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Posts posted by Figster

  1. What I was trying to say, and what you have failed to grasp, is that these posters keep telling us how good he was in 2015, how he didn't lose games like Oakland and Pittsburgh, and how injuries and other factors were all to blame instead of placing any blame on Taylor himslef. Then when other posters call them out on it, they try and tell you that they agree that he's a stopgap/bridge QB, and that they have no illusion to what type of player he is. To me, this doesn't add up. I believe they actually have a much higher opinion of Tyrod, and if you read the majority of their posts, it's fairly easy to see.


    As to you're statement that there are as many reasons to believe he'll improve as there are to believe he won't, I simply disagree.


    I have no problem with other's opinions, but when they constantly contradict themselves by excusing his play and blaming others while in the same breath saying they agree that he's not the guy moving forward...I have to call BS on it.

    You make a good point,


    Tyrod Taylor will become the next Bills franchise QB IMO.


    Lord knows I'm not always right, but Taylors work ethic is whats going to take Tyrod and his football team to the next level in my humble opinion.


    I'm a Billiever...

  2. WE NEED VETERAN LEADERSHIP AT THE WIDE RECEIVER POSITION!! Check out all the fourth quarter comebacks in Detroit last year. Boldin was the go-to guy, A big bodied vet who has been to the big dance could be got relatively cheap...your thoughts?

    Been a fan of Boldin coming to Buffalo everytime he becomes available.

  3. Time in a system should improve a teams performance. The problem was Roman's play book was too complicated and predictable.


    FWI - The points scored only improved by 2.86 points between 2015 and 2016.


    2015 TT played in 14 games and the "team" scored an average of 23.07 points per game.

    >> For all 16 games the "team" scored an average of 23.44 points per game.


    2016 TT played in 15 games and the "team" scored an average points per game of 25.93 points per game.

    Almost 3 points per game average increase might have been significant enough to get you into the playoffs with a better D.

  4. Watkins has made several comments about a lack of leadership under Rex and guys stepping up, including himself. So Sammy has that desire to be more than just a great WR on the field. He truly sounds like he wants this team to win and be a leader in the locker room. I think the injuries have frustrated him but I love his desire to be a leader, if he stays healthy , he's the total package.


    And it's well known that Taylor demands the respect of the rest of the offense, many teammates have publicly stated this. These things matter , it takes more than talent to win in this league.


    Man, how can you not be impressed by McD so far, I have a Gut feeling he proves to be a steal and a coach for a very long time here...

    I'm very impressed :thumbsup:

  5. All of the stats I just listed were 2016 compared to 2015. You're welcome to disagree but the numbers almost across the board and the eye test disagree with you.


    TT did enough to not tank the offense. But he still played worse than in 2015.

    Thanks for explaining


    So what your saying then is the O overall made improvments season 2 despite the early season coaching change.


    I can live with that...

  6. Scored more. Rushed more. Ran more plays per drive. Scored more points per drive. Had more yards per drive. Had more time per drive. Had less 3 and outs. Had a higher score percentage.


    TT sucked. His individual stats all went down. Everyone else played great.

    In comparison to what? the first two games? after Rex gave the starters minimal reps through preseason?


    If your saying the O looked better under Lynn 2nd season then G Roman 1st season, I respectfully disagree



    Do you think all of your 1st comment happens without Taylor managing the game properly?

  7. I really don't think it was anything more than d coordinators had a full years worth of film on him. Baltimore saying make him play QB was the blueprint.

    So sending the architect of the O from the 1st season packing two weeks into the 2nd season had nothing to do with it?


    Now we have an O deemed faulty with an inexperienced coach still working out of the same playbook.


    Keep in mind the original plan was a run heavy philosophy that never changed averaging the lowest amount of passing attempts in the league.


    Does any of this sound like the recipe for success going into your second season as starting QB in the NFL?


    It doesn't to me...

  8. TT most certainly does


    Just so people can understand I am not against the doubts....they are warranted.


    What I AM against is making stuff up trying to hammer home a point. People really dont need to do that there is enough legit issues in TT's game that people dont need to do that


    Tyrod does not throw behind wr's at least not tot he point where it is a actual problem.....every qb in the nfl has throws that will do this from time to time. Tyrod on the throws he DOES make is fairly accurate......he tends to throw high and he is late on his anticipation throws....that is a valid arguement....throwing "at wr's asses" is not.


    They dont throw enough.....another valid arguement.

    Just a different way of expressing his displeasure, thats all John


    I don't always agree word for word with how someone may try to convey their point across,


    On the other hand being authentic and true to who you are in real life I find attractive in a poster.


    No AFL, I don't think your sexy...

  9. ...I'm "ALL IN" on spending more money on the receiving corp (be it WR or TE) because Taylor has shown his propensity to be there every time on time and it's the receivers' faults for not catching the ball with their azz cheeks or pulling up short knowing there's no way in hell the rock is even near the same zip code.....sounds like "upward and onward" to me............

    Watkins doesn't seem to have the same problem,


    ever ask yourself why AFL?

  10. Figster the people that you tell this to all know this.


    The lines in the sand have been pretty much drawn. It will be up to Tyrod to show that he can overcome the the hatred that has formed for our signal caller.

    with all due respect John,


    Hatred is really not a fair way to describe the varying degrees of displeasure over Tyrod Taylors performance so far with the Buffalo Bills in my humble opinion.(passing game)


    Nobody should be hating on each other for a difference of opinion.

  11. ....why piss away more assets be it draft, FA or extensions in the receiving corp (WR &TE) if this kid cannot process the field in time allotted?....and how the hell to you retrain gray matter to get "IT"?....sorry but "run or done" and TT's wheels being the consistent bailout don't cut it IMO.....

    The hope AFL is that a user friendly system in the West Coast O and more physical receivers that will fight for the football may increase Taylors confidence in lower percentage throws and help slow the game down some for T T.



    Time will tell OldTimer...

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