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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. No, we are looking at the NPA independent voter numbers. Polls indicate that independent voters have a 3-1 lead for Biden. Here's a trend in Nevada that is a good example of what I am talking about:
  2. But if Biden takes even 10-20% of those NPA votes, he's right back in the lead comfortably. Plus, we don't know if all GOP voters actually voted for Trump or if they were Lincoln Project-style republicans. Put it this way, even if every single one of those NPA voters goes for Trump (unlikely), Biden is STILL outperforming Clinton's 2016 results.
  3. He's saying we can't extrapolate anything from the data we have right now because we don't know who is voting for whom.
  4. https://tqv.vrswebapps.com/?state=FL&county=pin R lead in Florida is diminishing per this live data view. Furthermore
  5. We don't know how he's doing because Miami-Dade hasn't been released yet.
  6. But it's true. Trump isn't winning by as much as he should be in Florida. He's losing in Sumter and Broward counties.
  7. Trump definitely underperforming but it will be interesting how Miami-Date county breaks.
  8. All the chaos and doom happened under Trump's administration though
  9. Go ask the residents of Harris County, Texas what they think of cheating.
  10. Perhaps in-person, but we haven't seen the absentee or mail-in vote dump yet. I never really expected Blue Texas this year anyway, I'm more curious about Georgia and Pennsylvania. PS this is a very strange thing for Trump to say today. doesn't sound particularly confident. https://twitter.com/ElieNYC/status/1323689065200390144?s=20
  11. Dude where are you getting these numbers? We can't tell who voted for whom until 6 or 7 p.m. tonight. We only know the demographics of voting, and right now Trump doesn't have a 68% margin of Repubs voting.
  12. It's not even that, I'm just trying to present the basic facts. Not sure where he got the hispanic numbers, but from what we can tell, Trump isn't hitting margins he needs in certain counties in Florida like Sumter and Broward. That's all we know.
  13. That doesn't necessarily mean good news for Trump. Could be a lot of independents going out for Biden. Wasserman is one of the leading experts on polling, along with John Ralston and Nate Silver. Believe Wasserman was an early name that called it for Trump.
  14. Trump isn't hitting his margins that he needs in Sumter County which could be a big canary in the coal mine. He needs at least 67% there per Dave Wasserman, he was looking at about 58% last I saw.
  15. Came to post the same thing. Kittle gone too with a foot fracture. Give me wins over SF, DEN, LAC and MIA and I'll be happy as a clam. Don't see wins over PIT or SEA and ARI and NE are tossups for me.
  16. That's what I meant, people thought he was a one-trick pony. Two of his pickups in Zimmer and Matakevich had game-changing plays yesterday but go off
  17. Many experts thought Metcalf would be a bust based off his pitiful combine performance. Not just Beane.
  18. We could win the super bowl and you'd still be questioning McD. Whether you like his coaching or not, we are 6-2 against a MUCH harder schedule than last year, we are in the driver's seat for a division win, and we've got plenty of talent on the team. We were completely prepared for Belechek's onside kick yesterday which we directly turned into points. We executed the correct gameplan against seven defensive backs. Josh was efficient and precise, bar that miscue with Diggs. Players like Zimmer are stepping up. Stop being so miserable and enjoy the ride a little.
  19. Don't see why we couldn't beat the Chargers or the 49ers tbh
  20. Oliver was playing out of his mind today, he almost gored Cam on multiple plays and was constantly in the backfield.
  21. And yet, we beat them already. I wish you'd get banned already, you're obviously a troll.
  22. I haven't seen that one around here but I'll keep my eyes out.
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