The days of duplicate threads is over,
just ask Jack,
Everything Tyrod related in one thread is a good thing,
not talk about our starting QB?
Good luck with that...
Anything below the height of most linemans shoulder pads limits a QB's view of the football field in my humble opinion.
In the right system the limitation can be managed.
On the other hand why draft a 6 ft one QB If a '6 4" QB with the same skill set is available.
I'm not saying you can't find ways around something ,
but If their going to cut off your head when you get caught would you still do it?
I'm just saying...
Shaw is giving us his perspective from a legal standpoint and the point is the penalties should be severe enough to eliminate the problem.
Why would you expect anything different?
I respect Shaws opinion on this...
The way I see it when the Buffalo Bills decide on the QB they want to lead the football team I can play my small part by standing behind the decision.
Its called being a fan of the team.
l've listened to both sides of this argument with interest and I'm inclined to agree with Tee/FC
Teams by and large take advantage of anything they can get away with IMO,
and I'll use the Patriots as an example.