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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. McD haters give two options: Either McD dismantled a "playoff" team (which he was responsible for), or he didn't deserve to go to the playoffs and we got lucky. Which is it for you?
  2. So which is it? Were the Bills a playoff team that McD "dismantled," or were they a team that "backed" into the playoffs and didn't deserve it. I'm confused.
  3. It must be nice to trust your recievers so completely that you throw it without looking.
  4. Jesus dude, the special teams put the defense at a disadvantage multiple times.
  5. Uh he was the reason for that team being a "playoff" team
  6. It's a whatever loss for me. Allen had a down game but still looked promising. To me, it just shows what we need to work on in the offseason, starting with special teams and offensive line. Allen should not have to run that much, and I'm seeing that a lot of those runs were not by design.
  7. I think he sent some simulated pressure to goad Sam into turnovers. It did work once, and I noticed a curious number of holding penalties not called.
  8. He did and hit people in the hands over and over and over. Yeah he had a couple duds but overall it's on his receivers to make the plays.
  9. At least we can all agree we need sweeping changes on special teams
  10. Yep. I was looking at drive summaries and counted four of them that were started at their 40 or closer. That's simply unacceptable.
  11. more than ten points gifted to the Jets from special teams blunders and the last drive was set up from a garbage penalty. It's on him, and I think Sean knows this.
  12. Wonder if it's a sign that McD will be blowing up that squad as well. He can't be happy with Crossman.
  13. Watching him jog around on Zay's touchdown must have been it. Was a good gamble but too bad it didn't pan out.
  14. Dilbert is great but it peaked in the 1990s.
  15. and scored 24 more points than the Colts. What's your point?
  16. We've discussed this on this forum before. We're "older" by something like 0.14 years, and arguably our best players are our young ones (Kyle, Lorax and Shady notwithstanding).
  17. All youre doing is pushing the disappointment a few weeks down the line.
  18. Just saying, Andy Luck and the Colts were shut out by the same Jags defense that Allen torched last week. Wonder if Barks would have done the same...
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