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Posts posted by Figster

  1. 5 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I think you mean a cylinder, not a sphere. Once again, what might seem the best configuration to you might not actually be the design that best reacts to the modeled conditions. Believe me….it’s being looked at in the computer modeling. 

    I mean sphere shaped towards the top. Wind will increse at the top and push over the opening.

  2. 15 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Interesting points. These days we’re able to create a computer model of the entire facility and then perform ‘virtual’ wind tunnel testing on it. The architects will study sun angles for television lighting, wind, and of course snow. 

    Speaking of wind its possible strong blowers could help prevent to much snow from accumulating on the interior IMO. Another reason a sphere shape design may be more beneficial in the environment IMO.

  3. 3 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I’m not saying they aren’t considering it. The point is that if you don’t build that load into the original calculations, you can pretty much kiss it goodbye down the road. Buildings aren’t typically designed with that much extra structure in them. 

    My thought is If the stadium was designed more like a sphere thats cut off at the top at a certain point you will keep more snow out and may not have to deal with it at all from an accumulation standpoint. Big Skylights around the top of the sphere. Easier to go Dome in the future. To me the current roof and opening design may allow for to much snow accumulation into the interior. Blowing around in blizzard conditions and going places that are harder to remove vs falling more downward IMO.  Snow goes sideways allot in Orchard Park.





  4. Oh great moon, great moon above

    Please send this message to my darling dove

    Reminding her of my undying love, 

     Hear my plea and send this message for me,


    Note: This was lyrics from a song my late Dad wrote when he was over seas fighting in the Korean War

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    • Awesome! (+1) 3
  5. 15 minutes ago, Beck Water said:


    At least on this forum, there seems to be a sizeable and vocal contingent who do not respect Frazier....examples:




    I'm not saying these aren't fair points, but people seem to forget that he did run a defense that was consistently good and GOT us to the playoffs.

    The Bills had a very tough time getting traction vs Cinci and that alone put the Bills Secondary on its collective heels IMO. 


    We know McD himself will be an upgrade though right?

  6. 20 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    He doesn't have the HS kids where them during games, only practice.  It's a great idea for the little kids no doubt---the vast  majority of whom aren't going to play HS or college ball.


    Reducing concussions is always a great goal.  This hasn't yet been proven to do so.   Also, CTE develops in the absence of concussions (known ones at least) as the result of hundreds of low impact/deceleration events involving the player's head.



    I understand 


    By reducing each helmet to helmet impact a minimum of 20% you can also see where cumulatively speaking it would help.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Don Otreply said:

    Exactly why they will just have to take their chances with CTE or worse, it’s football not a bunch of fashionistas at the mall clothing stores…, 

    Setting an example for the younger generation and leading the pack is my hope. The exterior protection on helmets can help protect not only football players. All sports where head injury is possible IMO. It can also help protect bicyclist, motorcylclist, construction workers even IMO. The list goes on and on. Having been hit in the head myself working below other construction workers. I can tell you the extra outer hard hat protection would have clearly helped IMO.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Don Otreply said:

    Not seeing how any of that is relevant to protecting one’s brain 🧠, I guess if the big guys wearing tight pants find a device that so obviously protects their brains from injury (in a sport that such injuries happen frequently) not fashionable enough well those snowflakes will just have to take their chances of getting CTE or worse now won’t they…, 

    Its relevant because NFL players are gladiators and entertainers. What they look like does matter. The modern day Gladiator needs better head protection so he can continue to entertain the world...

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Jrb1979 said:

    Agreed. Even the Titans stadium looks much better and didn't cost that much more. IMO it feels like they went with the best stadium they can do for the price they were willing to spend. Since it's only going to be used for the Bills and they aren't getting a Super Bowl here why spend more then needed. For most fans the fact this means the team is staying is good enough. They got an improved stadium over Highmark. What more do you need?

    Keeping the fans and players in a more favorable temp and playing conditions at a critical time of the season/playoffs would be most beneficial IMO. At bare minimum its not to much to ask IMO.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Einstein said:


    Yeah, that's all inflation.


    Falcons opened their massive stadium with a mall apparently in it the following year (2017) for $1.5B.



    Now THAT is a much sharper looking stadium.


    The mini-roof appears to cover way more seats, and the seats are not blocky. I like the curved seat section in the endzone (or goal area).

    Very appealing Stadium design. I agree.



    • Like (+1) 1
  11. tottenham-hotspur-new-stadium-external-v






    Heres a few pictures of Tottenham Stadium which may have helped influence the Bills new stadium design.

    18 minutes ago, Einstein said:


    I fear the point went over his head. 


    The #1 plane manufacturer in the world has watched as their planes fell out of the sky twice in the last several years due to a terrible engineering design of their MCAS system and lack of redundancy in the sensors. 


    To say that a big firm can't make mistakes if foolhardy

      Amen to that...


    Revisions are constantly being made when a big project is under construction

    • Like (+1) 2
  12. 1 minute ago, LeGOATski said:

    You should do this for a living 

    It'd be super unique though

    I'm a retired survey/engineer that worked Nuclear construction so its enjoyable to look at a big project like this for the team I love.


    Fans need to be happy with what they will be paying for in my humble opinion.

  13. 10 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    Do they though?!?!?


    I have a lot of experience looking at this stuff on the internet , so....

    You want to use human bodies as an overhang?

    Design the top of the stadium like a ball thats cut off 3/4 of the way up. Upper tiers on platforms with a birds eye view. You get more seating and block the wind.

  14. 2 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    Questions I'm sure none of the architects have even considered yet.

    and I get that, but generally speaking why not add more unique seating that starts going over the seats below with money that would have been spent on the useless over hang.


    Good point on the preliminary sketches... 

  15. 18 minutes ago, mrags said:

    It’ll be angles so that the snow ice and rain runs backwards I’d imagine. But you’re pretty much right. Doesn’t cover fans from most of those elements. It will help in the fight against the wind I’d imagine. Whoopty doo 

    Even from a wind perspective the roof design and overhang appears like it may direct wind into the stadium IMO. They do have the roof/overhang angled. Angled from the opening sloping downward away from it. Angled again from the perimeter of the stadium inward. Draining water where and how. High wind can pick up sheets of ice. 


    Is this partial over hang even worth the trouble and cost? 

  16. 3 minutes ago, mrags said:

    That’s why I added it up originally. The 62% people are thinking is that the overhang will come over and over half of the fans. Just not true. It’ll cover likely over half of the 500 level. Then each level will have its own overhang that will likely cover 50% or more like the clubs in our current stadium. Every level will have coverage in some capacity. I’m not sure the 62% is supposed to be total, or up to 62% of each section. It’s statistical numbers that could be skewed in any way they want to make it sound better, which it did at the time. Now the renderings show different. Which is odd because if you look at Tottenheim stadium, the pictures show that the overhang is much larger and covers what appears to be every single seat. This is probably what bothers me the most. 


    What does this overhang accomplish, If anything. A safety hazard in the winter from above IMO.

  17. 4 minutes ago, teef said:

    so...you're trying to do some sort of a cost analysis without actually knowing a thing about what's going into the stadium and specific specs?  amazing.

    sure, but we have people complaining with knowing very little specifics.  just because the esthetic isn't what some wanted, there's immediate crying.  



    They go by what they are shown so far.

    • Like (+1) 1
  18. 3 minutes ago, teef said:

    i swear some of you are just whiny men.

    Season ticket holders need to voice their concerns IMO.


    To me it looks like the partial roof overhang may become a problem in the winter with ice coming down from above IMO.

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