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Everything posted by Figster

  1. I'm going to give the people more credit then that, albeit Trumps delivery was hilarious. ( unless they live under a rock.) Myself personally, Trump had Flake in his crosshair...
  2. Everything you say is true. What gets me is Trump could have come away from this smelling like a rose. Instead he chose to put Ford at the butt end of a joke. It risked the Kavanaugh confirmation by way of swing votes and was like pouring salt in the open wound that divides this country in my humble opinion. With all due respect I just don't get it.
  3. Weed in Space https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/a9eaa801-a0d5-376c-a561-8e061c56f8cb/weed-in-space-is-going-to-be.html
  4. Working with my late Dad on a car once upon a time and we made the mistake of turning the engine over with the fuel pump/line disconnected and the exhaust manifold off. What made matters worse my hands were soaked in gas from removing the fuel line resulting in my hands catching fire with very little time to get my Dad out of the car. Meanwhile we have a 20 ft high flame going straight up. Luckily my Pops had the where with all to calmly turn the ignition/car off. Both hands ended up with 1st , 2nd, and 3rd degree burns. Burn is a different, intense kind of pain.
  5. I just think Trumps comments could cost him the swing votes he needs to vote Kavanaugh through, and for what purpose.
  6. Trumps comments on Ford reversed all the momemtum going the Republicans way and has got to be one of the worst mistakes I have ever seen a politician make before an upcoming election. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!!! F@!#!K!!!
  7. Around the time of Dream on lyrics don't ring a bell Aerosmith did a remake of Come together
  8. sounds like Barney singing a nursery ryhme Beatles - Love me do ( perhaps)
  9. the Ice bowl 67 no pain, no gain thread starring Josh Allen and Kelvin Benjamin
  10. Hey man, it helps keep teenagers from getting busted with Hustler and playboy magazines. Video, audio, communications, solicitations, manipulation, stalking, art, music, World news,and yes horny toad, porno, the list goes on and on and on. The internet has changed the world in more ways then we will ever know... ...some good... ...some not so good...
  11. I only got the upper 3rd of my finger which may have made it worse. Tip of the index finger probably has more feeling in it then pinky. Or another possibility is I'm a wimp, lol
  12. shut my index finger all the way in a truck door in my younger years. Tried to act like it was no big deal , didn't want to look like a baby in front of my friends, but the pain on a scale from 1 - 10 was 10.
  13. Game brought back memories of Trent Edwards getting twisted up like a pretzel. (looked real painful)
  14. you guys kicking our ass was mighty painful to watch If that counts.
  15. Roomba with mounted lazer/ cat toy keep em occupied... thanks pops non stop!
  16. Shaw reading the Rockpile Review always makes me feel a little better if its a any consolation. Misery loves company, hehe thanks buddy
  17. What intrigues me is how electromagnetic propulsion might be used in conjunction with NanoCrystal electricity.
  18. Everyone can agree the Offense as a unit has a long way to go. When you take into consideration very low reps going into the season between rookie QB J A and the starting unit. New system installation and the rookie himself experiencing Defensive looks and superior play from the opposition on a whole new level. Its all part of the learning curve IMO. The most important thing that can happen for the Buffalo Bills this season is the growth and health of Josh Allen in my humble opinion. Myself Personally, we will see improvement from Allen and the Buffalo Bills as time goes on. Growing pains...
  19. Is your friend a lady of the night? If so, it might be something else...
  20. I get this from time to time, Put a lid on it...
  21. On the bright side rookie QB's are going to have bad games and Allen is a fast learner IMO. Lots to learn from in one game...
  22. I'm not making excuses because Allen and the O looked horrible, but the officiating crew missed allot of calls on the Packers IMO. Home field advantage...
  23. Allen looked and played like a rookie that wasn' t ready for the NFL today.
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