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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. Little bit of both. The IRS has been woefully underfunded for a long time now, so this isn’t going to help things out.
  2. All this is happening because the right wing has lost. Their positions are now the minority across the board and they’re terrified of it, thus they have to resort to violence and authoritarianism. It’s how the USSR worked late in the game. How sad!
  3. Reminder that Republicans do not give a single crap about the economy so long as they can help the rich out.
  4. Something something Ukraine something something Jewish Space Lasers blah blah imagine if the Dems considered cutting the military budget! All the gravy SEAL, “back da blue” chuds out there would be screeching.
  5. Cowboys are going to be bounced in the wild card round.
  6. Fun game! Glad to see some deep shots working again. I don’t know what’s up with Davis. His body language looks like he’s bored out there.
  7. There should be a gigantic “THIS IS WHY YOU DONT HIRE JOSH MCDANIELS” sign superimposed over the top of the broadcast.
  8. Corporations and the wealthy paid a lot more back in the “good old days” that everyone misses. of course, a land value tax and a carbon tax would go a lot farther, but that’s a discussion for another day …
  9. Another fine, rational take from a fine, rational right winger. Definitely not insecure in his manhood.
  10. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Washington, Adams, et al would be seen as radical Antifa by the right wing.
  11. Yeah, I would much rather Jeffries loudly boos McCarthy like MTG and Boebert did to Biden. that was so classy and not childish at all!
  12. Well they’ve been a little distracted in the prep this week.
  13. That money comes from the military budget, so unless you want to cut that then the Ukraine aid will continue since it’s supported by a majority of congress and the public.
  14. Round 15!! Give it up for Round 15!!!! British parliament wishes it was as ridiculous as this
  15. She’s smart enough to know how to push the buttons of her fan base and beyond. Boebert nearly lost in an R+9000 district
  16. Liberalism =\= communism. I get McCarthyism really sank into your brain back in the day, but do take a political science course. She’s just awful. At least MTG is somewhat intelligent, Boebert barely scraped out a GED and made her whole personality “LOOK AT MUH GUNZ”
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