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Posts posted by Figster

  1. Nice answer. In other words you have zero proof.


    Patriots primarily win with Brady's arm and by playing good defense.


    Take away their passing game and they are very beatable. Even the Bills have done it.


    I reiterate - You freakin made that **** up dude! Total B.S. fabrication. And you know it. You just don't want to admit it.


    Patriots ranked 24th in average yards per carry last year. Certainly not dominant. Not even close.


    If they had to beat you solely on their running game, they couldn't. They would lose. Remember the Bills game? Take away their passing game = Patriots are screwed as are most teams.

    I think your putting to much emphasis on the number 35 Dave


    BB can beat you in many ways including running the football and minus Tom Brady.


    We already know that though right?

  2. i think its obvious that a coach with a good QB can overcome , make -up for any character flaws regarding him or as it relates to the team. but look at billick with dilfer, or levy with kelly vs hostedler and parcells. . no exact science here..IMHO, you dont want greggo or rex, you want competancy.. i guess there is no right answer.

    Not unless we can clone BB

  3. Rochesterfan has done IMO a very thorough research on NFL HC success so perhaps he will see this thread and be gracious enough to chime in.


    Myself personally,


    Having proven coaches/systems under you that fit your vision of what a winning football team should look like,


    is off to a good start.

    I think coaches with really good qbs do better than coaches with bad qbs.

    and this ^^^

  4. When you hire a newby, all they know is what they know.


    as I've said all along... 3 more years of suck. Roster redo follows coaching re do. Takes at least 3 years to get the roster/scheme fit right if all goes well and the coach isn't fired after year 2. And with Lal gone, so is Sammy. Put that into your calculus.


    A Lynn was to only choice that would have led to some continuity. Now its all blown up again. 3 more years of suck. Then it all starts over again. Enjoy the tailgates, that's about all you got for awhile.....

    I don't feel like its blown up at all, D needs fixing and the O gets a better system to work out of with Taylor still QB.


    I can see this being turned into a movie. For the sake of clarity, Dermot Mulroney, who is often mistaken for Dylan McDermott, could play the part of Sean McDermott. Dylan McDermott, who is often mistaken for Dermot Mulroney, could be cast in the role of Sean McDermott's split personality that appears when he looks in the mirror and berates his love of character, organization, and process and second guesses everything that the Dermot Mulroney personality does... almost as a metaphor for TBN. I could see this cleaning up at Sundance.


  6. One thing that hit me today - Don't know why I didn't realize this sooner:


    Sean McDermott is a system guy.


    Sounds like he has his mind made up that he has to run his defensive system. I know some other coaches who think that way. One of them just got fired from the Bills last season.


    I guess McDermott is not the type of coach, nor probably has the experience to do so, who can take another team's defensive personnel and create the defense to best fit that personnel.




    That is my first knock against the guy. But it is a significant one. Hope he gets the guys to fit his system. Not the type of coach I really wanted though. So far I like everything else about the guy that I have heard. But a guy stuck on his own system has me very concerned.


    Your opinions?

    My opinion and I'm going more on his pressers/the mans words then anything Dave is whille McDermott may be a systems guy that pays close attention to detail McDermott is also innovative enough and expressed the desire to tweak all 3 phases of the game as he see's fit.


    HC McDermott is already Taylor making an O around Tyrod so I wouldn't underestimate his innovative capabilities.


    Clay and Howard on the field at the same time with Watkins and Shady. I like the possibilities Mr. Newton. Images of executing plays designed to get the tight end the football paint rosy pictures of fast moving chains and points in the red zone.

    the king is gone ,


    but he's not forgotten...

  8. If we can't laugh about THIS, just shut down TBD during the offseason.


    Of COURSE none of us want him to be in serious trouble physically, mentally, or legally. The fact I have to type that makes me think we need to build a wall to prevent other message board refugees from coming here.

    troll is a troll on any board,


    refugees from other boards would hope everyone understands as much,


    We don't lay claim to the added trolls TBD is getting because the official troll watering hole got shut down.

  9. Constantly changing schemes and coaching staffs makes it impossible to carry over the strength of a football team from one season to the next IMO because normally the strength is due in part to coaches putting players in a position to succeed.


    Continuity is the cure.


    I'm a Billiever...

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