This is not a political ideology, this is a toddler screaming and crying about bedtime.
Nice to know you're happily ignoring his campaign promises, though.
A metaphor: the cute girl who sits next to you asks for help on her homework. You refuse and say you don’t have time. You have to focus on yourself. She still needs homework help so she goes and gets it from the ####### guy on her right. Now you are left with no date for the dance while the girl and the ####### go steady.
I have no idea what the conspiracy even is, like what could possibly come out of taking out some random regional flight from Kansas?
Conspiracies are for feeble-minded people who want to feel like they have secret, special information.
Because neither he nor his fan club have a modicum of economic background beyond some vague belief that every single thing should be made here by some blue-collar worker named Stan Jagercynski who will then go home to his nice cape cod with his wife and two kids and watch Leave it to Beaver like in the good old days.
Oh spare me the condescending nonsense. I work for the government. Local politicking and policy is my specialty.
I don't want anything BUT a "boring" government. I don't want a "political outsider." If I wanted someone to "fight," I'd go vote for Rocky Balboa.
I want an experienced politician with ample understanding on how to operate within the modern political environment and get policy passed that benefits the voters. MAGA can't ever accomplish this because no MAGA politician has the ability to build coalitions across the aisle to advance legislation. They're a bull in a china shop with no plans to rebuild the dishware.