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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. (Citation needed)
  2. How am I wrong? The MAGA Supreme Court made the decision.
  3. A reprehensible person. Even more reprehensible is the MAGA effort to use his victims to distract from Trump’s looming recession.
  4. I culled some of my QQQ and VTI holdings today. Let’s see how much Donny can tank this!
  5. The stock market is circling the drain and you’re still focused on this nothing burger lmfao
  6. Dow down 1400 points in less than two days. Bravo, Trump!
  7. MAHA by reintroducing dysentery to the population
  8. Give me a break. https://reason.com/2018/09/12/the-alt-right-loves-hl-mencken-the-feeli/ https://www.commentary.org/articles/joseph-epstein/mencken-on-trial/
  9. Im glad I’ve given you another delusional talking point with which you can ignore the current discussion points.
  10. You could try reading the link I shared. “This last sentence pinpoints one reason for Mencken’s popularity among the black intellectuals of the 1920s. He seemed to know what they knew, that beneath the smug surface of American life was a core of rottenness. Like the child in the famous fairy tale, Mencken saw Uncle Sam without any clothes on, and he did not hesitate to laugh. His satire of southern culture (at a time when the South still reveled in its romantic myths), his identification with the literature of realism and rebellion — these facets of Mencken’s public and literary personality had a specific influence on the black intellectuals, but what they liked about Mencken generally was his personal courage.” “Several times Mr. Mencken has written on the race question, and although he has no special interest in the *****’s rights and wrongs, he always writes on the *****’s side, because he sees that on that side lies the truth.”
  11. He was your average run-of-the-mill Nietzsche reader, though modern scholars pin his beliefs more on being an elitist. Black scholars of the 1920s liked him! https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/1/oa_monograph/chapter/2391692
  12. We still waiting and seeing or are we allowed to have a reaction yet?
  13. Was wondering when you'd show up. Enjoying the golden Trump economy?
  14. I have nothing but respect for the men dying for their country in the face of foreign hostile aggression.
  15. When you mess with a group of idiots like farmers, then you're going to find out really quick. "…Let the farmer, so far as I am concerned, be damned forevermore. To Hell with him, and bad luck to him. He is a tedious fraud and ignoramus, a cheap rogue and hypocrite, the eternal Jack of the human pack. He deserves all that he ever suffers under our economic system, and more. Any city man, not insane, who sheds tears for him is shedding tears of the crocodile. Yet we are asked to venerate this prehensile moron as the Ur-burgher, the citizen par excellence, the foundation-stone of the state! And why? Because he produces something that all of us must have — that we must get somehow on penalty of death. And how do we get it from him? By submitting helplessly to his unconscionable blackmailing by paying him, not under any rule of reason, but in proportion to his roguery and incompetence, and hence to the direness of our need. ..." - HL Mencken
  16. Then take them back. They are not his. The US and EU continues to fund Ukrainian resistance. Give them whatever they like. Whatever it takes.
  17. If Trump was so concerned about debt, he wouldn't be pushing a plan that RAISES the deficit. But I'm sure you knew that.
  18. The war will end when Russia ends the invasion. It is Putin’s decision, nothing more. Something you seem to be conveniently ignoring.
  19. What an atrocious attempt at a spin. Tariffs on building materials will make it near-impossible to build more housing. Young people are much more involved in the stock market than this person thinks. 15% of holders began in 2020. https://www.aboutschwab.com/generation-investor-study-2021 Trump is deliberately creating a recession. I have no idea why.
  20. A lot changes in 16 years. What side do you want? Trump "works well" with Putin because for some damn reason, Trump really likes Putin. Putin likes Trump because he's happy to roll over and let him have whatever he wants. He's a weak soyboy.
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