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Everything posted by Roundybout

  1. What’s wrong with this? Better than self-medicating.
  2. I wonder where that leaves the Raiders, I know Adams really wanted a reunion with Rogers one way or the other.
  3. I don’t even know if he’s nuts, I think he’s taking advantage of very lonely, unwell people for money. Same cloth as Ron “I’m Totally Not Q” Wadkins. Dude grifted tons of money for his senate run, then fled town and came in dead last in the primary.
  4. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I guess the “stop the steal” grift well has dried up, huh? is this what he’s doing in between “baptizing” lonely white trash into his little cult?
  5. It’s commonly given to horses, and many conservatives bought it from veterinary outlets to get their fix. Do you deny this? How does a medicine for tapeworms work on a virus like covid?
  6. That’s my point - democrats became the liberal party while republicans became the Conservative Party. Thus, saying “Democrats did slavery” has no bearing on today.
  7. Has anyone credible proved that it's a "credible" medicine, or are conservatives still dying on this hill?
  8. This is an old picture from years ago when a store had to ban gangsta types from wearing balaclavas in the store.
  9. It's a word that means absolutely nothing and yet gets terminally online boomers so angry. It's Satanic Panic all over again, only this time Iron Maiden isn't going to drop "The Number of the Beast."
  10. Always nice to see another GOPer who doesn't understand how party platforms switched in the mid-20th century.
  11. How would money from the military budget help inflation? Or, could this just be another GOP temper tantrum?
  12. So you support authoritarianism! Thanks for saying it out loud, you anti-American scum. DeSantis is really speedrunning the dictator path huh?
  13. Obama’s foreign policy of “line in the sand” was terrible. Should have helped then.
  14. Why? It's military money and a fraction of what we spent in the Middle East. China's "peace plan" was soundly rejected today. Xi doesn't want to support Russia either. Which countries are "drawn together?"
  15. Per Bills PR. https://www.buffalobills.com/news/bills-announce-leslie-frazier-is-taking-a-year-off-and-other-coaching-changes
  16. We do not have American troops on the ground there, so the coverage is not the same from domestic sources. There are plenty of videos from international sources. This isn’t really difficult to understand, but then you listen to a 62-year-old terminally online poster who goes by CatTurd LMAO
  17. Watson isn't worth what he's paid and he's a better passer than Lamar.
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