I think he will bounce back with a couple easier games against the Raiders and Commies.
I think he’s locked in this mode of “has to put everything on the line to win.” This was awesome when he was just breaking into the league, but at this point he doesn’t have to do that. No more diving over defenders 5 yards from the first down. It was endearing - I obviously love the guy - but it’s just not necessary now.
“‘If the black players don’t like it here, they should go back to Africa and see how bad it really is.’ Trotter raised complaints and concerns but no remedial action was taken”
This might be something to keep an eye on.
Josh played like ass. I’m not denying this at all. But I’m sorry, Dorsey still has this offense playing like gaining yards is a chore. Where’s the rhythm?
If he isn’t happy with the playcalling, he will try to YOLO it and take over the game, yes.
It was working and then Dorsey would call a lovely Cook draw up the middle right into Quinnen Williams’ mitts.
Six of 11 drives began with a negative play. Of these, two were bad Cook draw plays and two were penalties. The other was a badly executed RPO and the fumbled snap.
it’s coaching.
It’s a good point!
A good coordinator schemes for his players. A bad one forces his round pegs into a square hole.
Look at Miami - McDaniels has designed a PERFECT offense that minimizes Tua’s flaws, because it’s designed for him.
@boyst said it very well too.
My point is one game doesn’t matter. Especially with a relative unknown like Cook. The Jets defense is absurdly good and I want more of a sample size of Cook as RB1.