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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. But how do you know those accounts have the correct numbers? It was just a little extra question you chose to ignore.
  2. Most people predicted Ohio would be red. And how do you know those Twitter nobodies are accurate and not just making stuff up? PS Trump needed at least a +3.5 margin in Florida to overcome the independent vote. He's at +2 AT BEST. You still wont answer my question - where is Trump's promised healthcare plan?
  3. I use verified polls because they are usually national figures with lots of experience, not Twitter nobodies with no facts. Again, neither of those matter right now until we see WHO they are voting for and the independent vote. I ask again, where is Trump's healthcare plan he promised?
  4. Can you give me one source on any of these tweets that are a) verified and b) linking to actual information? PS It's election day and Trump never released his healthcare plan.
  5. For those who still want to extrapolate results from pure demographics.
  6. This could just be some dude making stuff up. Go ask Harris County, Texas, what they think of voter fraud.
  7. With early counts yes, but more independent voters are voting now than GOP voters earlier.
  8. I don't think anything I say is going to have an effect on you but one last point is that a majority of Dems have already voted early or via mail-in which have yet to be counted, which makes GOP turnout on Election Day seem bigger.
  9. No he isn't. He just said we don't have mail-in drop-off ballot numbers there and most independents haven't cast ballots yet.
  10. Cool, get back to me around 6 p.m. tonight when we have more results in. Jon Ralston isn't worried over there.
  11. I will be more skeptical yes but he and Wasserman were spot-on in 2018 so.
  12. Nate Silver was completely right in 2008 and 2012. 2016 had nearly 30% of the country as undecided voters. There is far less uncertainty this year and his model reflects that. The polls are nowhere near as volatile as 2016 either. Biden's lead has been very steady. By the way, can you say cope?
  13. Give me a reputable national figure saying this and I'll believe you. Until the actual results come out at 7 p.m., we will have no idea. Funny how you ignored Trump saying "it was an honor" earlier but this somehow is a gotcha?
  14. Can you give me any twitter accounts that aren't from MAGA land? And that's right which is why we look at NPA demographics and the polls from there. PS
  15. Again, you're extrapolating results from demographic data. We don't know who voted for who, so you're just spitballing here. If you must do it, here are some different results:
  16. Neither of these results are unexpected. Everyone predicted a high GOP turnout early in the day on in-person voting. It's not some kind of "gotcha" that you think it is. By the way, if Colorado goes red I'll eat my shoe.
  17. I mean of course someone like Ned will say that. He's a hardcore MAGA type. This guy has a good take, and he's fairly conservative:
  18. "Polls are wrong unless they are right for Trump in which case they're right" You can't just cherry pick what stats you want to listen to.
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