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Posts posted by Figster


    honestly im finding it hard to believe they could get this out of tyrod. even if the market was cool on him you would think he could do better than this. massive pay cut is right, and yet another easy out for the bills in two years. incredible win for the bills. never thought it would end up this good for the team



    thats a hell of a point. if they are working out a deal with cleveland that must have felt like a pending trip to syberia for tyrod. we probably never will find out but thats quite possibly a realistic guess



    Well done OBD

  2. I don't think there was any commitment on the Bills part. If there was they would have just picked up the remainder of the original contract.


    To me this was plan B or C or D.

    Yup, the only place he was guaranteed to start was Buffalo. Him and his agent quickly found that out a couple days ago.

    Loyalty to the team may have entered into the equation old school.


    Tyrod Taylor comes across to me as a guy that doesn't give up very easily IMO.

  3. Given what we've seen in the last two days (loss of 50% of secondary, starting wr/lb/other), is there any way we aren't entering into a rebuilding situation?

    Gilmore never lived up to expectations and A Williams had become injury prone.


    Drafting DB's is what the Bills do best IMO.

  4. there's zero reason for me to ever do that. The only reason i've ever had it out with a mod is because of being treated unfairly. this place seems very open to idea and having some fun, so i really don't think it would ever be a problem. in fact, it was never really a problem until two very specific people took over. it was really too bad. it ruined a family. some people just get a taste of "power" and truly don't understand how to act.


    even now you're still trying to cling to some small shred of authority. the entire thing is just sad.

    no one will. there was just a very specific change at at the old place concerning one or two people that left a bad taste. time will tell, but the group of posters that came over are really great.

    I'm not T& C teef, lol


    umm... why would we do that?


    we have no interest in disrespecting anyone here.


    the fact that you think posting a surprised gif in a surprising thread is "disrespecting mods" says a lot about you.

    It sounds like some BBMB members would argue with Mods or admin and I wanted to advise everyone there is a low tolerance for it here on TBD.

  6. the coc was there for everyone to read. correct. then why didn't the mods, (or at least one mod) read it themselves. i don't think being a mod was easy at all, but it doesn't excuse any mod from putting their own spin on the board. it amazing that this same mod, still can't account for these ****ty actions. he wasn't even brave enough to give me a proper explanation when he was called out on it. it was a total d-bag move, and some were annoyed by it. god forbid anyone stood up for themselves. well...now that mod doesn't have that power anymore. he's neutered like he neutered so many posters. the guy is just a bag of dicks.

    I'm telling all of you from experience,


    disrespect mods or admin here and see where it gets you.

  7. Very easy job follow the rules as they were written. Not play favorites and in some weird power thirsty way engineer the board to your liking. Thats a childish view certainly not of a moderator should portray. The board topics should morph and evolve with the flow of information as long asit is within the CoC, unfortunately quite a few of those moderators acted as if they and they alone could approve topics, even if said topics never violated the CoC and brought substance to the board. In my opinion with exception of maybe one of them they were all garbage.

    With all due respect Bill, BBMB is gone now and call out posts or threads is pointless IMO.

  8. you need to let it go too brofist. mods were a big source of pain for some long time bbmbers, and they way they were handled was unfair. there was literally nothing posters could do to defend themselves against certain personalities. a lot are pissed about it. is it a big deal? not anymore, but you can't be shocked by this at all. people want to vent. some mods were really terrible to posters. as mentioned, i had a very specific mod, (i wonder if you know him) that actually violated the coc to infract me. when i tried to discuss it, i was never given an answer, and ultimately was told to go to another board. i mean...what kind of !@#$ would do that?

    The CoC was there for everyone to read and its a different situation when the forum is also connected to the team officially. 17 years without playoffs can make a fan base nasty.


    Do you think they had an easy job teef?


    I don't...

  9. From what I remember you were given more leeway than most. You'd call people names and escape without infraction. If anyone said that to you they'd be banned


    Yes and for good reason. Many good members were unfairly given infractions by modes like standingbufflo. The mods ruined that message board

    Well do us all a favor and start fresh without the baggage.


    Letting Mods and admin know here on TBD how much of a problem you were on BBMB or how unappreciated the people were that tried to give everyone a good community to gather in isn't exactly the most intelligent thing to do IMO.



    I got infractions for things I thought were dumb from mods, but I don't know why folks seem to be so bitter towards them.


    standingbuffalo, T&C, and Shaw are all over at billievers and I think they're staying away from this board probably because of the general contempt from some over here.


    They had a tough job over at BBMB. It's the Internet... don't know why grudges can exist so strongly on the Internet towards individual posters. But with those grudges so prominent, if I were them, I'd probably stay away from this message board, too.


    Well I think they are all missing out on a good place to post.

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