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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. Beane should throw Tennessee a fourth rounder and bring Bobby Woods home
  2. Thing is, he isn't an entrenched starter. He's an immensely raw rookie that needs every snap he can get.
  3. I don’t think Willis is very good but it’s a strange call IMO. Dobbs is a known commodity. Jacksonville has the South for its taking if they want it.
  4. I bet Carr is a tempting target for a team like the Jets, Titans, or 49ers.
  5. Nope, she uses her position on social media to effectively dox people. She is responsible for bomb threats called into a children's hospital.
  6. He can absolutely do it, though. That long pass to Knox against Miami was perfect! I feel that he just chooses not to take the underneath stuff too much.
  7. He can be what Tyler Boyd is for the Bengals - a really good WR3/Low-end WR2, but not someone as dependable as Chase and Higgins.
  8. Playcalling doesn't ask for a lot of plays like drags and shallow crossers that provide a lot of YAC potential. It's mostly posts and corner routes. Plus, our screen game STINKS.
  9. Glenn is increasingly unfond of the Constitution and is an unapologetic supporter of the Russian aggression against another sovereign nation. It's like how Candice Owens was a life-long democrat until she realized that she could make tons of money grifting from Republicans.
  10. Glenn, like Tim Cook, has been sliding rightward for a long time tbh. He claims to be a "classical liberal" now.
  11. Didn't he leave to become a social justice advocate or something? Never heard from him again.
  12. Expect plenty of whataboutism from the right. The concerning thing is where did he get all that money from so quickly? If he was truly broke and desperate, how did he suddenly get millions of dollars?
  13. Possibly. Doubt it, though. Anyways, the point I've been making is that, for some reason Despite all the stories of the good things that people have been doing And the stories of death and ill-preparedness And the obvious poor response from our leaders Conservatives REFUSE to stop talking about a few looters. Why could that be? Think really hard. 🙄 So they'll be apprehended. Who cares? Maybe they will, maybe they won't. It will remain to be seen.
  14. Of course not. And I am very happy that the looters are being apprehended. It's ridiculous to cause damage to stores for frivolous things. I just refuse to get caught up in it and think it's the end of the world. Conservatives have been talking about this nonstop and ignoring the wonderful stories of community togetherness and courage that are coming out of the blizzard. It's so frustrating. I'll believe it when I see it. Hannah Buehler doesn't have the greatest track record of fair reporting.
  15. You could always reread what I wrote about poverty and people doing desperate things, but why would you do that when you can keep harping on a few scattered cases? the police already arrested 12 people for looting. Think conservatives will move off this point? Nah. Whatever helps them reinforce their echo chamber belief that the city is just a horrible wretched place unsuitable for decent people.
  16. Anything not in your echo chamber is trolling, apparently. Good merchandise = high end TVs, electronics, baby formula, etc. Not liquor.
  17. She’s genuinely one of the worst people out there. As close to the 2 Minute Hate from 1984 we are ever going to get.
  18. Remember, this good deed doesn’t count because people are looting.
  19. Not at all, just someone who understands how poverty works and doesn’t think of cities as bombed out war zones filled with Mad Max characters. We don’t need to, we can just look at Mississippi, a deep red state that’s the biggest welfare queen in the union! The looters are being arrested. Why is it such a big deal to you? Hmmmm.
  20. But some guys took a tv from Rent a Center so it’s all invalid Doesn’t look like many small businesses were hit, just the chains like Family Dollar where the good merchandise is.
  21. Yeah the police can just arrest the blizzard next time, that'll work about as well as those SWAT tanks our tax dollars paid for.
  22. First-ballot hall-of-famer for sure. He's going to be looked at the same way we look at Lawrence Taylor, Bruce Smith, Reggie White, etc. That said, I would bet money that he wasn't exactly natty.
  23. I'm aware. I am sure the people stealing TVs and whatnot will be apprehended. I'm just not going to wring my hands and scream "LOOTERS" and ignore the good stories that have come out of this blizzard like conservatives are choosing to do. What policies do Republicans have that would be better?
  24. Solving the underlying issues will take many years, probably a generation. It will take investments into jobs, education and housing in underdeveloped areas. People loot because they feel desperate or bored or both. I imagine your solution is to deploy the army to protect the family dollar?
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