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Posts posted by Figster

  1. I believe the word you are looking for is "correct"


    As in: Sal is correct.


    Coming home is likely not the answer for a guy with his baggage. Getting back into shenanigans with high school friends and his enablers is no good.


    If only he had a guy like Patrick peterson is for honey badger-- live with him, mentor him, get him away from bad influences. Kelly is a real long shot and it's only a harder road here

    Good points NoSaint,


    I never really thought about it that way.


    On the other hand If I had J K for an uncle and wanted to pursue a career in pro football,


    Let me start over, if I had J K as a uncle the time spent with him would really be important to me.


    Playing for the Bills makes it easier for both of them in my humble opinion.


    and brings a very interesting QB prospect to Buffalo...



    ...I'm a Billiever...

  2. Frankly, this would be the worst place for him to land. Too many demons for a leadership position. You can get away with it if you weren't going to be the future face of the franchise. I think he flames out early from the pressure, especially in Buffalo.


    I disagree, provided T T performs well in the new O which I believe he will, Chad Kelly becomes a long term project that would have very little imediate pressure.


    Frankly, I don't think Kelly worries about pressures from playing football.


    Because he's listened to the steady drumbeat of nay-sayers over the past decade or so who seek to discredit all standardized testing as 'unfair' or some other such nonsense.


    It's become the reflex thing to say. Also in this category: "teachers give too much homework" or "homework doesn't benefit students"

    Do you honestly believe Jim Kelly or Dan Marino are not smart enough to run a modern day NFL O ?

  4. Thanks for the time and effort, Bandit.


    Yours is one of the most well thought out, reasonable, logical mocks I've seen anywhere. Oftentimes, when you see a mock on a given team's forum, it doesn't give much thought to what other teams will do. You seem to have done that, though. For instance: Everyone knows the Giants want to trade up for an offensive tackle, and you have them doing just that. Good stuff.


    As for the selection you have Buffalo making...may I ask what leads you to believe that the Bills are more likely to select a WR than a defensive player? I'm just curious what your thought process was there.



    Myself personally, and its not that we don't need lots of help on both sides of the football,


    surrounding Team Taylor with talent/ playmakers is a smart thing to do IMO.


    I just hope one of them is O J Howard...

  5. Make no mistake,


    Tyrod Taylor's low wonderlic score (15) poses a very signicant undertaking and obstacle to overcome for the Bills new HC. Taylors work ethic and game managment skills over the last two seasons may have played an important part in McDermotts decision to roll with the fast moving wheels of T Mobile.


    Buzz and marketing. It also allows Sean to fill needs on the roster while bypassing a top round QB and the Bills can sell a QB later. The plan was probably to sell Cardale as the guy with potential but EJ was so bad they had to open that box before they wanted to.

    Very true jeff,


    Russ should be all over this...




    1. I highly doubt that Belichick is impressed that he’s the nephew of Jim Kelly.

    2. Belichick looks for smart, intelligent players.

    3. Kelly’s teams lost four superbowls and as silly as it sounds, I don’t think Belichick would want any relation to that on his multiple superbowl winning record.

    4. He probably hopes the Bills take Kelly.

    I hope Kelly ends up in Buffalo

  8. Fair but you also have to be smart enough to run an NFL offense, especially nowadays with defensive schemes hiding coverage more than in years past. It's a lot about processing information and also doing on the field. Book smarts will only take you so far if can't do it on the field. It's why it's so hard to evaluate guys in spread offenses etc because in college it's usually make one read and throw in the NFL you might have to make several reads and/or stay in the pocket despite perceived pressure etc.

    What If less intelligence in some instances equates to clearer thought process under pressure.


    Fear for instance may be reduced.

  9. Today's NFL is more complex than in the days of Kelly and Marino. I mean let's not forget Belichick developed the Giants defense that shut down Kelly (and the passing game) in Super Bowl XXV.


    In terms of the Wonderilic, it's debatable of how good it measures a QBs intelligence, personally I liked Nathan Peterman before hearing his score and guess being he scored high it helps with my narrative that he be a good QB but honestly only time will tell. Yet I like that he's a guy who had to find himself (left Tennessee for Pitt) and showed some intangibles in a pro style offense.

    Myself personally, how someone thinks and reacts under the kind of pressure that can do not just you, but the recipient of your thought process/football bodily harm cannot be measured on paper.

  10. Stats are meaningless unless seen in context. The Pats ranked third in points for and ranked first in points against. Their record for the season was 14-2 and they won the SB. Some of the local fans are chortling as if their team accomplished something with an offense that excelled in rushing and had a passing game that ranked near the bottom. What do the stats reveal when all is said and done if the team's record is 7-9 and again the team hasn't made the playoffs for the 17th consecutive year? And by the way the system is designed for parity!

    Even with TT's diminished contract the Pats wouldn't be foolish enough from a cost/benefit standpoint have him on their roster as a third string qb. As a Patriot he wouldn't be able to win the backup job against Garop.


    It may seem that I am bashing TT but I'm really not. We are fortunate to have him as our bridge qb. My seemingly negative view about him relates to him as our long-term franchise qb. I simply don't see him fulfilling that role. My contention is until that position is upgraded the Bills will never be a serious team.

    Myself personally, BB is going to start putting more of an emphasis on running the football to protect the elderly Brady.


    Stopping the Pats run game is going to take BB/Brady out of their comfort zone in my humble opinion.


    Make them one dimensional and wear the old man down...




    ...I'm a Billiever...


    Except 2 times in recent history where the Bills played the Patriots without Tom Brady - or when the Patriots pulled Tom Brady, the Bills won the game.


    And these are Bills teams that got very little respect and crapped on by the same people who praise the Patriots as being infallible.


    The Patriots running game isn't good enough to win them a majority of games without Tom Brady. I would argue the only reason their running game is any good at all is because of Tom Brady's passing threat. Take him away - and they are very beatable. They are still a good team. Not a Superbowl winner without him though. And not a dominant team without him.


    The Patriot's team is comprised of humans and their **** stinks too.


    So you are calling Taylor a respectable bridge QB. Right after you suggest that both of the Patriot backup quarterbacks 2nd and 3rd string are either better or more likely to be better than Taylor.


    You are a closet Tyrod hater dude.


    Just own it. That way if the Bills have to ditch him after a bad season this year - you can say SEE I was right all along. Gonna be a fun season for you.

    For a team that ranked 7th in the NFL last season I Think you underestimate BB ability to run the football.


    Pass helps the run and a good running game can also help open up the passing attack.


    Pats scored 19 TD's on the ground last season...

  12. the bills can just do no right here when it comes to the fans


    - First.....shouldnt have traded 2 first round picks for him in a draft that produced other very good wr's......as if they knew that was even going to happen.


    - Then.....they should not fart around with the extension.....unless of course they just give it to him and then he ends up coming up lame due to off the field actions....then of course they SHOULD NOT have given him the extension


    I mean....come on folks....which is it?

    Sammy, Shady, T Mobile, we need a breakout season from our superstars John,


    Without some actual success its next to impossible to put up much of an argument with the skeptics about anything.


    They've been right for 17 years...

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