down the drain Dranjo brought them up again It bubbles on the deep end Now dranjo is my best friend
  6. Call it Parental guidance ; ) https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/travel/air-traffic-controller-didnt-warn-about-all-dangers-ex-black-hawk-pilot-morning-in-america/vi-AA1ysw9E?ocid=xboxntp&pc=U531&cvid=9e9e345b9fd84cd2a2f9af1fb96f11a3&ei=82
  7. Did you even look at the great depth this guy went into explaining the blind spot on a BlackHawk? Or are you just that determined to blame the military/Blackhawk? Pat25 bank hard left!, I repeat Pat 25 bank hard left,! you are on a collision course. Do it now! I have never been in an air traffic control tower, zero experience in something of this nature. Even I could have prevented this collision
  8. Mission itself had zero to do with why this collision occurred. Telling an aircraft to go behind another aircraft that's still a half mile away flying right at each other at 150 mph lacks common sense IMO.
  9. and then along came jones tall thin jones slow-walking' jones slow-talking' jones along came long, lean, lanky jones
  10. The practice mission was the safe housing of high ranking Officials. The airliner would become an obstacle they have to work around. The mission would also call for high speeds IMO.
  11. I tried to explain how in the scenario of trying to go behind a moving object coming at you at 150 mph, it's easier said then done. You seem to think the Blackhawk can just slam on its brakes and let the airliner go by when it's not even possible. Simple heading change saves the day. Any direction, good lord. Fair enough...
  12. Well lets finish the communication As the two aircraft get closer to each other, an air traffic controller checks in with the military helicopter, asking the pilot, "PAT25, do you have the CRJ in sight?" The air traffic controller then tells the helicopter pilot to "pass behind" the American Airlines jet. Air traffic control took control again by telling the Blackhawk where to go, You get that right?
  13. Yet air traffic control had the Blackhawk at 200 ft right where it should be and 100ft below where the accident occurred. Don't jump to conclusions...
  14. You don't see colored lights wearing night vision goggles. Different shades https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/03/us/politics/dc-plane-crash-night-vision-goggles.html While the image seen through the goggles would present light as either green or white, it does not allow pilots to distinguish between the red or green lights on another aircraft that would signal its direction of flight, which pilots could see by looking just to the side of their goggles. Flying in highly lit areas, like cities, could also prove challenging, said the pilot, who requested anonymity because he was not authorised to speak publicly about standard flight procedures in the nation’s capital. Any limitations to a pilot’s peripheral vision or depth perception caused by wearing night-vision goggles are mitigated through frequent training and night-flying, the military pilot said, and it would be up to the pilots whether to wear their goggles up or down at any given moment – depending on the situation or environment. NYTIMES
  15. Course change, different heading. Pilots had on night vision goggles. Colored lights NA. Blackhawk pilots may have mistaken the front of the Aircraft for the back. The two aircrafts are going 150 mph at each other. Absolutely, as will I, The Blackhawk pilots still died serving our country. I will gladly give them the benefit of the doubt. keep in mind the investigation already found a 100ft discrepancy in 300ft of Airspace. Instrumentation error, not human. As Beck pointed out. Clearance for that helicopter route should be withheld while those runways are in use for landing.
  16. When I was just a baby, my mama told me, "Son Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns" But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die When I hear that whistle blowing', I hang my head and cry (oh yeah!)
  17. Seconds away from paths crossing and you are telling a moving aircraft to stop in its tracks and let the other moving aircraft pass so you can go behind it. Cruising speed of a Blackhawk is over 150 mph To me that's insane and not the kind of instructions that can help the Blackhawk at this point. How about a course change, different heading perhaps. The kind of generic response you might get though when one person tries to do the job of two IMO. 100ft discrepancy in 300 ft of airspace is the problem I see here. Tower had the Blackhawk at 200ft. Collison occurred at 300ft.
  18. I agree, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/radar-showed-army-helicopter-flying-lower-than-jet-before-crash/ar-AA1yg2nc?ocid=xboxntp&pc=U531&cvid=a29cd1ace4984eba9e97e144567348e5&ei=11 A clue perhaps When you look at the flight paths it appears the Blackhawk would have had all the time in the world to see the airliner and make a course adjustment. In reality and at the speeds they were traveling I'm not so sure because of the slight left bank the airliner was making on approach to the runway. Looking directly at the airliner from the BlackHawk it may have made it difficult to make the proper course adjustment. Looks like the BlackHawk made a sharp right bank at the last second trying to miss the airliner. Directing the BlackHawk to go behind the airliner may have inadvertently helped trigger the crash IMO.
  19. This is a big part of the problem in my humble opinion. Military and civilian aviation flying together under different rules/ chain of command.
  20. This may have been brought up already. One of the 1st things that jumped out at Captain Sully was the technique in aviation called visual separation that was used. This rather common technique passes responsibility of an aircraft flight path from the control tower over to the pilot, in this case flying the Blackhawk. https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/captain-sully-offers-his-take-on-american-airlines-5342-helicopter-collision/ar-AA1y8rsG?ocid=xboxntp&pc=U531&cvid=0623b03926f4455b862b7787c2a71dec&ei=8 At 1st glance this technique clearly needs the control tower to continue monitoring all air traffic including the Blackhawk and make precautionary course changes when needed IMO. In this case none was given to the airliner or Blackhawk. https://www.today.com/video/captain-sully-sullenberger-weighs-in-on-dc-plane-crash-230690373713
  21. Joe Brady did a very good job this season IMO. 2 playoff wins in the young coaches cap along with getting Buffalo to the AFC Championship. Featuring a well balanced Offense run and pass. Good ball distribution giving all the Bills play makers a chance to contribute. The kind of Offense that helps bring about longevity at the QB position. That being said James Cook is borderline elite in my humble opinion and more touches vs KC wins the game IMO.
  22. I appreciate the discussion. Normally I'm all about drafting good targets for Josh. Overall with the addition of Cooper I view Allens supporting cast, WR's TE's RB's to be very good. One that will only get better season 2 for Cooper and hopefully Keon Coleman IMO. The Bills need more help on D then O in my humble opinion.
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