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Posts posted by Figster



    is it not a discussion board?


    how many threads would make you happy?


    maybe you should just admit, you can't keep up with the discussion anymore?



    no, keep complaining, it's what you do.

    with all due respect Da, and I can understand why the comment might put you on the defensive, (thanks)


    No reason for duplicate threads, or thoughts off the top of your head threads, (when you can use the shoutbox )


    Unless of course you come along and beat the living daylights out of the thread with a stick,


    then we may need a replacement...

  2. 1) the media and fans would destroy all those guys if they won 1 & 3 games their rookie years. They would be called busts and fans would want them to draft a new qb. Aikman went 0-11 as a rookie with a 53%, 9 tds to 18 INTs. EJ, for example, went 4-6 as a rookie with a 59% and 11 tds and 9 INTs. Think about how he was perceived, now imagine if he had Aikman's rookie year.


    No one has the patience to develop a qb.


    2) I don't think Tyrod is the answer either. But he is a serviceable qb at first. If he had to play as a rookie, he'd probs let be out of the league now. Sitting was the best thing for him considering he was an under 60% every season in college.


    3) I'm all for playing a guy right away. I'd rather draft a guy, have an open camp, & let the best man play. But how many fans and media would be in ok with the struggles that every rookie qb has?


    4) the NFL badly needs a minor league. With arena football, we never have Kurt Warner. There are a ton of young qbs who are ruined because they play too early, struggle, & then get tossed aside. Personally, I'd love a summer league where backup NFL qbs compete with fringe players.

    Good post :thumbsup:

  3. Sorry everyone. Just frustrated at too many repetative and redundant threads on the main board. Did I mention that I had a few last night? Maybe i should start a thread about bourbon, scotch and beer.


    Seriously though, sorry. I hereby ban myself from starting any new threads for a period of 217.5 days.



    Don't beat yourself up over it OP


    Thread starting/ trolling was probably one of BBMB biggest problems before the shutdown IMO. (Look at me threads)


    ....not quite...sadly, EJ cut HIMSELF with his demonstrated ineptitude...NFL speed, complexity and zero confidence were his downfalls.....did I root for the kid to make it?...damn right...hell I couldn't make it as a kicking tee.....1,696 out of how many BILLION are privileged to be employed in the NFL?...no comparison between a 1st and 1 4th, but Cardale is now on the "show me" docket.....


    I would kick you


    Agree on C Jones,


    lets see what you got kiddo...

  5. funny how this highlight thread turned in to such a lowlight...now it's the contract.


    what next?



    you can only beat a horse to death so much.




    The days of duplicate threads is over,


    just ask Jack,


    Everything Tyrod related in one thread is a good thing,


    not talk about our starting QB?


    Good luck with that...

  6. No, if you grew up in the Buffalo area. It just doesn't make sense to me. For me, the Bills are more about Buffalo than the team. I'll never root for any city over my hometown.


    Now, I root for 2 baseball teams, Cleveland and the Mets. Grew up liking the Mets and their druggies but the Bisons were Cleveland's farm team and Major League is an awesome movie. But I really don't care an eighth about them as much as the Bills.

    what he said ^^^

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