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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. My only takeaway from this is that I should have bought stock in Enterprise
  2. My stance on Israel is that it absolutely has the right to exist as a country, but we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to some of the heinous ***** the Israeli government has done, which is what Rog protests. Like I said, he’s done it for years.
  3. He’s done this for years. It’s part of an album, I forget which one because I never got much into Floyd. Probably shouldn’t have done it in Germany tho.
  4. They’re an absolute poverty franchise that’s relied on old has-beens ever since Kurt Warner. They’re the NFLs retirement home.
  5. Just saw DHop at the McDonalds on Genesee 👀
  6. What does it have to do with the 2020 riots? As far as I'm concerned, the Buffalo PD is not particularly interested in solving the matter no matter how much money we chuck at them. Do you have anything useful to add to the conversation, or are you gonna just keep copy/pasting the same thing over and over? None. https://therealnews.com/nobody-defunded-the-police-a-study "Police departments got the same average cut of the city budget in 2021 as they did in previous years." People such as who? See above. You must have brain worms if you think that January 6 wasn't one of the scariest days for democracy in U.S. history. I do not "support" riots, but I also don't delude myself into thinking that cities were destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah.
  7. https://popular.info/p/tennessee-speaker-appoints-conspiracy Coming soon to Tennessee - a 9/11 truther making social studies textbooks! Awesome!
  8. And our cities are safe and sound. Rioting is not a crime at the same level as actively trying to overthrow a democratic election. Right-wingers love to do this because they can't handle being the bad guys. The fact that you guys have to desperately cling to riots that happened three years ago to deflect from your side trying to prevent Trump's loss by invading the U.S. Capitol is just utterly pathetic.
  9. Which cities did they burn down, Irv? Seems like all our cities are present and accounted for. Cry harder! Oath Keepers are the same kind of filth we slapped around in World War II. We did it before and I’ll happily do it again.
  10. Cope and seethe, an enemy of the US and the American Dream was put away today
  11. Yeah, and the economy has shifted completely since those heydays. A degree is necessary for a majority of professions.
  12. I guess, but it’s becoming an economic problem either way. Many degrees nowadays require very expensive equipment, which drives up college costs. It’s not like the old days where your equipment was a slide rule and a lab coat; computer science labs need to have the most cutting edge equipment. Because it is negatively affecting the generation that’s supposed to inherit the country from the boomers and Gen Xers
  13. 100% agree. Their latest movies are either bland remakes of classics (Little Mermaid) or really crummy animated junk (Strange World). Plus, the Star Wars “$5000-a-night to eat dyed shrimp” hotel has completely bombed.
  14. Why? im not thrilled with the policy, but you can’t deny that massive student debt is hampering young Americans’ ability to have kids and start their lives
  15. Traitors to the United States deserve it. Hope he gets stuck in federal supermax to keep him away from the rest of the neonazi filth.
  16. It’s on fire? Just like how BLM burned down Minneapolis I guess. oh wait.
  17. There’s one Republican terrorist down
  18. You ever see Clear and Present Danger?
  19. Hey...remember when Republicans like MTG screeched about sending aid to Ukraine because it was prolonging war, or something like that? Odd.
  20. Disagree with some of this but this is a solid breakdown, I agree
  21. Trump is gonna obliterate this guy, holy *****
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