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Everything posted by Figster

  1. Speaking of wind its possible strong blowers could help prevent to much snow from accumulating on the interior IMO. Another reason a sphere shape design may be more beneficial in the environment IMO.
  2. My thought is If the stadium was designed more like a sphere thats cut off at the top at a certain point you will keep more snow out and may not have to deal with it at all from an accumulation standpoint. Big Skylights around the top of the sphere. Easier to go Dome in the future. To me the current roof and opening design may allow for to much snow accumulation into the interior. Blowing around in blizzard conditions and going places that are harder to remove vs falling more downward IMO. Snow goes sideways allot in Orchard Park.
  3. Oh great moon, great moon above Please send this message to my darling dove Reminding her of my undying love, Hear my plea and send this message for me, Note: This was lyrics from a song my late Dad wrote when he was over seas fighting in the Korean War
  4. The Bills had a very tough time getting traction vs Cinci and that alone put the Bills Secondary on its collective heels IMO. We know McD himself will be an upgrade though right?
  5. I understand By reducing each helmet to helmet impact a minimum of 20% you can also see where cumulatively speaking it would help.
  6. Its new technology so listen to some of the experiences in using the Guardian Cap from a coach that really cares like this one.
  7. Setting an example for the younger generation and leading the pack is my hope. The exterior protection on helmets can help protect not only football players. All sports where head injury is possible IMO. It can also help protect bicyclist, motorcylclist, construction workers even IMO. The list goes on and on. Having been hit in the head myself working below other construction workers. I can tell you the extra outer hard hat protection would have clearly helped IMO.
  8. Its relevant because NFL players are gladiators and entertainers. What they look like does matter. The modern day Gladiator needs better head protection so he can continue to entertain the world...
  9. Nothing has really been done to make the Guardian Cap less noticeable or more attractive IMO. So from a fashion standpoint its possible enough improvements could be made to make the cap acceptable to the players IMO.
  10. Keeping the fans and players in a more favorable temp and playing conditions at a critical time of the season/playoffs would be most beneficial IMO. At bare minimum its not to much to ask IMO.
  11. Heres a few pictures of Tottenham Stadium which may have helped influence the Bills new stadium design. Amen to that... Revisions are constantly being made when a big project is under construction
  12. Good reputation, and a good reply. Part of being good at what they do may be transparency and listening to what the public is telling them.
  13. The point was big projects can have design errors What do you know about Populous?
  14. I'm a retired survey/engineer that worked Nuclear construction so its enjoyable to look at a big project like this for the team I love. Fans need to be happy with what they will be paying for in my humble opinion.
  15. Design the top of the stadium like a ball thats cut off 3/4 of the way up. Upper tiers on platforms with a birds eye view. You get more seating and block the wind.
  16. and I get that, but generally speaking why not add more unique seating that starts going over the seats below with money that would have been spent on the useless over hang. Good point on the preliminary sketches...
  17. Even from a wind perspective the roof design and overhang appears like it may direct wind into the stadium IMO. They do have the roof/overhang angled. Angled from the opening sloping downward away from it. Angled again from the perimeter of the stadium inward. Draining water where and how. High wind can pick up sheets of ice. Is this partial over hang even worth the trouble and cost?
  18. What does this overhang accomplish, If anything. A safety hazard in the winter from above IMO.
  19. Season ticket holders need to voice their concerns IMO. To me it looks like the partial roof overhang may become a problem in the winter with ice coming down from above IMO.
  20. When they already did last year during preseason in practices?
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