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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. Hell yes. Got a busful of guys heading down tomorrow morning for some tailgating, then get to watch Joshie live and in person. Can't wait.
  2. Jags fans are upset that he seems to be low effort. It's almost like that's why we traded him...
  3. Game is out of my market. How is Jackson looking?
  4. He's one of those graduates of the Doug Whaley School of Winning Now®
  5. The other difference was playing a joke Jets team that has completely given up...
  6. The offense was good, but was it sustainable? I remember it was lots of long bombs to Watkins and not a lot of long sustained drives.
  7. Why would Barkley look any better than Allen against the Jags? We aren't going to the playoffs. This season is about Allen, who also has two wins.
  8. Where will Jacksonville be getting these points from?
  9. Jacksonville just owns the Steelers. It's that simple.
  10. Pegs can go tap another gas well or open another Labatt house to make up the difference. I don't think he is worried about the hit of one rebuilding year.
  11. That's good for me since I'll be there, but why do you care? You don't have to pay the bills. What difference does it make?
  12. While Barkley played great, and I am pounding the table to resign him as our long term backup, let's not pretend that he threw for 400 yards out there. He put up 232 and 2 touchdowns, which is just above Dak Prescott level. He also almost threw two bad picks. The Jets are an absolute tire fire. Give me Allen and continue his development. That's what these next few games are about, like it or not.
  13. My God it's Russ Brandon! People will go to games no matter what. That's how we are up here.
  14. Figures you're one of those "muh winz" cronies. News flash: 7-9 every year is a BAD thing.
  15. Really surprised that Green Bay didn't go for it that last drive. You have Rogers!!
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