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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. UB basketball won a championship in Ireland if that helps
  2. I just had a few of those last night. They're good but I feel they'd been sitting for a while because they were a little chewy. You sound like my girlfriend. Feh
  3. We've addressed :16 as a bit behind the receiver although it was good coverage. Come on, 1:44 is nitpicking. Every QB throws a ball out of bounds like that literally every week. 2:42 shows why it's hard to take you seriously. There is nothing wrong with that throw. That was a good play by the defender to knock it out after it was caught at first. 2:51: what? I thought it was fine. It's a screen to McKenzie which he turned upfield. I agree on 3:30 although Ramsey was closing in on him. He is working on these throws. 3:57: That's a throwaway. Come on. Take off the crusade helmet. I can agree with 4:04. All in all, your anti-Allen crusade is tiresome and telling people to go cry in their pillow because of it is just sad.
  4. Who are you and what have you done with ScottLaw?!? I jest
  5. I noticed from the stands Sunday that, while he had those great punts to pin the Jags deep, overall he was pretty crappy. Even people around me noticed a lot of the punts wobbled and didn't go very deep. I highly doubt this.
  6. You guys really are reaching to be negative, aren't ya?
  7. I dogged on Shaq a lot, but since he's moved to the interior and I don't have to see his patented "spinaroonie of doom" on some tackle, I've been impressed. He's not an all star, but I would resign him to something like 5 years, 30 million.
  8. Pump the brakes, my friend. Every rookie QB deserves way more than half a season. I am encouraged by Allen (today was a blast), but I can't anoint him or any of these guys (even Baker!) as franchise QBs until I see more. That's just how I see it. I refuse to declare anyone a bust or "the guy" right away.
  9. Here's my hot take: if I'm thinking of the pass you are, I think Allen deliberately threw it into the ground. Ramsey was about three feet from the receiver (McKenzie?), who would have gotten pulverized if he caught it.
  10. is this going to become your next Zay Jones crusade?
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