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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. I wish he would have signed with the Ti-Cats so I could at least root for him
  2. “anti war” protest full of pro-Russia idiots what a surprise
  3. I have never seen a group of people more utterly terrified of things they don't understand. For the record, the "15-minute-city" is an urban planning concept where everything needed for a healthy life is available within a 15-minute radius, with no need for a car. It's designed to create more sustainable, more lively and exciting cities akin to what we had before urban renewal. Naturally, the far right has decided this is some NWO globalist cabal thing that turns cities into prison camps. It has absolutely no bearing on reality beyond something for pathetic, uneducated losers to scream about.
  4. Ian Miles Chong is a known pedophile who wanted to abolish the age of consent FYI
  5. Elon is too busy union busting and banning dissenters
  6. Your eyebrows must get pulled down to your knees whenever you see a picture of Kate Upton
  7. Beane is doing this to distract you from the fact that Frazier is still here
  8. Do we want to trust another Eastern Carolina guy after Zay?
  9. More “government bad” nonsense. can’t wait for some backwater state like Mississippi to decide evolution can’t be taught in schools anymore.
  10. Don’t remind me!! Bad enough we have Omar too.
  11. Yeah I really don't buy that she was a prostitute. So she modeled for some magazines, so what? She's just another young ditzy MAGA chick.
  12. Through NORAD. Trudeau ordered it. What is the national discussion? That Biden let a balloon in? It's already been proven that these balloons have been making their way over here for years. I'm really not surprised.
  13. Ehhh I think he's got way more burst than White was. White was just a big dude with speed; Johnson has way more finesse. Plus, White was a one-year-wonder. I agree with most of what you put here, but it's becoming increasingly questionable if Dawkins is worth what we pay him IMO. He got absolutely eviscerated against the Bengals and I feel that he's played pretty poorly over the last few games. I would KILL to have Mike Gesicki on this team. He's criminally misused in Miami.
  14. Yes lol our national defense keeps working and I will remain zen until something requires me to not be zen. https://globalnews.ca/news/9480589/surveillance-balloon-canadian-forces-response/ We spend a trillion dollars on our armed forces, it's the one thing that neither side can screw up too badly.
  15. Agreed. We need a guard foremost but I think a sneaking need is center.
  16. No no, you misunderstand me. My point is why should I care? Why should any of us care? Let the damn government sort it all out.
  17. Maybe, but our late round WR picks have been iffy (even though I'm high on Shakir and Davis is still a solid WR3). Get a blue chip talent.
  18. What is the story here? Some people think it was aliens? Of course they care, that's why they're elected. They're taking care of the problem; it's not a 9/11-level, all-hands-on-deck situation that people say it is. I'm chilling.
  19. We need weapons. No more dusting off John Brown and Cole Beasley.
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