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Posts posted by Figster

  1. What sets Taylor apart from from all QB's not named Cam Newton is Tyrod Taylors ability to beat you with his arm and legs.


    Taylor played with injury that took part of his game away last season IMO.


    A healthy Team Taylor operating out of the West Coast O is going to be adding many more electrifying highlights going into the New Era in my humble opinion OP.


    ...I Billieve...



    From the snide debt & saving your money comment you sound like a real prick. So you went away for a week to Arizona. Big deal, get over yourself, people that have been freezing their asses up north the last month don't want to hear about it. Hell I don't even know you & I don't want to hear about it, I could just imagine how your coworkers feel.

    This thread is a little out of character for Icebowl and does not do the man behind the thread justice in my humble opinion Gordio.


    Icebowl was just trying to blow off some steam around people he felt comfortable enough with to open up to IMO.


    Coming from someone that has already poured his guts into this place in the past.


    I get it...

  3. When someone is unhappy in the work place for whatever reason it can make others unhappy around them in what would normally be an upbeat place of work.


    Myself personally, where a coworker goes for vacation is not something most people would get jealous about.


    Walking around in a bad mood all day everyday would get old quick for everyone around you in my humble opinion OP.

  4. ...plenty of guys at or near hat height (+ or - 1 inch) who have fared better...Steve Young,Montana ,Tarkenton, Brees, etc.....height is NOT his problem (NOR a guarantee; SDS Dan McGuire was 6'10" going to Seattle at #19; think he's selling step ladders now)....I STILL believe it is his mental ability to process the field timely, go through his reads and progressions FULLY, spotting receivers, and stopping the urge to short circuit reads because he thinks his wheels will always bail him out....just my opinion.......

    I understand,


    and until Taylor proves differently the 15 wonderlic score will haunt him IMO.

  5. ....OR...perhaps a QB that gets them the ball on a regular and consistent basis when open?.....bet they're thrilled running routes and hardly ever seening the ball with this club's inconsistent passing offense....."run or done" will never cut it............

    Its obvious Taylor at 6' 1" struggles seeing the football field and finding his targets when he's looking into the shoulder pads of bigger athletes on both sides of the football. The West Coast O works the field more horizontally and should give Taylor better throwing lanes and a better view of the football field IMO.


    Bigger , more dependable targets like OJ Howard would also help counter the height disadvantage in my humble opinion.

  6. Pretty sure it's because all of our QBs sucked. Maybe that's because we took rbs and Dbs in rd 1 instead of a qb but we'll never know

    OC/systems like the one Steve Fairchild brought to town didn't help. Compounded with promotions from within a system that never worked well to begin with IMO.


    There is no substitute for good coaching and not even the greatest QB's that ever played the game can overcome sub par coaching in my humble opinion.

  7. Does anyone know why Jimbo never got into coaching after retiring? Has he ever discussed it or been asked that question? I would imagine that his son's illness probably played apart in not getting into coaching initially, which makes perfect sense. Though, once he passed away (RIP Hunter) I always thought it would have been a great way for Jim to keep himself busy and scratch that competitive itch. He would have been a heck of an OC. Anyone ever heard anything on this? Thanks.

    J K was a great leader of men, but from an X's and O's standpoint its a known fact Jim had a low wonderlic score. (15)


    The complexity of todays NFL O's and D's is mind boggling...

  8. Hopefully some cornerbacks or a safety. Our secondary is god awful and we need a running back now. Our defense was really bad last season.

    The Bills are one team I dont mind my Pack losing to. Classiest fanbase in the NFL I think.

    Packers fanbase probably has us beat Ice,


    thanks for saying though...

  9. The Patriots get Gilmore, Cooks and Hightower, the Bills resign Tyrod, draft replacement for Gilmore.


    New England 14-2, Bills 6-10. What's the point of even watching. Seen this film before.

    The difference between Ryan and McDermott are like night and day,


    I'm feeling the exact opposite OP


    As far as Tom Brady and the Patriots go, it gives the Buffalo Bills a chance to prepare and play against the very best in the league twice a season. 3 times in all likelihood to advance in the playoffs.


    I hate losing to them, but I wouldn't want it any other way.


    I totally understand your thinking, but let me show you facts that completely dispute what you just said and paint a much different picture of where we are at and what needs to happen to make the playoffs:


    1. Passing Yards do NOT equal playoffs. Ask Drew Brees who has averaged 5000 yards per season the last 3 years and never won more than 7 games or made the playoffs. In fact, Brees, Rivers, Luck, Ryan, and Stafford have combined to make the playoffs just 3 times out of 15 tries the last 3 years.

