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Posts posted by Figster

  1. It was a solid game up to where- IIRC - the Refs screwed the Bills on the non call for roughing or running unabated into the kicker, making it so that the kicker had to leave the field, waste a play then also left the Bills of all but 5 seconds left to run the play as the stood there over the ball while the clock was running.


    The failure was not being able to score and close out he game in the 4th.

    Don't quote me on this, but the play was still live and sherman made sure he touched the football making it all legal


    Sherman manipulated the rules intentionally,


    and knew exactly what he was doing in my humble opinion.

  2. The Raiders are different, though. They are still the most popular NFL team in Los Angeles and they are one of the few franchises with a national following. This will be extremely successful for them. People from Oakland will look forward to an excuse to take a weekend trip to Vegas.

    Different take,


    I get not losing popularity nationally and doing well in a new city,


    On the other hand its doubtful in my humble opinion season ticket holders living in the city of Oakland share the same veiw.

  3. A while back in a camp setting Howard Simon and Paul Hamilton from WGR both commented how stunned they were at EJ's inaccuracy in a practice setting. Sometimes you don't know how good a player is going to be until you see the player perform in real games. And sometimes you can come to a conclusive evaluation on a player from what you see in practice.

    When a WR doesn't run a crisp route you get the same result so practicing with 2nd and 3rd string players doesn't do the backup QB any favors in my humble opinion.

  4. You're ranking him against other teams though. Do you not see how it's unfair to not count games TT didn't play but count games that Connor Cook played?


    And EJ scored against the Pats. Did you take that score out of your calculation?

    Its also fair to consider the possibility that had Taylor finished the season out the Bills may have ranked even higher.


    Durability plays into everything...


    Yes we did...Tyrod played the first 15 games and going into week 17 we were 5th in scoring with only 2 teams with more TD's than the Bills (Falcons and Saints). These are facts FireChan, nothing you can do about it.


    Dumbest statement you have ever written, and thats saying a lot. UNDER TAYLOR..therefore, ONLY referencing games he played by very definition of the statement and we are SOLELY speaking about Taylor...Not EJ or Cardale...


    So you can NOT count games EJ/Cardale played (one) in evaluation of the offenses success with TYROD as QB. But you already know that, still doesn't keeping you from your usual non sense though, so at least you are consistent.


    PS: Its hilarious too because you actually by default are making a STRONGER case for TT...wtih TT...5th highest scoring team in NFL, he sits ONE game and we drop to 10th.

    thanks for explanation

  6. Well our CoT'ers outdid the bbmb CoT'ers. Ours stated he would double his salary elsewhere, and we would be doing him a favor if we released him. He he he


    Between that and them wanting to carry his new team to the playoffs, many laughs were had.

    The last poll taken before the shutdown had a large majority of Bills fans in favor of Tyrod Taylor staying in Buffalo and it wasn't even close.


    Like TBD a small minority of Taylor detractors were so vocal it would be very easy to be mislead when veiwing the board.


    Everyone has an opinion,


    some opinions are just louder then others...

  7. Worse things could happen


    Fitzy is a pretty good backup qb

    If Fitz would accept the backup role he would make a good mentor for T T and C J in my humble opinion.


    Fitzpatrick might also make good coaching material one day,


    if the old bearded one put his mind to it...

  8. Hope your ok with me on here lol.


    No I promise you I'm not. I would never do that considering what Green Bay went through from 1969-1992. Still since then we have only won 2 superbowls with two Great Qbs. People always say we should have more titles under our belt and I don't think we will until Brady retires or until we fix our defense and quit going conservative with big leads.

    Like them or hate them Ice the New England Patriots have set the bar so high now when it comes to team accomplishments during the Brady Era nobody will ever catch them in my humble opinion.


    I hate losing to the Patriots, but its one hell of a football team.



    I would LOVE to keep this about the team and not one player.....unfortunately that is not the agenda of the anti TT posters.....


    Anything they can contest about anything positive regarding this ONE PLAYER and not the team they will be all over like white on rice.


    From a TEAM standpoint they were still top 10 in scoring efficiency.

    I am smart enough to know what your end game is

    I understand where your coming from John, but I think you may have misinterpreted what Chan was trying to convey in that exchange,


    with all due respect

  10. I just want the bills to put him in the best position to succeed just like I would for any other qb we put under center......


    Sammy at this particular moment in time is absolutely the x factor on that....and frankly I dont want the bills to hang their hat on one player.....IMPROVE HIS WEAPONs.....I dont care if its a uncoverable TE or another 1a receiver.....just get him guys that he trusts and can get separation....at this moment in time we have Sammy and a bunch of number 3 guys (Holmes could emerge but once again.....need to work towards better)

    Pretty sure it was the 6th (once again....with him on the field our offensive effeciency took a nose dive in the last game of the season when we sat him....only proving the point further)

    Bills finished tenth, but Taylor as you just mentioned didn't start every game John


    Oh yeah? His coaches hired have been very uninspiring. Rex Ryan, Dan Bylsma, and Ted Nolan. Terrible.

    Teddy Nolan needed to be removed from everyones mind in my humble opinion jeff, (exorcised might be the best way to put it)


    and I have np with the hire,


    Rex Ryan is a damn good salesman, and just proved it again with ESPN.


    Myself personally,


    I'm willing to give new ownership the time it may take to right the ships.


    Its a New Era...

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