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Posts posted by Figster


    ....EXCELLENT point bud......adapting to the capabilities of your personnel versus forcing a "round peg into a sqaure hole" makes perfect sense....good assessment :thumbsup:

    Thanks for saying OldTimer,


    but I'm really not the one that deserves credit for the assessment/ adjustment.


    There's a new Sheriff in town,


    goes by the name McDermott...


    ...a couple of OBJECTIVE assessments (I'll kiss babies but not QB asses)......neither EJ or TT had the best of career starts in Bflo......EJ was Nix (or whomever) 2nd choice after OBD bailed on Genome being their #1 to sit behind Kolb, which is in the top 5 of worst OBD signings in Buffalo's history....5 concussions=noodle gone BEFORE the "Great Mat Attack".....Roman went ballistic internally when Cassel was traded so TT was 2nd fiddle....BUT....BOTH have gray matter issues adapting to the speed of the game at this level...EJ failed and also had ZERO confidence....TT's gray matter ability to process the field remains highly questionable in my mind with his "wheels escapability" being the only salvation to a point.....I'm not convinced anyone (HOPEFULLY DENNISON) can correct gray matter issues...and if this club does NOT get some offensive balance ("run or done" won't cut it) between running, passing, with TT wheels being an OPTION as needed versus dependency, I'll be dead before they ever make the playoffs (hold the applause)....

    The problem is part gray matter and part faulty system in my humble opinion AFL,


    The more user friendly West Coast O and innovative coaching may give Buffalo the desired results IMO.


    I Billieve...


    You do realize that Anthony Lynn went on to get hired as head coach? Apparently an NFL team didn't think A Lynn was the problem.

    A Lynn is not an OC and didn't design the G Roman playbook.


    C Jones 1st NFL drive should have ended on a positive note, instead Lynn put Jones in a no win situation.


    Just because one team looking for a temporary cheap stop gap hired lynn does not make him a good coach IMO.


    The issue is that Tyrod's inability to throw the football hurts Buffalo. When Buffalo has needed Tyrod to make plays in the passing game in the 4th quarter or in a two minute drill he has generally failed.


    Dak has been protected as a rookie but in big moments he has led his team to wins. The playoff game only an Aaron Rodgers playing out of his mind beat the Cowboys. If Tyrod goes against a Brady or Rodgers and does his part I will not complain.

    Everyone seems to think a highly efficient passing O just magically appears out of thin air with the right QB. It takes practice and game reps, Buffalo averaged the lowest in the league. It takes a proven system/coahing, Buffalo sent the architect of the Bills O packing two weeks into the season, then continued out of the same run heavy playbook. It takes good playmakers at WR, Buffalo has one and he missed part of the season.


    Does this sound like the kind of conditions any QB can produce well under, because it doesn't to me.


    ...OS, ask yourself this:....how many times to you run your route full tilt and fight to get open knowing you'll probably never see the ball because your QB lacks the ability to scan the entire field?.....sure I'm getting paid a helluva lot of money but the routine gets old quick..........

    This is a wise comment in my humble opinion coming from an OldTimeAFLGuy.


    Playmakers want the football because they get paid to make plays.


    I have no idea what he will do. But all the signs point to the fact that McDermott isn't a Belichick or Carroll, just another defensive minded coach trying to grind out wins.


    The Tyrod Taylor situation, the Leslie Frazier hire are all red flags for me. The draft is coming and we will know even more soon enough.

    McDermott comes across to me as an innovative HC willing to make the adjustments he deems appropriate in all 3 phases of the game.


    Myself personally, I think the Bills may have finally hit pay dirt.

  7. Can we also get rid of the "officiating experts" from the TV studios?


    They are absolutely useless.

    Officiating crews may vary on how agressive they call penalties IMO.


    Myself personally Mark, I like hearing expert opinions.


    I also have no problem with a slight difference of opinion as long as both teams are treated the same in a football game.


    The ability to challenge any play helps build a template of how an officiating crew calls the game in my humble opinion.

