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Posts posted by Figster

  1. Perhaps when the new stadium is built, for the new Ring of Fame they could put '32' up but not put the name that goes with it. It allows the football accomplishments to be acknowledged while not honoring the person.


    Which seems to be what the Bills have tried to do since that fateful summer day.

    Many high profile athletes like it or not can become role models for teenagers/younger generation and for that reason star athletes in the sports world should be held to a higher standard during and after their career is over in my humble opinion.


    I like this idea Taro :thumbsup:

  2. if i owned the bills i would acknowledge oj howard

    well done :thumbsup:


    Mixed feelings on O J Simpson and while I realize the historical significance of Simpson's accomplishments on the football field If I was Pegula I might be tempted to remove any mention of Simpson within the New Era stadium walls.


    Was Simpson a great player? yes


    Does Simpson deserve the same respect and treatment from within the organization and fan base as someone like Jim Kelly or Bruce Smith? absolutely not, not in my humble opinion.

  3. I am well aware of the time difference.


    My point is there shouldn't be any accommodations for west coast teams because games there cannot accommodate east coast teams.



    WRT dinner time. That was sarcasm.

    It may not always be the case , but I would hope some common sense is used when the times of the games are scheduled to prevent teams from getting pulled out of their normal game time comfort zone. Overseas is different.


    As an owner or HC If you have my team playing at what would be 10am where the team resides,


    Someones going to get an earful...

  4. I don't see why the NFL schedule makers would "accommodate" Mountain or West coast teams and give them a 4PM slot.


    They don't start games at 10AM when the Bills go to the west coast.


    The only reason any 4pm games stick in my memory are the times they played the JETS or the Falcons in TO.

    I always wondered why I needed to wait until 4PM to watch 2 east coast teams. I don't like it when those games ruin my dinner.

    A home and away with AFCE teams to start the season and a home and away with AFCE teams to end the season.

    Because 4pm here on the East Coast is only 1PM out on the West Coast.


    Any earlier would make it unfair ...

  5. I may be of a minority when it comes to scheduling, but I like high profile games against playoff caliber opponents.


    Why would I want to watch games against bottom feeders? to give myself false expectations?


    Good opposition makes for a more exciting season in my humble opinion.


    Its all about the quality of matchups...

  6. Myself personally,


    Keeping Tyrod Taylor in Buffalo and having a new innovative minded HC that was able to see past Taylors shortcomings to reach this decision was enough to call this a winning offseason for me.


    The West Coast Offensive system and hand picked coaches to help steer Taylor in the right direction is icing on the cake.


    Give us O J Howard and let the New Era begin...


    I'm a Billiever...

  7. According to Taylor, he passively and briefly examined options with other teams but really likes Buffalo and wanted to stay and to win in Buffalo and understands the Cap restrictions on the team this offseason along with the number of UFAs at key positions the team would be losing and saw a way to help his team win, which would also help him win. Actually he mentioned helping the team financially more than once, if I recall correctly.


    Paraphrasing of course, but that's pretty much what Taylor said...

    Sounds about right,


    But it's still about throwing significantly more TDs than INTs

    Of course it is, and Taylors TD to INT ratio is very good.


    Let me put it to you this way, If Taylor throws say 16 TD's and 4 INT's one season, a more experienced Taylor the next season scores 32 TD's and 11 INT's


    Wouldn't you agree that despite the increase in INT's the 2nd season that the increase in points scored more then makes up for it?


    Can you explain how it's more likely to lead to more victories than less interceptions?


    Awww shux puddin... you just can't resist me :wub:

    through more passing attempts/TD's as a result and the better feel a QB gets of WR tendencies in certain situations.


    Nobody wants an INT , but when one gets thrown in certain situations the QB gains more knowledge about his WR and himself, and the same goes for a TD in my humble opinion. Some WR are going to track down the ball, others not so much.


    You can't learn from mistakes unless you try.

