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Posts posted by Roundybout

  1. Why did no one try to console this kid? His classmate are saying that he was a loner who rarely showered, wore a trench coat to school every day, was bullied routinely, posted satanic imagry to facebook, wore a vest with two communist pins and a German Iron Cross, and had a custom made Born to Kill shirt? I mean, there were so many obvious red flags going on, and yet, everyone ignored them. 

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  2. 46 minutes ago, njbuff said:


    Looks like just another case of the AUTHORITIES failing, not gun laws.


    But you know these people will continue their stupid gun rhetoric and hold more Town Hall's bashing Dana Loesch and the NRA.


    Nailed it, man. Why on Earth are people ignoring obvious warning signs? The kid wore a trench coach every single day, never showered, and had a custom made Born to Kill shirt. No response from counselors, police, teachers, anyone. They're just discovering now that he had a diary that laid out his whole plan. This was a suicide attempt, and he was taking everyone else down with him. 


    Reminds me of the nut that shot up Sandy Hook, who had more red flags than communist China around him. 

  3. The loss of NeXt pains me. It's where I got in my start in journalism years ago. We all were contacted by the current manager asking us to write a short memory piece for the last one on Thursday. That'll be a bittersweet one. 


    Simply put, the management of the News is so ungodly inept it makes me angry. I have never seen a bigger bunch of blowhards that don't know how to run the paper. They wanted to turn it into a mini NY Times, which is why they killed the partnership with the Associated Press. That was the beginning of the end. 


    What do they have now? A crappy editorial section, a few good columnists (Sean Kirst deserves a Pulitzer) and some local news hounds like Maki Becker. 


    They failed to adapt to the times and to the market. They could be doing well. They tried to be something that they could not. BN University? What a goddamn joke. 

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  4. 16 hours ago, Tiberius said:



    A Democratic candidate for Congress in New Mexico is openly challenging the National Rifle Association in new television ads that declare, “!@#$ the NRA.” Pat Davis, a member of the Albuquerque City Council, launched the first 15-second ad on local television Friday, opening the spot with the blunt expletive before going on to vow a change to national gun laws. “Their pro-gun policies have resulted in dead children, dead mothers and dead fathers,” he says in the ad. “If Congress won’t change our gun laws, we’re changing Congress,” he says. Davis is facing off against five other opponents for the Democratic nomination for an open congressional seat in Albuquerque, and he has made gun control the focus of his platform. KRQE, the local CBS affiliate in Albuquerque that ran the spot, has allowed it to run without bleeping out the expletive, because the station is “not permitted to censor or in any way edit” political ads, according to KRQE general manager Bill Anderson. The ad was, however, accompanied by a disclaimer warning of “inappropriate language.”



    The Left Wing: Aiming High since whenever. 

  5. 5 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:



    You do realize when they say 50% chance of rain, it might not rain where you are. Doesn't mean it didn't rain elsewhere.


    This. People don't realize how rain can fall differently over close places. Take a look at this map.




    ive been a part of this organization for a few years.

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