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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. How's the traffic with COVID checks and all? My lady and I will be leaving from Buffalo around 9:30 or 10. How has traffic been around the stadium and how soon should we head for the gate?
  2. They'll probably play us very tough to start but if we can pile up some touchdowns I think they'll collapse pretty quickly.
  3. I think it's something for the coaches to keep in the back of their minds, but I don't think it's worth actually drawing up scheme for. I don't know how quickly Watson could play for them.
  4. That last name just screams "having a couple bottles of Simon Pure at the corner bar after getting off the graveyard shift at Broadway Forge Company"
  5. I'm hoping for a curb stomping. I got tickets two months ago for my birthday and I've been looking forward to it ever since!
  6. Tua looked alright against two of the worst teams in the league. So that's something? Just cover those little slants to Waddle and figure out how to stop Gisicki and we're fine.
  7. KC will be lucky to sniff a wild card, especially if Mahomes is seriously hurt.
  8. Anyone notice Lamar's body language? He seems to get really angry when he can't break off a run and slams the football down.
  9. I dunno man, they can really light it up when they're on. I still think their offense is a gimmick, but there's no denying they can score fast and often.
  10. I'm happy for them. They've got a great young QB in Burrow, an emerging star in Chase, and a solid defense to keep working on. I still think coaching will hold them back.
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