    2. In Tyrods 15 starts, we were the 5th highest scoring team in the NFL. Points are points, doesnt matter if you run or throw...each TD is worth 6 and we were the 5th best scoring team in the NFL with TT as our QB. And going into week 17 (when we sat TT), only the Falcons and Saints had scored more TD's than the Bills.

    3. We scored all those points DESPITE not having our best WR for most the year, having the rest of our WR's hurt frequently, losing key OL for parts of the year, losing McCoy for a full game and most of 2 others, and switching OC's in week 2. Furthermore, TT had 3 different OC's in 3 straight seasons.

    4. IN 15 games, TT led the Bills to 25 points or more TEN times.

    5. We were the number 1 rushing attack in the NFL.

    6. The 2 years with TT are the HIGHEST 2 years of Buffalo scoring in team history outside the first 3 SB years. Last years team was the 5th highest in Bills history in scoring, but if TT played week 17 likely would have finished THIRD in Bills history.

    7. As the number 1 rushing attack, we also had the FEWEST pass ATTEMPTS in the NFL. If you don't throw it, you don't compile stats.

    8. TT has an incredible TD:Turnover ratio

    9. When Sammy got healthy after the bye week in 2015, the final 9 games of the season with TT he was one of the most productive WR's in the NFL showing what a healthy Sammy can do for TT and this offense, especially if TT trusts that WR.

    10. We were a higher scoring team than most the teams in the playoffs under TT.


    More about the D:

    1. If you ignore the FLUKE shutout of the Patriots in week 4 that had No Brady, No Gronk, and No Jimmy but did have a 3rd string rookie QB with a hurt hand...the Bills defense in the other 15 games gave up an average of OVER 25 points per game, for 26th worst in the NFL.

    2. Had Brady played week 4 and put up just 30 (he put up 41 on us a few weeks later) we would have been 28th in the NFL in points allowed over the full season.

    2. Rex system clearly did not fit this defense.

    3. We didn't have our best Safety and communicator in a complicated D most the season.

    4. We lost BOTH our top 2 draft picks for half or all the season in Shaq and Rags.

    5. We were missing our DL in Dareus for half the year.

    6. We had other key injuries the D could not sustain.

    7. We lost 8 games with TT and in those 8 games we lost by 6 points or less SIX times. Including having a big 3rd quarter lead against Oakland where the D gave up 4 straight TD drives late to Oak.


    Now...when you average a score of 25+ points per game, that SHOULD be enough to win a lot of games. When you give up 25+ points per game you should lose a lot of games. We did BOTH.


    Given we lost six games by 1 score or less, we clearly do not need to go from 26th worse defense to first ranked D to win more of those less than 1 score losses. Even a MODEST improvement of the D to middle of the pack would turn several of those 6 point or less losses into wins and that would equal the playoffs.


    Now factor in, we "should" have a healthy Sammy to start the year, better WR's on the roster than last year behind him, both our top 2 picks last year healthy and ready to contribute on D, REX GONE, Dareus the whole year, already an upgrade at S, and whatever else we add in FA and the draft...and its quite easy to see that our path to the playoffs may be right in front of us THIS year. We were close the last 2 years, but the D was by far our biggest issue and just the change from Rex to McDermott will likely make a big difference.


    We are on a much better path than people (who hate TT) realize. This false narrative about passing yards is just not factually correct. Yardage doesnt win games, scoring more points than the opponent wins game...and we were pretty good at scoring points and awful at preventing points.



    This is a very good post.


    There is no substitute for good D in my humble opinion.


    Do the Bills/Taylor need to get better throwing the football, of course they do, and Tyrod Taylor would probably be the 1st to agree.


    On the other hand a good game manager that protects the football is something to build on in my humble opinion.

  11. Wow bro, you are a posting here more than most of us. Sad the see the BBMB go, but all is well in the world.


    I would love to see a Packers/Bills SuperBowl while Aaron is still at the helm, but at this point we need to get into the dance first. This team, with a few more positions to solidly is intriguing for sure. We will see what McDermott can squeeze out of them.


    You excited about your new shiny TE toy over there?

    Ice has been posting in TBD for years,


    He enjoys the shoutbox,

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