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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. And yet you keep bringing me up. I’m deeply touched you remember me, but it’s time to let go.
  2. Actually the criticism comes from his stunt today where he was abhorrently undiplomatic towards our ally.
  3. I’ll have to look up what the visiting hours at the mental hospital are
  4. https://x.com/taiwannewsen/status/1894281301248938291?s=46&t=RLsRhQJBb5vROsgfJWkwSw Sure
  5. … what? Did you take argument lessons from @JDHillFan?
  6. Putin and other autocrats need to learn that the world will not tolerate invasions of other nations anymore. It’s a direct shot at Xi who will certainly move on Taiwan now that he sees how weak and defeated Trump is.
  7. It is now that we’ve ceded our place on top of the global order, yes.
  8. If you’re worried about BRICS then why on earth would you isolate yourself from all your allies abroad? Why would you berate Zelensky on live television? If you’re worried about the deaths of innocents, why would you ever cut PEPFAR which has saved countless lives? Your whole ideology is a complete sham.
  9. Cute coming from the guy too scared to quote me
  10. Steamrolled by our geopolitical rival. Hopefully Trump’s speech inspires Europe to arm Ukraine to the teeth. We cannot be counted on anymore to support liberal democratic values in the world. Steamrolled by our geopolitical rival. Hopefully Trump’s speech inspires Europe to arm Ukraine to the teeth. We cannot be counted on anymore to support liberal democratic values in the world. Steamrolled by our geopolitical rival. Hopefully Trump’s speech inspires Europe to arm Ukraine to the teeth. We cannot be counted on anymore to support liberal democratic values in the world.
  11. I have no idea what “operates on behalf of the west” is supposed to mean. If you mean, “be an ally of liberal democracy” then yes, and that’s a good thing. Trump/Vance absolutely should be ashamed of their behavior. They just displayed to the entire world that they’re arrogant, disgusting people that openly hate our allies. No country is going to trust us anymore. We are rapidly becoming the enemy. It’s dangerous territory.
  12. “Not thankful” did Vance want Zelensky to blow him or something?
  13. You guys are like a baby reacting to keys jangling. “OMG HE OWNED DA LIBS.” You must choke on your microwave dinner.
  14. You’re missing the point. It’s not about MORE warnings, it’s about higher quality warnings and more ADVANCED warnings to give people as much time to prepare as possible. This takes constant research and study. As other posters here have said, NWS also goes far beyond weather warnings. The weather data they record and release is crucial for a variety of industries, including farming.
  15. Absolutely disgraceful from the Trump administration. Utterly embarrassing. What does “puppet of the west” even mean? Whose side are you on??
  16. Yes…explaining that the NWS was understaffed YEARS ago and now the problem is only going to be worse. Savvy?
  17. Zelensky has the patience of a saint not to drive his fists into Vance’s stupid fat face after that bull#### comment about being “thankful.”
  18. Very simply, they don’t have enough employees to meet the full workload. This was known years ago. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/357524-national-weather-service-down-hundreds-of-staffers-amid-extreme/amp/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2017/06/02/report-nws-meteorologists-are-fatigued-and-demoralized-due-to-understaffing/
  19. The NWS is already woefully understaffed. It’s going to create the same issue as we see with air traffic controllers being understaffed and overworked. We are already seeing NWS cancel programs like SKYWARN Spotter training. I’m a spotter; the training is about three hours a year at a local fire hall. Volunteer training is very important in severe weather events. Several offices have cancelled their trainings because of funding. In addition, the funding cuts will prevent NWS staff from conducting storm surveys. This affects private insurance payouts. It also affects how storm data is analyzed in the future to create better warnings.
  20. When you consider that there are 122 NWS offices in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and Guam, all operating 24/7, constantly processing data, not to mention long range forecasting, climate analysis, drought monitoring, and other tasks, it’s pretty easy. This also doesn’t include specialty offices like the Storm Prediction Center.
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