  10. If that's the point people are trying to make, it's not a very good one. In what scenario do 5 more interceptions a season equal 3 more wins? It doesn't make any sense. Just upping our pass attempts isn't going to lead to more wins if that's what you mean.




    4 teams in the top 10 and 4 teams in the bottom 10 made the playoffs. There is no correlation between more pass attempts and more wins, but there is a correlation between less turnovers and more wins. If the choice is between less pass attempts and less interceptions, or more pass attempts and more interceptions, there is no reason to choose the second option.

    5 more INT's a season to achieve a more agressive passing attack and better production while it may seem like allot of turnovers, spread out over 16 games its not as bad as playing so conservative its costing you wins.


    Do you remember the gun slinging days of J K? Throwing two INT's early, then come roaring back with 3TD's?


    Well if you do this is the point people are trying to make.

  11. ....BBMB posters?...attacking?.....son, this is my 55th year of following this club, probably longer than you have been alive......attacking is NOT my style...provocative football debate IS....so my best bet is to ignore any of your posts seeing that I am a reviled "BBMB poster"....no harm, no foul.....and could care less...........

    nothing to get all worked up about,


    whats the old saying , opinions are like A holes,


    everyone has one...


    ...read my post from another thread that addresses pretty much every name you tossed out......it ain't pretty.............


    .".the DonoHOLE era of disaster with his demand to be anointed "El Presidente" and his total control freak nature set this club back a decade......RW went into panic mode when he learned his inner circle of trust was woefully violated.....so he called Marv who he trusted, started elevating Brandon who he trusted into positions not qualified for and relied on Buddy (think he was about 70) who he trusted....thus the era of "OBD Patchwork FO" began.......followed by Jauron, Gailey and Marrone......"Nightmare on Abbott Road"....Whaley came from pretty good pedigree ala the Steelers and I sure as hell hope Colbert was MORE influential than DonoHOLE........DW has been "middle of the pack" despite this mess which is not quite good enough....BUT....Pegula is a pretty smart guy....he is starting year 3 of ownership and the club is 15-17 so far, hardly what TP would want.....so me thinks DW is on TP's radar and if he does not like what he sees, he'll pull the plug just as he did with Regier when he determined ON HIS OWN TIMETABLE that 'ol Darcy needed to pack....stay tuned."

    Like an old fashion love song


    I'm really flabbergasted at what you're implying here.


    So now suddenly Interceptions don't matter?


    Or I love what Foxx said... "not all interceptions are created equal..."


    Okay... I guess I'd say that's true, but I'd also say that most of Taylor's Interceptions have come on deep throws that are the equivalent of punts hand have, if anything, been less hurtful than Interceptions thrown by the likes of Jay Cutler or (sorry... gotta do it) EJ Manuel.


    As much as some of you think those of us who like Taylor twist stats to make him look better, saying Interceptions don't matter that much is one of the most bizarre ways to twist the reality of NFL QB play...


    Interceptions absolutely matter... a lot.

    Protecting the football does matter,


    On the other hand say its 3rd and a mile, your down two scores and running out of time,


    QB needs to start taking more chances as time starts winding down so going long at this point of the game for a possible INT becomes more acceptable to me.


    T T needs some experience in this part of his game management IMO.

  14. What dies a healthy groin have to do with his ability to see an open WR or throw the ball in anticipation?

    I'm not saying TT wasn't slowed down by it, just that the areas that need improvement should have little to do with a pulled groin.



    If it does, then why was he on the field?

    no sir, healthy groin is not a quick fix,


    I do believe however that it may have hurt Taylors game both run and pass because it forced T T to alter his style play in my humble opinion Shady.

  15. I'm not blaming the mods, Figster. The BBMB became overrun with irrational, brutal folks.

    I get that this is part of the internet age, I suppose, but it would be great if more decorum could be maintained here.

    I understand,


    TBD has become by far the biggest Bills forums and may possibly become one of the biggest, most active sports forums in the country in my humble opinion.


    Every troll known to mankind goes with the territory now unfortunately.

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