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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. Who started the Russo-Ukrainian War?
  2. Lmfao this guy is blaming the WEF for no one caring about his tweets. Just unhinged losers, the MAGA movement.
  3. Lots of anti-American sentiment here. No big surprise. Real Americans welcome the poor, the tired, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free even if they’re a different skin color.
  4. This dude was a known POS who likes to wave guns at people he was paranoid about. He had done it to his neighbors and to cops alike. He tried it here with the Feds who weren’t messing around and he paid the price. No loss at all. Yep! Thank god that traitor is gone.
  6. “find me 11,000 votes” Or is that merely “challenging” the election? you guys are grasping at straws.
  7. Just another sad, lonely person radicalized online to believe Trump was some kind of savior. No friends, no children, no hobbies, no education…this is the end result. Really makes me sick how the MAGA movement takes advantage of these people.
  8. https://x.com/tarabull808/status/1691543174874034176?s=46&t=RLsRhQJBb5vROsgfJWkwSw Republicans are insultingly stupid people It’s illegal to provide medical care while under the influence in Texas. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/OC/htm/OC.165.htm
  9. https://x.com/aaronblake/status/1691229237527654400?s=46&t=RLsRhQJBb5vROsgfJWkwSw Back the Blue!!!! (oh wait)
  10. Sure, but then liberals such as myself argue that it’s a bad thing for the union overall to allow different states to have different standards. It results in some kids having a poorer education.
  11. Im sure Trumps lawyers will argue that in a court of law. God the conservatives are panicking that their god emperor is getting cooked, I absolutely love it.
  12. “Asking” to find votes to help you win is illegal at any level, even if you’re running for the town garbage man
  13. Fine, I refuse to let the Bible or anything Christian be allowed in my schools because it offends me. Now take them all away.
  14. No, I just like watching Repubs make absolute fools of themselves over and over and over again. It’s delicious. The last time I was that entertained was when those chuds got caught trying to kill the Governor of Michigan. Im referring to the authoritarian Christian nationalist in the tweet you posted.
  15. You mean the complete nothing burger that Republicans forgot about like a cat being distracted by shiny keys?
  16. Oh do please try arresting Democrats. Please do. I dare you.
  17. Republicans hate the military and want to sabotage our power abroad. Sad! Voters will remember how they left us naked.
  18. Referring to the soldier who walked into North Korea
  19. Ok traitor, have fun in Pyongyang
  20. He was not lol, he was another stupid paranoid chud ”Utah man shot by FBI agents after threatening Biden had a history of threatening people, including 2 Google Fiber employees and an officer who responded to a complaint towards him. He pointed a gun at these people in all cases”
  21. Did she call officials telling them to "find votes" or is she complaining about gerrymandering? hmm.
  22. I wasn't talking the stimulus, I was talking IRA. I'm not surprised more stimulus went to blue states, though, considering more people live in blue states. Regarding the CHIPS bill, we've seen $166 billion in investment. It's getting to the point where it's a problem staffing all the new factories. https://www.eenewseurope.com/en/us-chips-act-sees-166bn-of-semiconductor-investments/ How's her foreign policy?
  23. Sure it will once some names like Guiliani start falling on the grenade. Hope they put Bannon away too.
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