  8. It will be a mess. You will see this challenge every game without question. Team will just do it for the sake of desperation and waste more time.

    I understand the skepticism, but If your looking for fair Officiating the goal would be to get all plays correctly not just part of them in my humble opinion Scott, and with all due respect.


    I think we already see the challenge being used in almost every game now IMO.

  9. Why can't I? Roman's offense got stale at the end of 2015 and remained that way in the beginning of 2016 then he got fired.


    The offense under A Lynn started to perform better for a while until it then again fell flat.


    Am I supposed to say : OK It's a Tyrod's fault? Or is it part Tyrod and part play calling part player talent? I choose the latter.

    The inexperienced remark was because it was true.


    As to whether A Lynn is good, we'll see in a year or 2.

    we all saw that Rex was bad before 2 full seasons.


    I'm not wishing A Lynn ill will, I just don't know how "good" he is.

    lol, thought I was in agreement with you

  10. True.


    Challenging a penalty called I can see happening, but challenging an uncalled penalty is too much.... literally every play a penalty could be called.... it will be a bigger mess then it already is in terms of the game becoming more of a joke.

    You still only get one chance to call it unless the Officials missed something.


    if they're missing penalties play after play then the problem needs to be fixed.


    You ever think holding someone accountable might help?


    No but - you should eject the guy. It should cost more than a game check too. Maybe a percentage of total compensation for the year? or game check? Whichever is higher. And similar to hockey, you have a group look at the hit and decide if further suspension is warranted.

    No transparency or accountability when it comes to officiating in the NFL IMO.


    Correcting mistakes real time adds both in my humble opinion.

  12. The ability to red flag any play makes sense IMO.


    By allowing a team to red flag a play that a game altering penalty may have occured , but missed it allows for real time corrections which would reduce mistakes and help assure a fair outcome IMO.


    If you throw the red flag and no penalty can be found or a penalty on the opposite side has occured the red flag option has expired and the penalty gets enforced.


    I like this idea and have been trying to get it to take hold in the NFL.

    Very dumb.

    The game will take 10 hours. There's arguably a penalty on every play.

    Not at all,


    The flow of the game would not change If utilized properly IMO.


    If you use the red flag option and the officiating crew doesn't agree with you, thats it on reviewing a play in this manner.


    This is not something a coach would or could try to use on every play.

  13. Are you implying that the lousy boisterous HC had nothing at all to do with the offense?


    RR had nothing at all to do with the hiring of Roman? RR had nothing at all to do with promoting the inexperienced A Lynn, RR had nothing at all to do with going for it on 4th and short, or throwing the red hanky, or calling Time Outs?


    Rex blundered more than just the defense.

    Using Roman as a scapegoat for an O unit that was slow coming out of the gate after Ryan himself made the call for reduced reps during preseason shows how bad the team was handled IMO.


    The Bills ranked dead last in passing attempts per game average (below 30) in the NFL which translates to being dead last in most passing categories.


    Running the ball well in the NFL is good , but not at the expense of the passing game in my humble opinion.

  14. you admire cheating? Interesting...

    Patriots are probably one of the most scrutinized teams in the league so getting caught and then being made an example of goes with the territory.


    Tom Brady paid dearly for the latest incident IMO and still came out after the suspension and did what he always does,


    Myself personally, no I don't admire cheating,


    What I do admire is the best QB that has ever played the game in my humble opinion and I wish we had one like him.

  15. I don't get how people like other AFC teams since you are in competition with them every year.

    Team like the Pats is almost a love, hate thing with me.


    I hate losing to them, but admire to much about the team especially at the QB position to put them in my most hated category.


    Hating on the fish or Jets comes easy...

  16. Did anyone check out this show on History? Loved it and am disappointed the season is already over.


    I wasn't crazy about the season finale with Taggert getting shot after everything he just went through,


    but my kind of show.

  17. His field vision is not the best, but coaching can help/aid that. Teams have done that before by calling deeper drops and using more motion pre snap to help identify coverages easier.

    Taylors height disadvantage is part of the problem IMO.


    I agree on the coaching/system being the solution cover1

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