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Everything posted by Figster

  1. you and me both, Shaw poured his guts into BBMB like a young lady used to do here on TBD.
  2. Nothing wrong with starting threads to get discussions going 716 ,but when you go overboard its not very fair to all the discussions already started and getting pushed back IMO. Posters read the News and see most online articles so every story doesn't need a thread attatched to it when you have 10 threads you could post it under. Why make mods merge threads? Do it yourself...
  3. I might as well get this over with now, I'm an idiot...
  4. West Coast O and innovative coaching will help increase Taylors field of vision and production. With the size and skill set closely resembling Steve Young and operating out of a better system its very possible Tyrod Taylor can reach the next level IMO. I Billieve...
  5. l've never seen you this bashful before I M, I kinda like it
  6. Big fan of Tyrod Taylor with all due respect OP Keeping Taylor wins football games IMO.
  7. I only had a problem with them one time and brought it upon myself, Read and obey the Code of conduct helps...
  8. dave If your already a member would you mind letting Shaw know the majordy of BBMB posters are here on TBD and many of them are asking about him. I don't want to join the site just to contact him. thanks
  9. stricter code of conduct and moderation, posters think mods are to tough. More relaxed moderation, posters think mods aren't doing a good job. Myself personaly, I'm thankful for the thankless job they do because without them we wouldn't have a civilized community to post in. Everyone here would appreciate Shaws posting skills IMO. I hope we can find him. He's an attorney for a law firm, someone must know how to contact him to let him know many of BBMB posters are here at TBD now.
  10. through twitter, facebook, email, and any other way known to mankind, Find Shaw, the rest will follow...
  11. Tyrod Taylor needs to improve his passing production and I understand why many Bills fans are frustrated. ​ I just don't see anything in Taylors stats or on the field play that suggests Tyrod Taylor wouldn't improve in a better system. West coast O utilizes the field sideline to sideline /horizontal which will in turn open up more vertical passing lanes for the 6' 1" Taylor to get a better veiw of the football field IMO.
  12. Everyone needs to reach out to our best posters whenever possible, Pops is one of them
  13. I agree, Taylor manages the game well enough to win football games IMO. Despite having many obstacles to overcome including a sub par supporting cast on D Tyrod Taylor has a winning record and better numbers then Jim Kelly at this point in his pro career.( NFL starts) Clearly J K had a better supporting cast...
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