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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. “Everything I don’t like is propaganda and the more I don’t like it, the more propaganda it is”
  2. We’ve been able to have actual democracy without taking a dozen votes because 20 far right weirdos are holding up the line.
  3. Imagine if a Democrat did this! Republicans would be screaming for the death penalty like they did when Polosi had the GALL to *gasp* hold up an Ukraine flag!!
  4. Hell no. Given the way Josh and Sean handled the presser, I think this team is fired up for Damar and will beat the Pats by 75.
  5. Honestly, no news is good news IMO, especially combined with earlier statements that he was improving. He's actually a very good journalist when he's not actively trying to be a jackass.
  6. Today is going to be a very telling day. It will be getting on 48 hours since the incident, and I would imagine they attempt to get him off the ventilator.
  7. Closing all your hospitals and eliminating healthcare to own the libs No seriously, this is the end result of the delusion that rugged individualism/“muh gub’ment evil” is still a rational world view in 2023.
  8. How is this possible when he's played a significantly smaller time this season?
  9. How about the fact that the legal filing mentions nonbinary, but his parents, lawyers and friends all refer to him as a dude? It was a strategic move by him to try and avoid a hate crime. Sounds like a libertarian wet dream! Down with the government, you do what you want!! HELL YEA BRO JUST OWN DA LIBS WE HAVE NO ACTUAL POLICY BEYOND MAKING UP THINGS TO BE MAD AT
  10. I don't, huh? What else do I not believe in, while you're in my head? Do you deny that Chris Krebs, Trump's HAND-PICKED security advisor, said it was a completely secure election? https://www.cisa.gov/news/2020/11/12/joint-statement-elections-infrastructure-government-coordinating-council-election Same thing as the sad little boy on the playground whose kickball team lost. Facts don't care about your feelings 😉
  11. https://www.metroweekly.com/2022/12/is-the-club-q-shooter-trolling-by-claiming-to-be-nonbinary/
  12. Source? Because people close to him have said he's trolling. 🙄 Let me know when you guys get any new material. This stuff is so stale.
  13. His lawyer used this to try to avoid a hate crime charge. He is not non-binary. https://www.cpr.org/2022/12/07/club-q-shooting-suspect-unsealed-arrest-affidavit/
  14. The only people who think the Club Q shooter wasn’t homophobic are republicans with their head in the sand.
  15. To me, modern liberals are people like Pete Buttigieg or Harry Wilson. People who use the free markets for social changes without unnecessary and inefficient government reach. What does morality have to do with economics? Can you cite any specific examples? What policies do republicans offer to solve homelessness?
  16. Sometimes I feel sad and then I remember the Fish gave up a first and third for a guy with fewer sacks than AJ Epenesa this season.
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