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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. No, that was Blackshear and he came back into the game.
  2. It's gonna be really hard keeping Hodgins off this team if he keeps playing like this.
  3. Come on Frank, there's eight minutes left in a preseason game
  4. Three of this INTs have come from an inability to catch the ball
  5. Sounds like a nice contribution to the OBJ contract fund
  6. FWIW, Tasker is wrong - the "Matt Barkley destroying the Jets game" was 2018.
  7. "NFL team bad with all its superstars out, more at 6"
  8. Very concerned about the backup OL. They look atrocious.
  9. Remember when this place was furious that we drafted Bernard
  10. Tenuta has been atrocious so far. Doesn’t have much athleticism
  11. There it is: Good for the Jets, hate to see a young talent hurt again.
  12. Wait really? What's the source on this? I haven't heard this story before.
  13. I’ll preface this by saying I hate the Titans with every fiber of my being. I thought Willis did some really impressive stuff last nights, but overall I thought he was pretty meh as a passer and going through progressions. There’s no reason he can’t develop, but when is the last time the Titans developed a QB? Vince Young?
  14. i think he fills the Mike Rodak role very nicely
  15. Love it. Pretty versatile guy and cheap too. he doesn’t play traditional fullback, he can do a bunch of stuff. Think of him like a hybrid TE/RB.
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